Gawker Bought by Univision

>After being driven into bankruptcy by pro wrestler Hulk Hogan and Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel, Gawker Media was acquired today by Univision for $135 million, Recode reports. The sale marks an end to nearly a decade and a half of independent blogging outside of corporate ownership, the influence of which can be felt far and wide across digital media today.

Fuck everything.

>08/16/16(Tue)20:01:16 No.348646231
Univision? Isn't that some Mexican soap opera network?

is a mexican multimedia network but they operates on USA not Mexico

I assume it is still going to be shit.


Well it if is that, it's actually an American based company though.

So the Ziff Davis deal didn't go through, or is it just the stuff Ziff didn't want?

First they bought out Wami-TV and turned my childhood into Telemundo, and now they bought Kotaku.

they got outbid by the mexicans

kind of glad that the same company doesn't own them and ign tbqdesu

>independent blogging
Does anyone have a link to that article that said NONE of Gawker's subdivisions could officially be considered ethical journalism? They had their fingers in so many fucking cookie jars it wasn't even funny.

> getting outbid by Mexicans
how embarrassing


wait a sec....isn't univision owned by universal....which is owned by Comcast?

mexicans chinese and muslims buying tons of western media outlets then using them to promote immigration and other shit

this is sickening.

IIRC, Saban owns univison. So i guess he owns gawker now too.

What the fuck are you talking about


That's Telemundo.

never mind. seems like univision partners with NBC all the time but they're not actually the same company


this is relevant to my interests

>claims to be a real american
>instead of buying gawker and fixing it he allows it to be sold off to foreigners just like everything else in this country
what a fag

Ah, that's what I was thinking of.

Too bad, here I thought Comcast was finally going full evil.

This is so awful it's comical.

top kek, it actually does

>>independent blogging
Ahahahhha the madmen telling it like it is. Journalism my ass hahaha.

americans with coca-cola, walmart, 7eleven and others companies destroying the economy around the world

And all that money that Gawker got sold for is going into the hands of Hulk Hogan legal fees. You can live comfortably knowing that this is the end of Gawker Media the final nail in the coffin. Now they belong to corporate media.

What have Muslims and Chinese bought

>The sale marks an end to nearly a decade and a half of independent blogging outside of corporate ownership

Thank god Gawker is finally dead. With corporate comes responsibilities and the destruction of personal agendas being able to be expressed. They can't be lawless lazy idiots anymore that push their agendas through articles, now they are under the heel of a corporate entity having to fall under their agendas instead. This is a day of celebration.

>bought by Univision
>tfw Stephen Tortilla is becoming a reality