What does it say when fans are doing better and more interesting things with Nintendo's intellectual properties than Nintendo itself?
What does it say when fans are doing better and more interesting things with Nintendo's intellectual properties than...
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>Pokemon Uranium
>more interesting
Nintendo is stubborn and would rather keep making games for an audience that has since moved on instead of trying to make games new and old fans would enjoy.
Let me know when it happens.
Uranium is awful.
AM2R is awesome though.
>pokemon shite and white
Uranium is shit and AM2R is a fucking reskin with ZM physics, and it does nothing to fix what made the original game shit.
I'm not a fan of nintendo at all, in fact I dislike noth the products they have put out in the last decade or so and the company themselves. But this meme is fucking terrible
define better
>more interesting
define more and interesting
>being this lazy
at least explain yourself and make a case, dumbtard, and if you have to resort to using your opinion, what are you actually expecting in return?
by interesting things you mean lying about getting c&d letter from nintendo to boosts downloads of a game?
yeah, very intersting things.
>lying about getting c&d letter from nintendo to boosts downloads of a game?
Wait, what?
I think we can all agree that AM2R is a better contribution to the franchise than the bloody train wreck that is Other M
oh boy, here we go
Not really.
Am2r is the same game we've played again and again and again. Meanwhile Other M gave the franchise a much needed new direction.
>Playing fanmade games
Why? Might as well go read fanfiction too while you're at it.
Holy fuck, I need to play the entire Yakuza series now.
>much needed new direction
you mean like atrocious writing, execrable voice acting and gameplay that is in every conceivable way inferior to Metroid Prime?
at least put some effort into it, Dobson
it's true. nintendo doesn't give a flying fuck about pokemon uranium. but the devs thought it would make for a good publicity to do this kind of shit. fucking kikes.
>Project M
>Better than Smash 4
>Better than Other M/Federation Force
>Rutile Ruby and Star Sapphire
>Better than Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
>Mother 4
>Better than Mother 3
>piece of shit NES emulator on Android
>Better than NES Mini
The answer, OP, is that Nintendo is complacent.
All you can do is do your part and not buy the NX.
If you're autistic and still like nintendo games, buy it used, along with every game.
but they fucking suck. Wii U and 3DS are unmitigated disasters. Look at Star Fox Zero. Fucking Sonic Boom tier travesty
Don't be silly.
Sonic Boom sold copies.
>implying I don't
If you haven't jerked it to erotic fanfiction you are the cancer killing Sup Forums. That's literally the minimum level of deviancy and maladjusted nerdiness that should be required for access to this fucking website, like those 'you must be this tall to ride' requirements at theme parks.
Fucking normalfags.
But is Mother 4 really better than Mother 3 or you're just a memer? It looks like you're memeing me.
>Mother 4
>Better than Mother 3
mmmmmmMMMM thatsa SPICY meme
Wouldn't exactly be hard to accomplish, just make a game that's not total shit. And don't samefag.
do you just make this shit up?
>just make a game that's not total shit
hahaha ebin :D
>Mother 3 is total shit
1/10 try better next time
also, (You)
no. it's true. all of it
It's a bad game. Sorry. The Mother series never were the best games, but they made up for it with their charm and humor. They made fun of other games. Mother 3 is a boring mess that tries way too fucking hard to be depressing and fails entirely.
For some dumbfuck reason, IP law has it so that either everything is okay, or none of it is okay.
>someone makes their own passion project using your own assets for fun
>you really like it, give it your blessing
>someone takes your assets and uses them in something they are selling
>you take legal action
You get fucked because they can go "well they allowed it here" and because you "didn't defend your property" it means they're free to make millions off it.
The laws themselves need to be rewritten because as it is, it encourages seriously trigger happy C&Ds that'd probably be reduced otherwise.
I wasn't aware Ninteno went after PM.
>Mother 4
How do you know it's better?
>NES Mini
Honestly I have no idea how this is even making a single sale.
Mother 4 was never 'finished' and not only that, wasn't it revealed to be some kind of lame hoax
Nintendo wants to make a game for vocal minority groups that wouldn't buy the game in the first place
it will, i'm already seeing normiebook posts from my friends about how they're going to recapture their childhood with it.
They'll probably play it for a couple of days until the novelty wears off and then they'll move on to some other dumb thing. Nostalgia sells man.
h-how did you know I was samefagging
fuck off cunt
why do you think it fails?
Fuck off nintenyearold
>well, at least it's better than Other M!
You do realize this is the very definition of damning with faint praise?
>TFW the patents on the NES are expired but copyright on NES games won't expire until like 2082
Haven't played a Pokemon game since Diamond and I'm enjoying Uranium. Feels like it takes forever to level up my Pokes though.
Nothing, because 99% of fan games are just trash or don't even come out at all. You found two extremely rare outliers, and those are pretty much inevitable. If there was a constant stream of quality titles that were mostly better than what Nintendo makes then you'd have a point.
What you should be asking yourself is just how trash other companies must be since nobody cares about making fan games about their IPs in the first place.
i saw the comments on that article and those niggas are shitting on my nigga exeggutall
Oh boy, another thread of Nintendrones damage controlling the fuck out of Nintendo's retarded decisions.
Never gets old.
Anyone seriously suggesting AM2R is just the same game clearly hasn't played it.
It's FINE PRAISE you dipshit
>Pokemon Uranium is better than any mainseries pokemon game
Where can I go to get a job like this? Bait posting the correct idea.
sun and moon is looking rather well
Not really. Most usually never get realesed because they either lack resources or time management.Really they only make "better" and interesting things once Nintendo has figured things out.
So did X&Y, if you'll recall.
Nintendo is not making Pokémon games.
nintendrones are fucking pathetic
That says nothing. AM2R is just as unnecessary as Zero Mission was. The only people who think either were necessary are casuals.
>better than Nintendo itself
Put SMBZ on that and we are good
>Not black and shite
Are you retarded?
>AM2R is just as unnecessary as Zero Mission was
Slightly less unnecessary, I'd argue, by virtue of the fact that Super was basically a do-over of the original anyway, which made ZM doubly redundant.
>Starters only evolve once
>New Pokemon type: Nuclear
Good riddance.
That's because the developers are idiots and made everything give no experience.
Enjoy being under-leveled regardless of how much you grind.
Not that your level matters: the enemy will always be stronger than you.
>Starters only evolve once
Actually, I'd be okay with a one-evo limit for most Pokémon. Anything more, and things usually start to go pear-shaped- literally, in some cases.
>Mother 4
I just want to point out that this hasn't been C&Ded yet even though it easily could be and Nintendo HQ would probably want it to be. It will be a C&Ded a week after it releases. Nintendo of America is most likely waiting for it to be finished before their HQ finds out about it so that they can ban it for most of the market while keeping it in circulation amongst those resourceful enough to find it.
Nintendo's still a bunch of shitters though. They've spent the last 10 years doing absolutely the wrong thing always and at every opportunity. Sadly their death will be long and degrading for all.
you didn't play it, did you?
At least you're right about AM2R
dude yakuza is fucking crazy
Gen 5 is the best, you fucking asshole.
Well, the Uranium starters have mega evos.
This webm ignores the best part of these clubs irl, which is getting to breastfeed from lactating women.
How about Brown and Shite?
Pokestar Studios.
Thats a weird way to say "gen 2"
>You get fucked because they can go "well they allowed it here" and because you "didn't defend your property" it means they're free to make millions off it.
That doesn't apply to every country, in fact that's mostly a US thing.
>Pokemon Uranium sucks and you fucking know it
>AM2R is a remake of a game Nintendo designed
How are either of these better or more interesting? AM2R is great but it's not new or interesting, it's a remake of a game Nintendo made and uses some of their own assets.
>Popular for any reason other than a big fanbase and the 2nd hype train from Pokemon GO
You fucking with Dragonite? Go ahead and keep your Dragonair then, see how you like it.
Realistically speaking, a world where most Pokemon only evolve once (except for the Caterpies, for obvious reasons) would be acceptable, and perhaps even a bit more balanced (the Butterfrees would be less shafted in comparison). But if you're going to leave in normal 3-tier evolution lines as usual, you best make sure your starters can do it too.
Yes what about them?
>They've spent the last 10 years doing absolutely the wrong thing always and at every opportunity
Making billions of dollars is doing the wrong thing?
for ones you meet later at level 60 then one evolution is OK
all pokemon you meet at low level areas like that start of the game should evolve twice though it just works
once when things start getting serous and once more a you approach end-game
Mega evolution was very obviously a mistake, one seemingly acknowledged by Gamefreak only a single gen later.
And there's a convention already that if you're going to have a starter with a mega evolution it should still get to evolve twice normally.
That the fanbase is full of edgy teenagers that would act like any shitty fangame is better than the official games.
Still better than fairy
AM2R is a remake, like zero mission, not a character assasination, like other m
People are still upset with Fairy?
It really isn't. Nuclear is a shitty type that's super effective against everything except steel and takes supereffective damage from everything.
It's completley worthless and it adds no dynamics to the game. It makes Steel an even better defensive type when it's already the best.
Back in my day, the most popular types people theorised to be introduced were light and rubber.
>Dissing on the one "Side-game" in the entire series that has actually been good.
If you had said the stupid musicals from B/W1 I'd have agreed but you gotta be dumb.
I'll be honest there isn't a single new Pokemon in that game that I find appealing.
All of them look so try hard. It amazes me there are Gen 6 Pokemon which I can remember better than these.
>I couldn't figure out Voltorb Flip
>Mother 3 didn't have any charm or humor
>emotional = depressing
It's so easy to spot people who don't actually play video games and just parrot the opinions of others.
He's right about the first part atleast. AM2R is just remaking a game Nintendo already Made(Metroid II) in a way Nintendo already remade a game(Zero Mission).
The guy didn't revamp Metroid II or create a new way of making/playing Metroid games. He just did something that Nintendo already did, how does that help or move the Metroid series forward? Atleast Federation Force are atleast trying new things and exploring different aspects of the series.
Depressing isn't the only mood Mother 3 tries (and fails) to convey, but it does seem to be its' default setting once the diabetes-inducing prologue is done.
So where can you download Uranium now?
>9 years development
>no controller support
>terrible resolution
>shitty fps
>random encounter every 3 steps
>even worse pokemon designs than the shit nintendo releases
its awful
At least the Metroid 2 remake was good.
The framerate in the 8th gym is just embarrassing.
Pls stop shilling your games here
A game doesn't have to turn the world upside down to be good, and for it to be good for the series it's in. But it feels like instead of making Metroid come back, AM2R unintentionally showed everyone what exactly killed 2D Metroids.
And Federation Force doesn't really move anything forward, either. It's just another Hunters, a barely related game riding on an established trademark's popularity.