Madmen playing on the original console can come too
>pic Walked past a squid 10 metres to the left of the starting area and died immediately. Lesson learned, I went 20 to the right and entered a cave only to be set on fire and killed by a two-headed snail near the entrance. Souls gets some shit for unforgiving difficulty but it's nothing on this, jesus christ.
Just finished shadow tower on the vita I think the controls have a lot to do with the difficulty. I remapped them and got through it pretty easy. I also lucked out and got god plate pretty early
Brody Cook
Tried replaying Digimon World, but keep getting Numemon digivolutions like a dum dum.
Jack Howard
>shadow tower Probably would have picked that up myself instead if I remembered, always sounded like the better game.
At least it's not that happy pile of shit you get for neglecting to take your mon to the toilet every five minutes. Between that and failing to meet the stat quotas for the digimon you like, DW is just frustrating
Dominic Rivera
I finished Conquest of the Crystal Palace a while ago, which was more fun than I expected. It's a solid action-sidescroller.
I'll probably move on to Pocky and Rocky. I've played it before, but I haven't beaten it.
I think it's possible to die within just a few steps of your initial location in every King's Field game, amusingly enough.
Jackson Price
Albert oddyse on Sega Saturn
Josiah Thompson
In my opinion, Shadow Tower has better combat than any of the King's Field games, but can't quite match them in terms of atmosphere and exploration.
I still need to play Shadow Tower: Abyss at some point. I've been interested in it for a long time, but I don't have a computer capable of emulating it well.
David Baker
Shadow Tower Abyss is fucking sweet although I still can't get past the white cave. The combat is amazing.
Easton Watson
aw nigga I tried emulating this on epsxe recently but couldn't remap the L2/R2 to the sticks to look up and down. I also got killed unfairly 30 minutes in and I forgot to quicksave
Matthew King
I found my old PSP with custom firmware. I bought a replacement charger and have been playing a mix of emulators and the legit PSP games I own. As for emulation on it, I've been playing Monster Rancher 2, Crash 2, Medievil, and I just put Digimon World 2 on it. I've also been playing Doom Troopers for the SNES and Super Mario World Advance on the GBA.
I'm not sure if it counts, but I downloaded the 3rd Birthday for my Vita and recently beat that. Gameplay was tons of fun, but the story was very silly and it irritated me that Aya only had basic bitch clothes or slut clothes as her "Protective Gear". I found out the designer was Tetsuya Nomura and it explained everything. I thought she was such a badass growing up when I played 1 and 2, so to see how she acted in this game bothered me, even though the end of the game explains why.
I just picked up Shadow Tower on the Vita, but I cannot play it with the controls. I've tried to remap them, but it's so awkward. I did however, remap the controls and play in the PSTV and that made it easier using a PS3 controller.
Andrew Campbell
>I still need to play Shadow Tower: Abyss at some point. I've been interested in it for a long time, but I don't have a computer capable of emulating it well. PS2 right? As long as you've got the console and a memory card you can softmod it with this (really cheap online if you don't have a copy) and play pirated copies, look it up on youtube. With a fat model you can even install a hdd and play off that but haven't tried that one myself yet.
Angel Reyes
Not that user, but I used to have a PS2 thing where I had to boot the thing with a PS1 game. I have the HDD full of games, but I'm not sure I have the memory card file anymore.
Not sure if I can salvage all the games I have on the HDD or not. I even got my hands on a copy of the PS2 Berserk game on the HDD. It was a fun summer. I signed up for Family Video and at the time, the first 30 days were half off prices. So I was renting 50 cent games and installing them onto the HDD. Probably has been 10 years since I did that so I've forgotten everything I knew.
Jordan Gutierrez
>it's possible to die within just a few steps of your initial location in every King's Field game Definitely in the original jap one at least, you can find a small hidden room within all of 10 seconds with a small shield and spooky scary skellington inside
said skellington runs the risk of one-shotting you
>Medievil Taste. If you're taking recommendations look into Way of the Samurai, heard that was patched and playable on the PSP. Game lets you be the dickass backstabbing ronin you've always wanted to be, it's a gem
Austin Morris
Just doin' another HG/SS randomizer nuzlock at the moment. Gonna switch to some older stuff afterward .Maybe Secret of Evermore.
Jordan Myers
>Way of the Samurai That's funny you mention that. I just played through it like 4 times on my PS2 a month ago. One of my all time favorites. You're the first other person I've seen mention that game too. Good man.
Kayden Richardson
My kneegrows. I got about 7 diff endings in the first one but i had a dank sword selection, and impaling people became my specialty
damn that game was fun, second one was cool too
Angel Gonzalez
>Hold down the draw button >Character just rests his hand on the hilt
One of the nicest tiny details I've ever seen in a video game, especially given the situations you could do it in.
Kayden Morales
>Not that user, but I used to have a PS2 thing where I had to boot the thing with a PS1 game Think that's the Action Replay way to install. If you can reinstall freemcboot back on a memory card and your games are still on the hdd, you should be fine to play them again with the right app
Connor Richardson
Interesting. I'd love to look into that.
Good shit. I never played 2 or 3 sadly, but I did pick up 4 on steam when it came out. Brought me back. Were 2 and 3 good?
Luke Ward
Thanks, I'll look into that. I imagine it would be less of a hassle than building a new computer.
It would also give me a chance to play Front Mission 5, which is another one I've been eager to try.
I got a lot of enjoyment out of the WotS series. They're some of the few games that give the player a ton of freedom to do what they want without feeling directionless.
William Garcia
I want to try emulating Shenmue. I miss that game.
Grayson King
>Just doin' another HG/SS randomizer nuzlock at the moment. almost guaranteed a shitmon starter anytime I've tried anything like that
made this motherfucker seem like the god king of pokemon by comparison when I rolled him
>dat excellent taste I never did get KF1 but KF2 is still one of my favorites. I will eventually get KF3. The atmosphere in 32 was just so much better than anything else out there. DaS never quite captured that feel.
>tfw still have my old consoles and a big crt to play them
Asher Young
Parasite eve. It's Okay.
Sebastian Barnes
I remember the first time I played King's Field I walked directly forward about a metre and fell to my death.
Logan Johnson
>get careless and misjudge a corner on the shallows >haven't saved in at least half an hour
Jacob Sanders
Brayden James
Great music though. That boss theme still runs through my head.
Andrew Young
KF4 has a weak floor that breaks open into pit of lava about a few seconds from your starting location after the intro cinematic.
I forgive it though because it's easily the best game of the series
Bentley Butler
Just got Sword of the berserk guts rage to start working.