>witcher 3 has bad combat
when will this meme end?
Witcher 3 has bad combat
Other urls found in this thread:
When it has good combat
Never because combat was shit.
The combat is absolute floaty garbage with no tact at all. You can't control the way Gerald is even going to attack he just does a random 1 of 3 different attack per. Button. It's shit.
it's either button mashing against enemies with much life/high level, or 1 hit kills against weak enemies.
Also every sign except igni and quen is useless
what is it about witcher 3 that makes faggots like you complain about it when you haven't even played it?
Combat looks nice yes.
Plays like fucking trash.
This is like one thing most of Sup Forums can agree on, its not even a meme, its a fact
>every sign except igni and quen is useless
You've clearly been playing on easier difficulties without any skill investment in signs.
The combat isn't bad, as it allows for TACTI-COOL mechanics like in OP's webm.
However, they shouldn't let players just spam a single attack to be able to take out enemies.
You know how the wraith fights go? How Yrden was necessary to slow it down to be able to hit etc? I feel like every enemy in the game should have had at least that level of complexity to fight instead of just dodge + attack. They should have made some enemies that were virtually invulnerable unless you threw a bomb or shot a crossbow at the right moment (e.g. like the griffins/cockatrices). And made spamming attacks completely ineffective.
still it's leagues above any combat bethesda has created and considering the scope of the rest of the game and the fact that this is CDPR's first open world-game, it's very impressive. Not as good as the souls games but it still has one of the most enjoyable combat systems in WRPGs.
i played on the highest difficulty until i had to fight the god damn tutorial griffin for 30 min, after that i switched to mid difficulty, and the combat is still a burden, and a nuisance for every quest
git gud
To expand on this. Take for example the potion black blood. It would have been so great if it was much more effective than it's current state, and perhaps the only way to fight monsters that sucked your blood. Instead I hardly used it since taking damage was so punishing.
Decoctions could have been more varied and had more unique effects.
Does the GOTY edition fix the shitty combat?
I don't know how you can be that bad at a simple combat system.
The early fights take forever because you've got no gear but that quickly changes.
>still it's leagues above any combat bethesda has created
that's not much
> this is CDPR's first open world-game
that has nothing to do with the combat
It's definitely not good but that webm is making it look worse than it actually is
It's a major improvement over the first 2 but it still isn't close to dark souls. Even regular movement is bad compared to dark souls movement.
The other signs are far from useless.
It's just that you're a little pussy bitch who can only go for the most OP stuff and not see anything else.
Why did you ask a question in the first post and spend the rest of the tread deflecting answers or pulling out red herrings?
Use the Enhanced Edition mod you fucking pleb retards.
>It's a major improvement over the first 2
lol no, it's a compete downgrade from w2
Funny how every time someone tries to defend the combat, they always have to show one button press finishers.
Heh, funny don't you think?
>30 minutes fir tut griffin
Nigger, you suck cock at games.
How? I haven't played witcher 2 in a year or 2 (and I didn't finish it) but I remember being so frustrated at it that I gave up. I bought witcher 3 on a whim and thought it was great and the combat to be way better and more fluid
Decoctions do have very unique effects. The problem is, most of them are just too situational to be of any use at all.
his attacks are slower, he takes too much damage and everything stuns him
Not if you're alchemy build lmao
>25% heal from every potion
>can chug your entire catalogue while using honey that resets bar and heals you too
Must have healed my full health bar at least 10 times during the fight against Detlaf
>actual hitboxes instead of just hitting the enemy if you are aiming at them
>double the evasive maneuvers
>potions are actually useful
>more fluid
>geralt walks instead of running around
In 2 or 3?
>this is the kind of people that bitches about the witcher's combat
Are you retarded?
The game throws alot of useless potions your way you can use for healing, using decotions doenst make much sense considering how much toxicity they give and you can only have one white honey iirc.
Furthermore you're basically saying you suck at the game. I had an alchemy build as well, but didn't need the healing skill thing. Just use ekhidna, the HP steal decoctions and you're pretty much set with a few swallows.
Not too mention that that skill has shit all to do with the effects if the decoctions themselves.
Were you trying to prove your point with that webm?
I'm not saying you have to, I'm just saying its piss easy to abuse for practically infinite healing.
Toxicity really isn't an issue when you can clear it 5 times per fight.
And my point And my point was that the effects of the decoctions themselves are mostly uninteresting because they're too situational.
I agree with most of their direct affects, but they're clearly useful just for the healing. That's shit yes, but "any use at all" is just wrong.
Except I was clearly talking about the unique effects in that post. But whatever.
Sup Forums is eternally butthurt about witcher (deservingly) winning GOTY so they came up with the 'combat is shit' meme because it's the only thing in the game that is not a 10/10
>not installing the Disable Soft-lock mod
full fucking pleb
3. Geralt in w2 is fast as fuck and can take a hit, so all the nerfs in w3 make him feel like a little bitch.
That's the opposite of my experience. W2 Geralt was slow and clunky, W3 was more like Arkham with swords
>different than slow and clunky
sounds like youre bad at both games, because witcher 2 was fast paced if you weren't retarded and witcher 3 gives you about 3 times as many combat options as arkham, so if you played witcher 3 on a normal difficulty, spent the entire time parrying human enemies, and felt like that was fast I can't even imagine how bad at video games youa re
>lvl 25
>walk around the world exploring shit
>meet lvl 30 bandits
>they kill me in 2 hits while I need to club them 40 times with my super enhanced one billion times folded steel sword
Explain this bullshit OP.
30 is a larger number than 25
just let me know if you need help with anything else
>W2 Geralt was slow and clunky
Nah, you can see the comparison in the first 20 seconds. w2 Geralt was a fucking whirlwind of steel and magic.
OP here. i'm not a fan of the importance of leveling either
>play on Death March
>lvl 7, gathering the Griffon plans near the harpy hunting grounds
>level 14 Wyvern patrols the area where those plans are
>can't get them without entering combat
>spend 15minutes spamming quen and dodge to get rid of the fucking wyvern
Jesus that was fucking stupid shit
a game has top tier combat or it has dog turd unplayable combat, there's no in-between here
also good luck trying to find RPGs with good combat
The reason they didn't tie enemy types to certain levels is still beyond me.
you could have done it quicker if you were better at the game
i.e. not using quen because you don't need something to bail out a mistake that you make over and over again during the fight
>character can backstep unlimited times like some sort of superhuman grasshopper
>enemies seem to be blind old man, helplessly stumbling around just waiting to be killed
>their attacks are literally in slow motion
>somehow the player still managed to almost jump right into on of their attacks
>meanwhile the player cuts through all 3 of them with a single lightning speed attack
>somehow the faget that played there even felt the need to use one of the no cost whatsoever op it's magic I aint go to explain shit, because otherwise he couldn't have beaten those cripples
>some tougher fights require the player to use the same op moves a couple times more often
you sure showed what you spoonfed manchildren expect for good combat
Typical CDPR shill line of defense.
>get defensive
>deflect to another game
>bring up "muh gotys"
They simply can't argue their game on its own merits because its own merits define it as a mediocre game with a well told (albiet generic and frankly, uninteresting) story.
Literal cinematic trash
the combat isn't bad, Sup Forums is just filled with crybabies that think good combat is shit where you don't get fucked to death in under a second if you fuck up.
I enjoy the combat of W3 but that webm is awful. OP achieved the opposite of what he wanted.
i'm playing on deathmarch and all i do is dodge and attack. most of the time i don't use signs because the are shit.
i've only skilled shit like parry arrows, more life and this thing that regenerates life when it's day. tier 1 and 2 shit
i'm 83 hours into the game and have no problems. deathmarch is so fucking easy that all i care is if my gear is around my level
Personally I don't really mind the softlock after playing with a controller for a while, but I would like to see a mod that takes the randomness out of Geralt's attack animations. I can see why they'd want variety and flair and an impressive looking moveset, but I hate that when you attack there's like a 33% chance that the attack will take three times as long to execute and leave you completely vulnerable.
In the books, I always got the impression that the point of Geralt's pirouettes is to dodge while simultaneously starting an attack, but in TW3 the pirouette is just there to make your attack animation take way longer to execute while leaving you open to enemy attacks. If it has to be in the game, at least give the pirouette some gameplay reasons to exist, like functioning as a combined dodge and attack or SOMETHING.
it's just sony ponies who are butt hurt that no one cares about blunderborne
then don't just spam attack. side step their attacks then go to town when you have an opening. that or open with a heavy strike, stagger them and then do your furry of fast attacks
>kids play game on easy where combat doesn't matter
>complain combat is shit
It's floaty and slippery and generally feels like shit to control.
it's not surprising though, it's a western action game not based around shooting so of course it's fucked up.
Except most monsters can break out of stagger out of the blue with attacks that have practically nonexistant startup, and that still doesn't address the lack of a practical use for spinning attacks that don't do anything other than take longer to execute than a normal quick slash or stab.
Just to be clear, I'm saying that the flashy looking attacks have no purpose other than to look cool, when there's no good reason why they couldn't have a practical use too. In the context of the books they make sense because their use is explained and justified, but in the context of the game? Why would Geralt ever use a pirouette and not just always do one of those really quick slashes or stabs that have a quick startup and doesn't leave him vulnerable?
The problem is the difficulty scaling is terrible
The game should be started on easy and slowly moved up until you're at max difficulty around level 20-25. That's how I played it and it worked really well. You learn the ropes in the beginning and the difficulty amps up once you start getting more powerful, so you are just slicing through everything.
The game's biggest issue in general is the difficulty. It would have worked a lot better with just one setting and the game being balanced around that, instead of this shit selection of unbalanced choices.