The last game you played is now a musou. Is it fun?

The last game you played is now a musou. Is it fun?

I'll start then.

>Heroes of The Storm

A Blizzard musou actually sounds pretty cool.



EDF 4.1

Nothing changes except maybe there are now capture points that spawn more allied troops? Actually that sounds like it could be a good addition.

pick none

>not fun

I detecting a severe case of shit taste.

>Bravely Second

So anyone wants to take a shot at how this is going to work? Cause I have no idea.

I don't know what a mouso is


Tropico 5
A south American dictator murdering countless numbers of his civilians, American/USSR soldiers, and llamas.
Sounds great

Says you turdmuncher. Now fyck off back to some shitty game thread.
Would be fun

i'm already in a musou thread though
and you're munching turds for overworked jap salarymen, literally video game equivalent of pachinko

>is it fun

No, because it's a musou. The two things are mutually exclusive

A musou with a deep combat system? Wouldn't be a musou any more. Having shitty shallow combat is part of the genre. Only musou with decent combat is sengoku basara

>E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
>Slaying hordes of feds, looters and metastreums on Mars with my Damocles

Sounds pretty cool.

I have fun playing musous.


Jetstream Sam DLC

my body is ready

>Dynasty Warriors 8 XL
Yeah, I think it'll be fun

>No Man's Sky

Would make the game 1000 times better

The new Berserk game looks good.

Xenoblade Chronicles

Pokemon GO

Hell yeah

That's basically what the hack n slash (diablo and so forth) genre already is

Before that was Bayonetta I played, and that would effectively be ruined

>Stardew Valley
You have to beat the shit out of living crops to harvest them, then deliver their corpses to the different fortresses to ship them out.

Heroes of Might and Magic 2.

I guess instead of capturing bases you capture mines guarded by mobs?

As long as I can play a Necromancer and slaughter sprites/peasants and build my skeleton army, I could dig it.

>Monster Hunter

Am I hunter going through mobs of monsters...

Or a lone monster fending off tons of hunters?
