Why do they have sewers if they have no toilets, or running water?

Why do they have sewers if they have no toilets, or running water?

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they have, it's just not showed in the game.

They shit in the streets and the rainwater washes the turds down into the sewers.

Only the designated streets though

Rome first major project called the Cloaca Maxima was a sewer system that ran underneath Rome. It was created so that runoff water from the Roman street could be drained into the Tiber River. Perhaps the Imperial City's sewer was originally created for the same thing?

Name 1 (one) game with a fun sewer level/area

Because sewers weren't in the beginning for shit and piss but rainwater mostly?

ninja turtles

the first witcher

i liked the sewers in the imperial city

I want to say Claw but honestly sewers were the worst part of this level

World of Warcraft. Those Dalaran sewers were the ultimate hangout

Dark Souls
Yeah I fucking love blighttown



Resident Evil 2

From Shadows of the Empire?
Those were god awful.

Because it is a video game my autistic friend

Are you honestly this fucking stupid?

the first witcher's sewer segments are fucking awful

you have to stop every 5 seconds to one hit a bunch of drowners and activate a climb animation to get out of the water

That's the depths you mong

Oh I forgot those. I hate sewer levels but I loved the Witcher 1 so much I forgot that the sewer levels were pretty bad. Then there was that really tough guy to beat in the sewers.I did not have cateye or whatever so I could not see ANYTHING, so I had to turn my gamma up to max.

Good times.


This game has the only shown toilets in the star wars universe.

Every TES game has done a shitty job with portraying the passage of time. After 1000 years imperial city should have outgrown the island it's on.

The city is built on a marsh island. If there weren't a drainage system to route water away then the city would flood every time it rained.

>imperial city should have outgrown the island it's on.

The npc where so suicidal in oblivion I doubt they ever had the need to expand.

I love all sewers in VtMB.
Fight me.