Playing MGS2 and this shit happens.

Why Sup Forums? I did not need to see Raiden naked in this game.


To show everything he is gonna lose. Kojima knew he would turn into half a head and 1 eye.

Turn the game console off.

>not liking boypuccy

I'm not gay.

I was really starting to enjoy this game too.

>I'm not gay.
>plays MGS2
does not compute

Do you also take a shower while wearing clothes, OP?

Yes you did.


I just wish a male nude scene would have come back in MGSV so the feminists would have shut the fuck up.

Naked? You see his chest and butt. You see your chest and ass everyday when you shower/wipe your ass.

>being this insecure about your sexuality

sounds like you're a closet homo in denial m8

I'm 100% heterosexual bro.

closet gay and also probably underage

I like how you feel the need to point that out. Or make this thread at all. You're so masculine and straight man. I get it.

Calm down Kojima cocksuckers, no one wanted to see Raiden naked.

Nothing wrong with a little man ass, user

Why did the president grab his dick?

because raiden is a woman

>yfw raiden is the only unambiguously straight hero in the entire metal gear series

>no one wanted to see Raiden naked

But is that even your own idea? Or something Snake told you?

He thought he was Mr.X, a patriot agent (he's been told she was female, and Raiden looked like one)

was he tortured

It was Kojimbob's idea, he's a madman.

have you ever seen kojima with a woman?

>tfw you thought Olga grabbed Raiden's penis after the interrogation scene
>tfw you now have a bondage-submissive-Eastern European woman fantasy because of a perceptual mistake while playing MGS2

Biggo did fuck Eva twice.

raiden looks like dante in that image

I don't know, hundreds of times on Sup Forums?

Truly Eastern European Extreme.

tfw actually did

Still pretty homoerotic with Kaz, could easily be bisexual.

Is Olga taking a selfie? What do you think she's writing in his feed?

And? So you did, what's the issue? Unless it makes you feel funny, just enjoy the silliness and have a laugh like everyone else did.

It would be fun to be naked up close to woman like that in such a situation. Imagine popping a huge boner right there in the chamber and her being impressed with it, and her being coy and playing off like she's not impressed.

Olga is best girl in the series btw.

Who else went back into the restraints after the cutscene to see what would happen?

Who knew that Raiden would be cooler than Dante.

Kojima hated the design of Snake as depicted in MGS1.

He fucked EVA once because he was desperate for some kind of connection after he killed the Boss. Big Boss respected EVA's skills as a spy and a soldier, but he never loved her.

If you trigger an alert and go back to the torture room, while flattening against the machine, when the tengu soldiers come they will see Raiden's weenie and act hella jelly.


How do you think women feel every time they're exposed and objectified in popular media? Check your privilege.

Reminder that if you didn't play through and beat the Plant chapter on 4/30/09, you are not a true fan.

Unless you were actually at Federal Hall that night, in which case this doesn't apply to you.

Raiden throwing away his dog tags and running around naked is a metaphor, subverting the player's previous expectations that Raiden was just a blank slate player surrogate and establishing his "rebirth" as an individual.

he was prepared to accept the consequences of his betrayal

Do research and you will know.

Does Raiden still have his dick after becoming a cyborg?

Welcome to the mindfuck.

You can stop caring about the story at this point because Konami did

>Who knew that Raiden would be cooler than Dante.
thank Platinum for continuing Raiden's improvement from MGS4 and fuck Ninja Theory for turning Dante into an edgelord

>and establishing his "rebirth" as an individual.
which was cemented in MGS4

Do people actually believe this horseshit or are they just havin' a goof?

Raiden didn't need MGS4 nor MGR. While poetic, if anything it was all a sad regression.

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

Why did he have dog tags with my name on it anyways?

>thank Platinum for continuing Raiden's improvement from MGS4

You know when Kojima made Raiden the cyborg ninja he was mocking you, right?

All of MGS4 is pandering to fan expectations but also subverting them in a backhanded fashion because he's angry you didn't understand MGS2. Big Boss, the character everyone wanted to see returns, literally shows up in the epilogue to say IT'S FUCKING OVER. MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE GOD DAMN IT LET IT END.

MGS4 is a terrible story within continuity but it's a brilliant work about the tortured self-loathing creator.

And if you didn't beat MG2 on Christmas Eve 1999 then you aren't a true fan either.

Snake notices the ID tags around Raiden's neck.
Snake: "By the way, what is that?"
Raiden takes the dog tags off.

Raiden: "Dog tags?"

Raiden looks at the tags. They are marked with the name (max 12 letters). age, gender and blood type that the user entered at the beginning of the game. Raiden look to Snake for affirmation, but the latter, a smile on his face, shakes his head. Raiden looks at the tags once again.

Snake: "Anyone you know?"

Raiden closes his hand around the tags.

Raiden: "No, never heard the name before."
Raiden: "I'll pick my own name -- "
Raiden: "-- and my own life. If I'm lucky, I'll find something worth passing on."

He tosses the dog tags far away over the crowd. Snake smiles and nods. Raiden nods back, looking slightly abashed.

>we want the japanese schoolgirl audience
kojima added raiden because some girl wrote a letter saying she doesn't want to play games with smelly old men

Forgot to say you're right and that needs to fuck off.

>not beating MGS1 on 02/29/05

>While poetic, if anything it was all a sad regression.
I personally found it to be an improvement over MGS2

>Why did he have dog tags with my name on it anyways?
because apparently it's some sort of symbolism

>You know when Kojima made Raiden the cyborg ninja he was mocking you, right?
this is as stupid as "You know when Kojima made Raiden in MGS2 he was mocking you, right?" bullshit

constant complaint's about the women now this what is this real?

It's so frustrating with some people, because no matter how much supporting evidence you have for the thematic meaning of a work, there are always some dumb shits that go "no, that's gay" or "hurr durr you're looking too far into it man"

They're incapable of understanding so therefore the greater meaning of the work doesn't exist.

>"hurr durr you're looking too far into it man"

to be fair people try to look for Symbolism in EVERYTHING Kojima does.

>I personally found it to be an improvement over MGS2

MGS4 is in no way an improvement over MGS2 Raiden. MGR is neither improvement, nor regression. But it is a fantastic direction to take Raiden. The previous two sentences are indisputable fact.

>because apparently it's some sort of symbolism

They spell it out to the player:

At least you have naked camo.
Also, you can put swimsuits on your mother base soldiers as of a recent update.

>You see your chest and ass everyday

>improvement over MGS2

He accepted his past, and wanted to build a life with Rose, accepting her for who she was, same as her. How is this not a high note?

Also, all of MGS4 was one huge, multi million mock because the fans were a bunch of crybaby bitches which sent death threats to Konami.

"This is my Metal Gear and I can destroy it if I want to."
-Hideo Kojima

I blame the internet making watching bad shit ironically popular, and now literally anything that attempts complex or deep themes is just shot down with "nuh uh it was actually just NOTHING and they just threw whatever shit they thought was cool together!"

Like, MGS2 kinda falls short in a few places, and sometimes its tone and weird dialogue makes it hard to take its message seriously, but its message is still THERE. It's honestly super, super blatant too.

I feel like Sup Forums's gotten really intellectually lazy and screams "what is this fake 2deep4u shit" at anything that attempts to have a little meaning because it's easier and less taxing than thinking critically.

He also got fucked by Kaz in a box.

>But it is a fantastic direction to take Raiden

at lot better direction that MGS2 ever went.

>They spell it out to the player:
I saw and went "cool easter egg" but since it had "a" and random shit on the tag I never noticed the Symbolism.


Shame that Snake gradually got uglier after MGS1.

You thought it was an easter egg for Raiden to say "I'll pick my own name, and my own life. I'll find something worth passing on?"

>at lot better direction that MGS2 ever went.

You can't actually say this. They go for two different things completely. If you prefer one over the other I understand.

>If you prefer one over the other I understand.

I prefer the direction of MGS4/MGR over 2.

>You thought it was an easter egg for Raiden to say "I'll pick my own name, and my own life. I'll find something worth passing on?"
to be perfectly honest it was very fucking late when I got to the end of MGS2 like 7 years ago (last time I played the game)

Who /Snake Tales/ here?

>be 16
>get to the part where Volgin grabs Snake's balls to identify him as an imposter
>"ewww fucking gay" I thought
>moves on to scene of Volgin beating and torturing shirtless Snake to the point of pissing his pants
>suddenly I have a boner


Raiden is the most heteresexual mgs character.
Not only had a girlfriend but he later gets married and has a kid. That's something neither Big Boss or Solid Snake can do.

Johnny got married

They can't have kids due to being sterile, Big Boss due to radiation exposure and Snake due to it being the way he was created.

Yeah on MGS4.

Raiden had a girlfriend and he had her pregnant on mgs2

>get to the part where Volgin grabs Snake's balls to identify him as an imposter

Would that still work if naked snake was a girl?

That's a stupid question. He wouldn't be disguised as Raikov if he was a girl. But to answer it, Volgin would notice that Raikov suddenly had no balls.

Stop being mean to me!

It was just a question, alright!?

>He wouldn't be disguised as Raikov if he was a girl

Not that user but Raikov is androgynous enough for a girl to pull off his disguise.

Oops, I meant feminine. My point still stands.

I considered that. That's why I wrote that last sentence.

What if Major Ocelot was a girl?

audibly laughed

Big Boss is a dad tho

Then a major antagonist in Solid would be an old granny marksmen.

>"Raiden, cut down the missiles from the snake hand with your blade. Time the stroke and let it rip!"

What did he mean by this?

That's pretty good.

Granny Ocelot would be cool actually.

I guess Liqid Ocelot wouldn't exist through.

Liquid Ocelot would still exist, it would just be weirder.

No mistakes, just happy accidents


Cute desu

What exactly did she do

>this is as stupid as "You know when Kojima made Raiden in MGS2 he was mocking you, right?" bullshit
well, but he was mocking you


Colonel? I've got Emma Emmerich here. We've managed to avoid DROWNING.

Dante what are you doing
Put your clothes back on you've got demons to kill

Why are people saying this? He looks like Raiden. Stop forcing this.