WoW legion

>Alliance once again sacrifice to save Azeroth from evil
>The Horde once again are a bunch of bloodthirsty cowards who run away
>For the 1000th time Horde fanboys will pretend THEY GOOD BOYS THEY DINDU NOFFIN

Pity Blizzard don't have the balls to totally dismantle the Horde

>playing WoW post Cata

The plot is fucking garbage. What did you expect? Vol'jin getting chosen to be the warchief, congratulating the player on achieving a level of garrison and then dying. Just terrible.

>still giving a fuck about Warcraft lore

Is anyone actually stupid enough to think the Horde will change in any significant way? It would completely ruin the faction system.

go kill horde in nu-dal

I honestly can't believe people still play World of Warcraft. It's done. It's over. The game is garbage. Get a life already. Or at least half a life.

t. played classic, BC, MoP and WoD

Varian was such a pointless character. Did anything good ever come off the comics?

>Alliance and Horde both run into a trap
>Horde is surprised from behind the flank with a large army.
>Gul'dan intentionally divides & conquers, splits the two forces up.
>Horde is getting fucked, lost their entire flank, more demons are coming.
>Vol'jin gets stabbed, orders Sylvanas to call the retreat to scavenge what forces they have left.
>Alliance think they're winning, they push further in.
>Demon bats are suddenly coming in big numbers, picking off the last of the ranger support.
>Gul'dan reveals his hand, summoning a shit load of powerful demons.
>Horde decided to retreat, the Alliance follow - effectively stopping Gul'dans plan of wiping out the vanguard and the Alliance / Horde leaders in a swift blow.

Entire Broken Shores was a trap, which we find out later in Legion. It was smart for both sides to fall back, rather than everyone die.

No ones really at fault, they were being played by the Legion.

>more fraction bullshit
at this point just go to /vg/ if you want to circlejerk about the same dumb shit all the fucking day

>implying Mists was bad beyond the kung fu pandas meme

If the Horde protected the gunship they could have rekt the demons

Yo dude it's a good thread Rep that alliance but like leave a like for my nigga harambe gone to soon

>the great and powerful "leaders" of the Horde and an army of their "heroes" couldn't handle some bats and felguards
Literally useless.

Did you actually play the scenario or just watch the video?

Because Gul'dan summons in every named demon boss from the past 12 years.

The only reason you used to think Warcrafts story was this fantastic thing was because you just so happened to be young at the time user.

It was always fairly awful, with little sprinkles of interest in it, now its just awful with little sprinkles of worse in it because they are creatively bankrupt.

The truth is, they need to just kill WoW, and get the second version out the door, updated visuals and so forth, giving the players a far newer experience, in a much broader land, new everything.

They wont


I quit for half of Cata, all of Mists, and WoD after 2 months. I just came back for the expansion shit and Demon Hunters were something I always wanted to play.

I'm not really sure what's going on with all the floating demon ships, Illidari appearing outta nowhere and Gul'dan being alive though

dicks out :^)

>The great and powerful "leaders" of the Alliance and an army of their "heroes" couldn't handle 2 waves of demons.

Literally useless.


>Alliancecucks still crying about how the Horde """bailed""" on them despite the fact that Horde were facing larger numbers, getting bombed by spaceship lasers and getting overwhelmed while Alliance could barely keep it together against far less numbers and no spaceships

Sylvans should just blight bomb all you faggots.

mustve not gotten the memo

This is Guldan from the WoD time travel AU thing

unrelated, you can get a free character boost by pre-ordering Legion, applying the boost, and getting a refund

Protect with what? The Horde were about to be wiped out. That's the entire point of it of them being split up; Gul'dan wanted to overwhelm both forces divided. The Horde ran up there thinking they could give cover largely unharmed, as the gate was the main objective. They didn't realize portals would start opening up, among being bombarded with Legion space ship nonsense. They didn't leave the Alliance to die for the meme factor, rather out of preservation of their leaders and forces that hadn't been slaughtered in the ambush.

A lone gunship would have done nothing, the dark rangers were being picked off already by the bats among with just about every iconic named demon from the last 10-12 years being summoned behind him with a swarm of meat-shields.

Then we see the gunship gets fucked by a big Legion construct anyway.

Not really. Legion has millions and millions of troops. Unwinnable battle.

And the Alliance has really fucking huge guns with which to turn the portal into a pile of rubble and demon guts

Low key the most bullshit part was Fordring dying like a bitch and screaming as it happened.

He's one of the most powerful guys on Azeroth, pretty much the reason we beat the Lich King, and he went out like that

Also why the fuck is Gul'dan so powerful now

>visit new Dalaran
>some parts broken or destroyed
>wonder what that's all about
>finish questline
>suddenly demons
Not sure what I was expecting.

You played WoD for 2 months? Do you know the basic premise of WoD? Gul'dan plays a major role the entire time. He's not only in the game's cinematic, he's even in the Tanaan intro.

I wonder if Blizzard knew the amount of pointless shit flinging the broken shore would create

So what happened story wise?

If you don't know the lore behind the demon lords Gul'dan summoned in then this discussion is pointless.

>why the fuck is Gul'dan so powerful now

Because blizzard went full marvel comics and don't know what else to do, since lich king the story of warcraft is just a bunch of bullshit

wait the dalaran quest is up? How do you start it?

>implying it's not dreadlords shitposting to rally alliance and horde against eachother

>legion invaded
>horde and alliance go to stop them
>we find the argent crusade BTFO
>Tirion randomly dies
>Horde say "fuck this" and run away
>Vol'jin dies
>Alliance get overwhelmed
>Varian sacrifices himself so the other alliance leaders survive

I went to Orgrimmar. There's a new portal to Dalaran.

>Alliance runs from a bunch of 70 elites that they should have been able to one shot

Garrosh would win with only a bunch of orcs on his side

>you'll never be captured by Sylvanas and raped by her and her dark ranger qts

>Pre-expansion quests
>Go hit some mobs for ilvl 700 gloves
>Now Dalaran's being attacked
>Nothing else just fuck you here's a permanent invasion

I bet he was laughing his ass off when he tweeted that.

Varian exploded in green, so I'm assuming he'll be a raid boss at some point

>Vol'jin dies

I'm actually really mad and I haven't paid attention to WoW lore since WC3. That guy was the shit fuck everything.


The new quest chain ends when I gave the tome or it's there something that I'm missing?

He literally did nothing important.


He ran out of blessings.

Shouldn't have ran off like a retard thinking he was an unbeatable super saiyan jesus and could solo the Legion.

I'd imagine it'll continue next week but yeah odd place to end it. Was not expecting to go back to those old places

Meanwhile in mythic dungeons
These retards managed to wipe Roltall

Alliance standing in Legion:
"Council of Three Hammers"

Horde standing in Legion:

Whose worse off? Alliance has the worst offenders in don't do anything leaders but atleast they exist I guess.

Nope, that's the end of it.

Lets talk about sad.

Lets talk about how the horde had to fight off FAR MORE than the alliance did (Ground troops, aerial troops, and fucking spaceships) and yet we held the line and even managed to evacuate everyone without the need of one of us having to sacrifice himself for the rest. Meanwhile, a fucking alliance gunship with enough artillery on both sides to flatten a city, can't get a fel reaver to release its grip on it, despite having nearly a dozen cannons trained on him. AT POINTBLANK RANGE.

Lets talk about how the horde refused to retreat until most of our army was wiped out by the orbital bombardment by the legion spaceships, and 3 out of 4 of our leaders were down, one of them fatally injured. While the alliance was perfectly okay, all four of their leaders were fine, most of their army was intact, yet the minute, THE SECOND, that things began to look bad, they didn't hold the line, they ran away immediately.

Lets talk about how the plan was that the horde would buy the alliance time to do its part of the job on that cliff, and the alliance had to charge through and finish the legion down there, yet even though the horde did its part of the job (We bought you the time you needed) Varian wasted this precious time making fancy speeches instead of shutting up and getting the job done (Sylvanas had to at one point scold Varian with the perfect "Less chatting Wrynn, KILL HIM ALREADY!!!").


>Trolls are so garbage they don't even have any lore characters besides Vol'jin
>lol let's kill him


He was awesome though.

>Selling slot in HFC for 250k, PST!
>On last boss!

What did they mean by this besides them trying to get you to pay to help them?

but they just did, the horde just changed to pussy/cowards

Lets talk about how despite not having to deal with even half the shit the horde was facing up on that cliff, your side was still completely incapable of reaching gul'dan and end all of this, even though, as mentioned above, all four of your leads were perfectly okay, you only had ground troops to deal with, you had air support and we didn't, and one of your leaders was piloting a fucking battlemech. What, was it too hard to shoot a missile barrage at gul'dan or something?

Lets talk about how when all its said and done, and a massive crippling defeat is delivered to BOTH sides, the horde's first and immediate concern is about reorganizing, regrouping, and starting to plan the next assault, all of the horde united in solidarity in this moment of dire need, while the alliance is bitching, whining, bickering amongst themselves, and moaning about perceived backstabs betrayals and abandonment issues instead of focusing on the real menace here, which they KNOW they can't defeat by themselves.

The Alliance is fucking pathetic.

That file name in OP's pic.

It makes me think of what if for this battle Varian and the Stormwind humans were replaced by Mr Ambition and his army.

He drops a mount that I'm assuming you'll get. I'm guessing they don't need your help to kill the last boss, but they want to make some extra gold.


I would say please never breed, but that's not really your call anyways

you're forgetting magni who is confirmed active and is going back to ulduar

Does Blizzard even give a shit about any remaing character besides Thrall at this point?

Lore, lore lore.

Why did it look like people sent a shit army anyway? Why did Fordring go on alone with his organisation?

Go pick your next character:

>Will be completely new
>You CAN'T go back to any other character until it's level 100
>If your roll makes an impossible combination because of race, pick the immediate next one or just roll again
>If you die... nothing happens. Just respawn.

>you only had ground troops to deal with

And by "ground troops" you mean every notable demon encountered in the last 12+ years?

So basically the end of this expac is gonna be Azeroth herself waking up, knowing that we have protected her all these years, going to sweet talk Sargeras into withdrawing the Legion and sparing us and in return we will agree to fight the Void Lords with Sargeras.

>Hordefags going "well it was an unwinnable battle no one would have survived"

Horde confirmed for least likely to sacrifice to save the world

fuck it, roll

Can we then bang Azeroth in her Titan puss?

They don't even do anything you dumb ass.

rolling, just to see

rolling rolling rolling

roll, its easy with invasion free exp afk lvling

why don't these fucking slaves kill these demons faster, I need my free xp and it's taking even longer than ever now

Not anymore. Blizz nerfed it hard today.

Is Tank Druid good in Legion?

I want to boost another tank since I have a Prot Warrior, but I'm not decided if Druid or DK would be better for the job.

Now everyone knows about it so the only people in your level bracket are leeches AFKing.

>Didn't even do voice acting for lots of the pre expansion quests

Fuck they're lazy now


Lets see if I get one I already play.

Is there more to the demon invasions now? I heard some cuck in a thread yesterday mentioning how something in ulduar and the new dalaran are going to happen before the expansion?

anyone high enough level to queue for the Broken Shore can one shot any of the demons that spawned other than Tichondrius

the alliance have a full batallion of brainwashed paladins to do that

"nerfed" no, they just readjusted, its the same amount because invasions are faster now

last week was 4 hours invasion cooldown, now its 3 hours or 2 hours cd


voice acting is a waste of fucking money and is only good for cutscenes


Help please

They halved the XP from each invasion, and increased the number of invasions.

Now they take longer because more people are spread out and less people are doing them altogether because of the XP reduction.

The problem is the next quest in the line takes you to the Legion zone.

If you did the Broken Shore quest then when you log in you'll get a new quest that will take you to Dalaran, Ulduar and Kara.

rollan for a new class


Wait, so does that mean we'll get to go to the Broken Shore temporarily next week or that we won't be able to finish the questline for another 2 weeks?

just roll my shit up senpai

might as well


rolling for great justice
