What games are missing in my colection, Sup Forums?

What games are missing in my colection, Sup Forums?

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what happened to your hand ruggarel?

or are you his wife's son?

Thank you.


So, any good games worth it in the Ps4?
I played Uncharted 4, I like weebo shit.

Maybe try furi?

Noose: The Game

>white people on Sup Forums
REEEEEEE go back to Sup Forums

Solbrain Knight of Darkness

Hello Sony brother!


A qt gf is missing

>No Weeb games on a PlayStation

>blatantly no Dark Souls 1

Wow... So I guess this... is the power... of the PS4... huh...

how do so many people have bloodborne copies that hover?

Street Fighter?

Gta v
The last of us
Uncharted 4

>White hand
Please laugh at this cuck

>I like weebo shit

Games in general

>any racing game
>any nintendo games
>star wars battlefront 2

This one my famalam.

wow people still remember that game? my grandpa used to talk about it

>black dude

holy shit the memes were real

My PS4 doesn't get to the boot screen
How do fix
>turn on
>blue light
>just stays there, fading in and out
I've tried changing HDMI cables, taking in and out the HDD, stepping on it
I am at my wits end and am not going to send it back to just get a refurb because it's signed by Norman Reedus.


fist me

even your wrist has a neckbeard

>All these shitty games

So should I get a Playstation 4 instead of the Xbone I was planning on

It seems like that's where all the hot games are

Why do white people think they're allowed to post here?

Take dark souls 2 and put it in a bin.

Good game.

Where can I pre-order this?

Hello man! I'am not a Sony brother, though.

She is shy.

All digital, baby.

>DaS 1
Dumb fox poster

I like Juri, but I need to bought her, right?

All digital and good games.

Nah, I'am not in this meme.

Not for me.

>Don't like racing games
>I have these ones

Yeah I don't know why you'd consider an Xbone, ever.

People will meme about PS4 but you'd be better buying a PC and either a PS4 or Wii U (depending who's exclusives you like) than ever getting an Xbone.

Neither have much. In terms of exclusives you're looking at Halo, KI, the Rare collection, and Forza vs Bloodborne and Gravity Rush afaik

Hey you aren't Ruggarell

tfw no w102

The last of us, ratchet and clank etc

chuck it down a hill

Digimon Cyber Sluts