

>Enter the Gungeon
>Not below average

Nice nu-taste, faggot.

>check to see what inevitable titles i've played will be under "shit"
>see nothing that i've played

enter the dungeon was like if the binding of isaac was good m8

No, it's like if Nuclear Throne was bad
Isaac even with Afterbirth is still better

then you must have good taste user

Strange, you rarely make your own threads, ACfag

Did something bad happen today?

Fire Emblem is still a good game, even if the story is garbage.

>thinking that afterbirth was good
you have shit taste user

I didn't say it was good.
I said it was better than Gungeon.

there are better options

>No battleborn

fuck off user ur bait is shit

>DooM bad
>nioh, an unreleased game, below average

neck yourself

what's that?

>someone posted OC of mine

some of these games aren't even released yet, b8

>you have to wait for the new Call of Duty to come out to know it's bad
>even though every single installment prior has been mediocre at best, and abhorrent at worse

It's called following a pattern.

>Planet Robobot anything less than 7/10

Well fuck you too

Who is ACfag

>somebody reposts ACfag's OC

>Comparing Nioh, a new IP to Call of Duty

Former tripfag, eternal faggot, repeat offender of low-quality posting

>Wolflame up there at 8/10
You have the absolute worst taste in SHMUPs.

hey its me acfag

Nioh is just a shot-for-shot retread of Dark Souls, and not even a good one at that. And the developer really makes me question if it'll even be good.

>FNAF WORLD, Superhot, Facotrio and Gungion above Overwatch and DOOM

>god tier shite opinions
See name.

wait ACfag is still around?

I've been gone for like two years and he hasn't killed himself yet?

your still alive?


>implying am2r is anything more than a 6/10 at best

To be fair, singleplayer video games are alot more fun than esports.

you must have a pointless life if you actually spent time making that

>image boils down to "it's boring" and "I hate fighting metroids"

Confirmed for never playing Metroid 2.

why do people reply to bait

but factorio is the only good game on the entire list besides am2r


oh yeah how could i forget about all the other great SRPGs that came out recently, like FFTA3 or Shining Force 4.

Unless you are referring to earlier games within the series, which makes more sense

Even FNAF world was a better RPG if only because it had less cringeworthy drama shoved into it. Also, no DRM. That's a plus.

>good tier
>Enter the Gungeon

Nigga, no. NO!

You have really specific, obscure taste, user


It's ACfag, don't encourage it

Factorio is basically goty m8 you want to fight?

Oh shit I didn't even notice. Now I just feel bad for replying.

i had more fun with Shadow Dragon

Can someone explain exactly what's wrong with the list? Does it like spell out a troll message or something?

>Kirby Planet Tenouttaten under fucking FNAF world
>Putting Shantae, Pokemon Sun & Moon, and FFXV in there when they haven't released

This list is fucking retarded

The fuck is this list even? This looks like the most random shit put together in a list that maes no sense at all.

Also, how much autism does it take to create that 'glossary'? Jesus Christ.

>"These are things that I hate"
Ok cool.

Yeah so give it a rating even though it's not out yet. Oh wait never mind that would be retarded.


>includes games that aren't even out yet
What more do you need?

It's made by an obnoxious spammer who does this shit every year, saying literally all games with easy gameplay are 4/10 at best without taking into account literally anything else it offers, and letting minimal things in games make them shoot down the shitter in their ranking. Plus all the unreleased games are automatically ranked in order of expectations, like the CoD game which looks great btw, Shantae, Pokemon Sun & Moon, or FFXV

>cod game
>looks GREAT

>that font

Stopped right there. Put that entire pic in the fucking trash.

Try and see it from this point of view: I can expect quite a bit from the finished product based on a company's track record.

Take a look at From Software for example. Any future game they put out will run at 20 FPS, best case scenario. It'll also be filled with massive glitches when the game first launches. Bloodborne and Armored Core V come to mind.

Take Valve as another example. Their track record is "be as slow as a turtle" so I can expect their new video game to not come out until 2025 at the earliest, and that's not even accounting for how long people have waited for Half Life 3.

As a customer, it's my job to pick up on a reoccurring trend and be wary of companies who don't learn from them. Would it be reasonable for me to assume that Valve would be quick to fix their games and are always releasing new IPs? No, because I've learned that this isn't their constant.

Gungeon is butt, mate
Having Gungeon AND Factorio above Doom, MHX, and SF5 is straight retarded

I cant get behind dark souls 3 being more than awful, borderline bad tier.
Ni Oh, looks definatly more promising than dark souls 3.

>rating games that haven't even been released and that you haven't even played

top kek

>points off for fanservice

No, shit system.

Sorry if you got triggered.

Look at the fucking glossary on the side
>calling Donkey Kong casual gameplay when Tropickle Chees was one of the hardest platformers in recent memory
>anything with "white male protagonist" is thrown in the shitter
>If the game doesn't offer Keyboard + mouse controls it's shit
>If the game doesn't have 720p or above it's total ass, so all 3DS games are bad now
>sex is bad lol
>anything that's popular is shit since Sup Forums discusses it too much
>anything with a high Metacritic score is total shit

To be fair what we have witnessed about Sun&Moon jusy shows how fucking hideous has become and how casual pandering is (yes even more I couldn't believe it until I saw it), but you won't see any hatred here on Sup Forums who's literally casual central.

I bet you liked ds2

Dark Souls 3 runs at 60fps though. And you can't rate games you haven't played just because you don't like the company that makes them. Well you can but that would be retarded.

>anything with a high Metacritic score is total shit
Isn't there some truth to that? Look at Uncharted and Undertale, and I know Sup Forums holds distaste for both of those games. Yet they're rated almost as high as most Zelda games.

Yeah, but Pokemon Sun & Moon looks fucking great so far, and so does Shantae. You just have impossible fucking standards to fill since nothing's cracking even a 9/10, not even from last year.

>Several games that aren't even out or are still in Early Access

Shut the fuck up OP

imagine what would happen if ACfag joined forces with Barneyfag

stop sucking Nintendo's cock user

Correction: it CAN reach 60 FPS, but because of From's inability to stabilize hardware on the PC, it drops, stutters and lags like crazy. Do you even remember how badly the first one ran, to the point of needing a massive 50 gb fan patch?

seeThe game still has a myriad of issues, from lazy pokemon re-designs, continued casualization of the series, the lack of even a decent hard mode, and the fact that at least 500 of the pokemon are completely useless in terms of online play, and not to mention that you have to constantly grind just so you don't die to some kid who leveled up his Charizard by exploiting rare candies. Also, from the information I heard, it took them 50+ installments to realize that you shouldn't force HMs on the player during singleplayer, and yet they still don't offer a better system for managing pokemon moves. For example, why should I need a dedicated NPC who's the only one who can restore moves? Why can't they just remain in a pool of moves that I can access at any given time? You can naturally limit the ones you use in battle to 4 so it isn't broken, but its completely useless to make it such a pain to keep and forget moves.

>no DRM
>he didn't hack his 3DS

Is AM2R actually that good?

I've been kinda having an itch for Metroidvanidas lately, and while both Momodora and Headlander were pretty fun neither of them really scratched it.

where the fuck do i even download it from now?

Shantae isn't Nintendo, and neither is Game Freak. If I was sucking Ninty's cock I'd be trying to defend Star Fox Zero or Federation Force, the latter of which also hasn't released but I'm not too hyped about.

I agree that rating games before they come out is idiotic, but rating an Early Access game is okay because the game is supposed to be in a playable state. The rating may change, but since you can play the game you can say how good it is now.

please cease vital functions

>FNAF World above Kirby
>rating unreleased games

It's pretty damn good. Solid 81/10 and one of the games that deserves its spot.

what have you done

>points deducted for high review scores
>yet Gungeon is at 7 (with an IGN of 8.5)
At least be consistent, m8.

>a free game you can download without any third party hardware or DRM, which gets free DLC on occasion
>a 40 dollar game that encourages being comfy over being challenging

Terrible bait, kys

>please die for not hating the game that i hate


gungeon is a good game tho

Based user, OP loves dicks

>games aren't allowed to be relaxing-fun instead of challenging-fun

c'mon user, that's just silly

Fuck. Theres a new shiren the wanderer? I have the DS one still unopened should I give it a play through?

We all know you only like FNAF because of pyrocynical and his Foxy Avatar, m8.

i would rather not was 40 dollar on a game for kids
when i can play one for free

Wow OP is such a troll
+ meme points

And yet it has good reviews, so it should be deducted points according to the pic.

The game isn't even fucking OUT yet, how can we tell that something like "the continued casualization of the series" is even an issue? The EXP system from Gen 5, which made everything more challenging, is reported to be back. The HM system is finally being revamped, and while it was stupid they hadn't done it beforehand, why should I be mad at the developer for finally doing away with it? The Gym system is also out to the wayside in favor of a new island-based system as well.

Also that thing about not having an ever-changing pool of moves to use? That's so you can't completely bullshit the campaign by reading up on the types of the next Pokemon trainer and relearning moves accordingly. There has to be some drawback to that.

*rather not spend 40 dollars

If I want to relax, I'll rent Uncharted and watch it play itself in one big cutscene. Nintendo of all companies should know that a good challenging game is for people of all ages, whereas "comfy" walking simulators will only appeal to hipsters who think fun and challenge are problematic.

That's just my two cents though.

>40 dollars
>he hasn't hacked his 3DS

I am not op faggot

>calling Kirby a walking simulator
Can't believe Gone Home ripped off Kirby Super Star

Who cares.
This thread sucks.