Can we get a No Man's Sky thread for people who enjoy the game? Reddit fags who only like to bitch about it, fuck off...

Can we get a No Man's Sky thread for people who enjoy the game? Reddit fags who only like to bitch about it, fuck off. Complain and don't have any fun in another thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

I pirated it, didn't follow the hype, and I enjoyed for a couple of hours.

Dev is shit-tier tho

So far having fun, granted Im at like 6 hours in. I get why people can h8 the game, I just like it so far. Btw, fuck pirates, hate them and never have been able to beat them, any advice?

Shit game
shit dev
shit fans

Announcing possible DLC which sucks.
It is pretty fun overall

kill yourself

you can discuss the game on many other sites so stop with your contrarian movement bullshit

see I even took the time to reply to your attention seeking bait thread so you should be satisfied unless you need as much attention as you take cock in your ass

I don't know how developers are ok with the blatant attacks this game gets on features that didn't make it into the game. I hope, at some point, other devs come to the the aid of Murray and his team because this type of witch hunt is created just to kill a game studio because some don't like the game or didn't like that a game was getting so much hype.

Small teams need to market their games and need to show unfinished version of their game to get any sort of market space. Leeway needs to be given to any team to make the right decisions on whats best for their game. I understand the multiplayer complaint but most of this is list is just petty and hate. NMS sycophants are disgusting but so are the people on the other side who are trying to destroy the game studio who spent 3 years trying to create their game.

join em ;^)

Because they have shit tons of your money that they made by lying through their fucking teeth.

How the fuck do you think?

How the fuck do you go from Joe Danger to No Man's Sky?

>Sup Forums enjoying
>reddit bitching

what the fuck happened

>what if someone made a game and put nothing in it?
truly forces you to ponder

been playing for about 10 hours, starting to get bored

Event the game think's it's repetitive

It flip flops. One side becomes more vocal than the other for a bit if they see nothing but the opposite side on the board.

seriously just wanted to talk about the game, but you fucking 12 year olds can't control your little prepubescent cocks whenever you see anything No Man's Sky related, so you can hop right back on to the bandwagon of hate.

OP don't listen to these no life trolls (more than half of them don't even play games and the ones that do are just casuals at best)

The game is good, great in some aspects if you will but still does the job of letting you actually explore.

Kids these days are too ADD and have the attention span of a gold fish in heat (if that's possible)

NMS has the most relaxing exploration available at the moment, and things are only going to get better.

Who gives a fuck if they decide to release some shitty DLC in the future, No Man is making you buy it. I make my own money and I can choose to spend it on whatever the fuck I want. (I even bought all 5 season passes for Dead or Alive, but not all at once lol)

Get a job and support your habits. Whatever they may be.

I'll see you faggots on the other side (or not)

Oh, the game is great, moody, and makes you rethink your purpose in life.
But it would be really great if Hello Games could fix my save. I'm not deleting 19 hours worth of gameplay.

here's your (you)

I plan to pirate it if they add any cool features in the fututre

>Asking for a thread for people who enjoy the game
>Directly rips into anyone who disagrees with your opinion by insulting their character

Assuming this isn't BAIT, this is gonna be a shit thread and you have no one to blame but yourself.

if Sup Forums defines itself by its rejection of reddit I don't want to be here anymore

WHY THE FUCK DOES Sup Forums HAVE TO BE THE PLACE? you completely disregard the comment and continue with your fucking agenda

What agenda?

the hipster contrarian movement

I'll give you that one. It wasn't bait, but I'm just kinda being a little bitch because I'm fed up with the band wagon of hate.


I don't mind people having issues with the game. It's far from perfect. Just don't think it deserves all the hate it's getting.

Shit game, fuck off back to r]eddit/neofag you faggot

So I'm not allowed to enjoy the game without being a contrarian hipster? Okay guess that's what I am. We done?

no you fucking retards this is just not the fucking site where you can have that discussion even though you are trying to force it because of your stupid agenda how fucking retarded are you?

It's a video game board you autist. Stop pushing your agenda as you sheep to whatever the popular opinion is because you can't think for yourself.

See I can do it too.

no I'm saying you can't properly discuss it here while on many other sites you can, you go out of your way to push some fucking discussion here because others need to understand that you are contrarian

Just watch..

of all places you want the civil discussion to take place here

>just fuck my shit famalam

True, because retards like you come in to vomit your shit everywhere

Enjoy your paid DLC for an incomplete shovelware game that you spent $60 on.

no, not on like tumblr or wherever the hugbox for this game is formed

Fuck off shill

Reported for advertising. There isn't a single person enjoy this game.

>linking Reddit shit
Wow this website REALLY has gone downhill

Maybe if they didn't charge $60 or their game they wouldn't be getting the lash. The gaming market has evolved to cater to the elite who have the resources to make full-priced titles. fuck off if you can't get with the program, it's going to stay fucked up

inventory management is tedious and dumb

>pre-ordering a game from unreputable indie developers

Although I'm sure most got their refund, that's just a stupid move on it's own.

Either way, I bought it day 2 after watching it. ~12 hours in at the moment. All small annoyances aside, it's comfy and chill as far as game play is concerned. Looks like the latest demo's they showed leading up to it so i'm not sure why everyone threw a bitchfit saying it's not what they were expecting. Probably saw trailer 3 years ago and haven't payed attention since.

PC version needs some substantial attention though. Some of the problems are understandable day one bullshit from companies too small to do thorough testing. Some are just inexcusable.

>Falling for the biggest bait

He's not even acting like a retard. He's trying to help you find out he's baiting as easily as possible

I also don't get why people compare it to elite dangerous and shit. Clearly this game isn't for everyone so go play elite dangerous for elite dangerous style of content! Comfy space exploration. Nothing more.

>doesnt know a single word of a said alien language
>throws 10 iron in the alien face
>somehow he manages to tell you that bdgejhs means rare, hausg means ally and sdyuwe means beans, in his own language
>you understand, because fuck logic

Try out the new experimental patch (assuming you got it off of Steam). Improves performance substantially

The thing is, you don't need to explore beyond the first 2~3 gaalxies. You've seen it all by then.

2-3 galaxies is a lot

I'll defend the game over and over but this video always makes me kek

2~3 stars I meant

>Can we get a No Man's Sky thread for people who enjoy the game?


Not even the general thread is safe from that, you'll just have to deal.

I didn't buy into the hype. But was interested in this.

Saw the negative reviews and decided to "try before I buy".

Have to admit I enjoyed it but there seems to be a lot of cut content. If this was an alpha prerelease for 20 dollars I would buy it immediately. But since this is the finished product and it's 60 dollars I just can't bring myself to buy it.

It's a shame because there's so much potential and what is there is a good foundation for what could be a good game but there's just so many things missing.

It's a shame.

Where the fuck do the way-points go when you discover them ? i discovered like 10 and the list only shows the default 6.

Also i haven't left the first planet and i already have the full multi-tool with all the upgrades.

the power of lies


So i'm in a little predicament... Still in first stystem and had used the one warp cell obtained on beggining ship. Start making money and decide to buy a bigger badder bitch. Little did I know the bigger badder bitch came with ZERO hyperdrive fuel. NOW i'm stuck with zero hyper drive fuel, all planets in the system discovered up and down, hell, not even the markets have anti matter to sell. Also I can't craft because you unlock the recipe in the second system you reach.. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DOO BEEN LIKE THIS ALL DAY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

A lot of stuff you see here was posted to /r/all first.

That page always has good stuff. The kind of posts you have to lurk for 5 days to find here.

I was in the exact same pickle but I can't remember for the life of me what I did to get out...

Apparently its been a big problem.

what's the name of the show with joel mchale?

>this blasted

Any word on when they'll fucking fix the pc port?

or maybe just correct

Plz remember

This, you're fucking retarded, OP. Sup Forums is 99% of people making fun of this nu-male shit and reddit is nothing but sycophantic apologists.

They have a sticky detailing all the things Sean lied about

Is it a bandwagon if it's true?

>tells him to go back to his hugbox because he can't handle someone else who has a different opinion of the game


That doesn't mean Sup Forums is the opposite and now loves this hidden gem.

I never said they weren't, merely that reddit has a sticky pointing out a large number of lies.

So much of the flak could have been avoided if Sean was just honest about the lack of a multiplayer component.

When did they patch in the fun?

One of the big ones mentioned is lack of desert planets, but that's just not true. The current version of the game definitely has dessert planets.

Time to end my life. Although dessert planets would be pretty lit.

I am a longtime PC gamer. There are people who need multiplayer in a game in order to enjoy the experience. I do not need other people in my game to enjoy gaming. I enjoy immersive sandbox solo play such as survival single player Minecraft, The Elder Scrolls series, Kerbal Space Program, and so many others. I'm about 10 hours into No Man's Sky and I am enjoying it. I must admit, it feels a lot like I am enjoying vanilla Minecraft for the very first time (I am one of the rare few who actually played and enjoyed Minecraft PC while it was still a web browser app). In other words, No Man's Sky seems like it can be a GREAT platform for a modding community just like Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program are, but only if No Man's Sky was designed from the start to be modded. I see the potential for some great mod packs in No Man's Sky's future (I'm thinking Feed The Beast modpacks here). The developers would be absolute buffoons if they didn't create NMS with the full intention to lure modders into the game. If NMS becomes modded, NMS has the potential to become one of the alltime great video games.

I think it was really shitty of Sony to allow NMS to be released to the PC knowing that it would fail to work on most PCs. I got it working by following the instructions in this post -

I enjoyed refunding it after an 1 hour

It's really good fun if you are stoned.

>found a really nice verdant planet that looks like the one they showed at e3. Pity the game doesn't play nice with nVidia so I can't record it. Exept FRAPS exists.

>Implying Reddit hates the game

Fuck off, we're full.

make your own antimatter

>hidden gem

I don't know enough about the way No Man's Sky for the PC was crafted. If NMS was coded with the full intention to allow the game to be modded by the public, then NMS is truly a hidden gem. If the NMS devs didn't create the framework with the intention to allow for modding, NMS is going to eventually fall into the dustbin of history with other over-hyped, poorly-developed video games. The potential sure is there in NMS for an alltime great game but only if there is opportunity for modders to fully realize its potential.

>enjoy the game

PC patch when?

>Losing in a sandbox game


Probably soon. Experimental patch seems pretty far along

You want to know what the worst part of No Man's Sky is, besides the obvious amount of lies? I can see where this game could be fun. It has a solid foundation for which to build on, but instead of a well structured and developed experience we have... this. It's a bare-bones grindfest that's endgame is simply to repeat itself.

I can see the gem hidden beneath the surface, but the devs never brought it anywhere close to its full potential. In a game that's only driving force is the player, you can't expect them to want to continue doing the same grind for hours and planets on end.

27 slot ship that looks like a dragonfly and a 43 slot exosuit with all the best weather resistance mods, just started exploring class O systems and getting a fuck ton of chrysonite and titanium. Got 6 mil units. And a 16 slot multitool with a rapid fire shotgun, a rail gun, and homing grenades. Why am I addicted to this fucking game?

I have to say that the planets get much better in the higher class systems but still, no giant sand snakes or stampeding rhinos busting down trees. Was able to find a few systems that had been discovered before me. Still getting new dialogue or interactions every now and then.

All in all, even though I personally love the game and can't stop playing, it isn't worth 60 and it's fucking shitty that the devs lied about so much. I'll probably play it for another week and then just wait for some substantial content updates. Might buy DLC for it despite how much of a shit lord it will make me feel like.

The game is only half as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be and even then if you like this kind of game like I do you'll probably get some enjoyment from it. Still, don't drop 60 on this unless you're like me and don't give a shit about how Sean Murray is a piece of shit or how the game is 30 bucks more than it should be.

Game would have been decent if not for the following problems

>Mining gun is boring as hell
>99% of what you mine is just junk
>Inventory system cripples game pace
>Absolutely nothing to do on most planets
>All planets and monsters are basically the same boring thing
>No end game content at all worth caring about

Should have been a $10 game that supports community modding

Cant understand why this took so long, even with a small team.

They obviously pulled a 3d realms and wasted the majority of their development time to milk the Sony money.

Your ship has an auto lock cannon, how could you not beat them?

I've put in like 60+ hours. Partly because I'm addicted to this fucking grinding and selling and inventory management and partly because it's like a personal challenge to me. I can see the gem beneath the shit. I want this game to be better than it is. But after playing it for so long I'm still addicted and feel shitty for liking it as much as I do. But at the same time I can feel the fatigue will hit soon enough and in the end I don't know if I'll look back and be glad I spent my time with this. I only hope they update it with more content and shit and fix alot of the annoying tedium things in the game and the fucking overly obfuscated systems and game info especially when it comes to stats and planet info and shit. And they better fucking add those giant creatures and faction battles and shit I could give a shit about the multiplayer debacle I'm more upset that the giant sand worms or the epic star fleet battles where you could "take a side if you want" didn't make it to the game. Right now you'll occassionally get giant creatures who are usually.passive or if they are aggressive they're just goofy trexs who just run at you. And in terms of space battles all you can do is attack cargo ships or fight off space pirates and sentinel ships.

That post has a score of zero and every single one of OP's posts is downvoted; this indicates that the majority disagree with this post's opinion, and you have to be a complete retard to think it reflects "reddit"'s overall opinion.

I hate reddit too, but that guy literally compiled everything we were lied to about. So, I can't really bitch.

I keep forgetting we can post reddit caps now


I've enjoyed it so far, for the few hours of play time I've had. The sensation of first leaving the planet was pretty great. After the third planet or so I already worry about how everything kind of feels the same and pretty devoid of life. That first trailer had so many creatures and lush grass and trees too. I'll probably spread out my time with it so it doesn't grow tiresome too quickly

This has shut up every person I know who has been trying to defend this piece of shit.

Those same people won't even bother trying to have a legit conversation about the game. They outright ignore any discussion about it. It's delicious because those same idiots were trying to say on day 1 that the game isnt for me. Nigga, I love space. This game is shit though.

I enjoy the game and will likely continue to for a lot of hours, no matter how shallow it is.

But some Reddit post popped up outlining all of the stuff Sean lied about, and all the game's missing features. It's laughable and ridiculous. There's practically none of the game that they marketed left.

Invest in a better warp drive to get to higher class system which will have better planets that are more interesting and have more rare resources and locations.

They hid this type of info too much. There's something like dark souls where you have to find out how things work yourself and then there's this shit where they just kind of made everything a mystery and all it did was hurt their game.

Even now I'm still not sure how everything works, especially with the upgrades and stats and slotting bonuses on equipment and shit. Like why is all this shit so hidden? Why would you not want players to find these things and use them and know how to play the game and do shit. I've had fun discovering some of this shit, but I would've had more fun had I known it from the start.

Sup Forums has to be contrarian no matter what
if reddit is the hate machine then Sup Forumstards become the hug box