What are some games where I can play as a cute loli?

What are some games where I can play as a cute loli?



Fortune Summoners

I think those orange juice 100% games are also full of girls too.

Etrian Odyssey

reccetear and lolisim

Should I watch this?

Dragon's Dogma, you can have an entire party of 4 lolis

Let me clarify; what are some games where I can play as a cute pregnant loli?

What games let me be a little girl with a disproportionately huge weapon?

Violated Heroine Serena
Does Rabi Ribi count?

>Does Rabi Ribi count?

Dragons dogma

How the fuck is there supposed to be a game where you are a Loli and pregnant?

Agarest War or FE Awakening, though I guess it's more managing a team than being a loli

Hmm, I have a feeling that it's going to turn into one of "those" threads.

Is there a better gun totting vidya girl than female gunner?

Depends on your taste, if you enjoy watching nothing for 12 episodes like me then I highly recommend it.


the game where you kys



>Horo will never nuzzle against you after feeding her an apple