Don't mind me, just being the best open world game since San Andreas.
Don't mind me, just being the best open world game since San Andreas
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that's not Just Cause 2 user
Lol no
I really love that game. I played it for months on end with my friend on Xbox 360 (PC port is shit). Saints 3 was such a downgrade in terms of gameplay that I never finished it.
I liked SR3 as a third-person shooter, but it's kind of a shitty open world game and nowhere near as well-done story-wise as its predecessors.
This game was freshman year
Read Dead Redemption, is that you?
>I like wandering around in the desert forever
>Wandering around in the desert forever
>He didn't enjoy riding through the wild west on horseback
>He didn't go hunting
>He didn't fight bandits who attempted to rob him
>He didn't do side missions
>He didn't wrangle up crooks for a bounty
>He didn't play the story
>He didn't play the game
Still my favorite character customization ever.
The sequels neutering it really bothered me.
SA is garbage though, so is every GTA after it.
SR is a mediocre SA clone. Still better, yeah, but that's not saying much.
Gee user, do you like aaaany games?
Haven't played it but I doubt it's bettter than Sleeping Dogs or more fun than Crackdown/Prototype.
>don't like generic garbage
What the fuck.
Woah, I got you good pal.
Whatever you say, kid.
It's better than Sleeping Dogs and way more fun than Crackdown. I am personally biased to love the shit out of Prototype so I can't comment on it vs. that.
>I am personally biased to love the shit out of Prototype
why did ur uncle work for them
Have a hard time believing any open world game is more fun than running at super speeds and jumping(more like launching) from tower to tower.
T-they are working on prototype 3, r-right anons?
SRIV is basically Prototype. Not really.
>T-they are working on prototype 3, r-right anons?
Let it go.
At least i have Metal Gear Rising 2 to look forward to
I would say
Saints Row 2
Dead Redemption
Prototype with electricity
>Wanting Prototype 3 after 2
Mercer is part of Heller.