Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics and it's FREE

Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics and it's FREE.

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Tell me more OP-kun

It's free. All content unlocked. What more do you want to know?

>top 200 player here

Well what is it. Is it steam only?

I did a Paragon run in Mass Effect, is that what you're talking about OP?

I actually want to, is it out yet?

Oh, it's a new game from Epic that falls in the moba genre, akin to smite or league.

It sets itself apart by being
>3rd person with a full z access and real vertical game play unlike smite
>very high graphic due to unreal engine game
>full ps4 cross play with pc including mouse and keyboard support on ps4 and controller support on pc
>all heroes unlocked, no grinding for heroes
>unique item shop system

I enjoy it a lot. I don't really like any other mobas so I didn't think I'd like this one but it's a lot of fun, especially to play with my ps4 Bros

No thanks.

>actual graphics

As opposed to what?

Open beta started today. Go ahead and play.

Genius meme. Genius marketing. "Has actual graphics." Man. Really hit it out of the park this time, Mark. Really did it. Heh. I thought it was potent the first time I saw it - but Wow. Now that I'm seeing this shillpost for the 6th or 7th time, it's really hitting home - you shillNEETs really earn your pay.

And into the garbage it goes.

the character designs look like a blatant ripoff of overwatch

I've seen this exact same OP before. The "actual graphics" part stuck with me, such an awkward thing to say.

Have you played league or smite or Dota? They look like shit

It's what I said too user, but it's ok to try new things. Of course, I find most people who say this are weebs or social autistic people, so oh well

>falls in the moba genre
Oh, no thanks you desu senpai

Can you give examples? I don't play overwatch but considering the alpha existed with 14? Heroes before overwatch had announced, I doubt it user.

>the moba genre
>akin to smite or league.

that genre is called the "dota game," and it is akin to dota.


I don't know what all your weeb shit text means, but okay user.

I'm not op, I just posted to answer your question :^)

Actually I have checked if a paragon thread existed here and there since march, I always consider it a good thing there isn't one

>Have you played league or smite or Dota?

No, I may be on Sup Forums but even I have enough self respect not to play assfaggots shit

>epic games

Aren't these morons supposed to be working on Unreal tournament AND that other f2p game fortnite?

Well, this one is more similar to smite, and more people play league. It doesn't matter. Semantics user.

Good post.

is this another god damn "hero shooter?"

They really don't look anything alike. Remotely. At all.

See them all here: epicgames.com/paragon/heroes

We've lost the fight over the word "MOBA" and it's best that this be as culturally dissociated from Dota as possible.

how do i downvote on this site

user, it's a 2 billion dollar company. They have 100+ people working on this game alone, there is a ton of people who work for epic. Are you retarded?

Shooter is a VERY generous definition.
It's more like a third person RPG.

>the same OP post
>the same replies
Do you get tired of this shit or what?

fortnight is being made by epic and what's left of people can fly

UT will never be really done

No, it's a moba in 3rs person. Not a shooter. Kill yourself homo
There is nothing wrong with the genre user, you just have to avoid sjw riot games

MOBA is a shit term for idiots. COD is a moba, quake is a moba every multiplayer game that takes place on a map is a moba.

nah, I'd rather play Battleborn

Considering half the posts are me, I'm notOP, and Sup Forums can only post

I have a feeling you're full of shit user but still 50% right

The technical term is assfaggots

I hate the fact that so many great character designs are wasted on this genre. I find it boring as fuck, and I've played everything from SMNC to League.

I can see the appeal of competitive fighting games and even RTS, but I'll never understand how mobas took off.

no, it's an actual "moba"/"dota"/etc.
gameplay's shit, it's actually similar and worse than battleborn.

shame though, graphics are nice and all with that unreal engine 4.

yes, it uses the same epic games launcher.

You should also kill yourself user but I'm not going to you to do it.

Just suggest nicely

Nope. Paragon is fun as fuck and now it's free.

Yes, everyone knows the acronym is a retarded triple-redundancy that is vague enough to describe everything. MOBA is no longer taken as an acronym. It's an abstract blob-word with a very specific definition.

MTV is no longer an acronym.

SAT is no longer an acronym.

MOBA is no longer an acronym.

This game will be DOA just like Battleborn. Even if it is f2p.

Did yu try paragon? It's very unique / fun
Good opinion, that'd totally why people still play paragon in beta but battle born is shit

You've got shit opinion user can u pls stop posting

Post your Halo video or I'll do it for you

it has graphics and is free what an incredible selling point op

It's been out for 6 months and hundred couple thousand play every day. Can you off yourself?

It's already more popular and has more staying power than battle born retard

>all heroes unlocked, no grinding for heroes
So what the fuck is the point? Half the fun is trying to do well so you can level/get points to unlock a hero you want.


I get matches faster in Paragon than any other MOBA including HotS (by far) and Dota 2.

Literally every game retards push on Sup Forums is "totally unique and fun".

For the record I'm not ITT to be sold on the (free) game, I'm just going to bitch about how often mobas absolutely fail the potential of their characters.

To enjoy the game?

Please stick to league and play for 4000 hours just to unlock all the heroes you fucking moron.

Anyways. Your hero levels up to 10, and you can unlock cards to build your deck for item builds and such in game.

>Google it
>Close window

because paragon at least doesn't give you eye cancer.

some heroes are still account/player level gated.
and "cards" are acquired through grinding/microtransaction.

Name one other free game that has actual graphics.

Honestly, how much are they paying you?

>menu theme is shit
>ui is a mess

Any barefoot characters?

>games decided in the first 5 minutes
>still have to play it out for an hour

I'm not pushing the game.

As I said before, I consider it a successful this game hasn't been posted on v much yet. Every game posted here is flocked by complete retards. Please don't play for all I give a fuck.

With that said. I thoroughly enjoy paragon but dislike other mobas, so meh



Cards can't be purchased, so it's not a micro transaction ?
Good opinion user you're totally not a sheep

It must be a 3rd world thing to not just download a game aND try it

That or Sup Forums is just too socially retarded for non single player games


>What is every moba


stop posting bullshots

Do you have downs?

Or are you just trying to say you didn't download it lmao

I won 2 tonight in 39 and 28 minutes and I'm in the top 200 players

Good opinion, let me know if you have a real one
>I could have said items and you wouldn't have said shit

Good opinion
What the fuck is the point in your post? That's how the game looks on epic.


Nothing. I've paid them $170, and I really didn't need to, and I still haven't even redeemed most of that, because they are doing the fucking holy work and saving this genre and I want so badly for this to succeed and for people to stop playing ugly clicker garbage.

I mean, there can be nothing better for PC gaming at least than for Dota to finally die, and for everyone to improve their hardware and their lives so they can run this.

The Fey just came out.


shill thread niggas

could you be anymore obvious with this post?

Who are you quoting?

Sorry user he asked what the game was and I told him what it was.

Not everyone is a shill, but it would be nice to get paid by epic. I do it for free :^)

Moba is a shit genre, that is my opinion.

It plays like a better Battleborn, but that isn't saying much. Runs like absolute ass as well. Do you need like this year released cards to even get steady FPS on low in this game? I'm getting framerate drops to sub 20 like crazy at seemingly random times with even everything set to low.

>implying we all used to green text to quote
>implying you shouldn't kill yourself

Do you avoid self checkout so you don't pass the magic cards too lmao

Paragon will be shit in less than 3 months, just enjoy it and don't shill it.

It's not really possible for a game to be decided in the first ten minutes unless a team is one down or the players are new or outright incompetent.

Usually, even-matched teams both get to max out their builds and it becomes a series of high-stakes all-in teamfights. Everything counts.

Yes it's very unique user wow good contribution, your opinion is totally unique to the other 8 >moba posts in this thread haha xD
It runs on ps4, so obviously not. I think 660ti is the minimum recommended. I play on a 970 at epic 1080p, but I have a friend with a 780 who runs similar.

What gpu do you have?

I completely agree. This is the first MOBA that's worth caring about.

Paragon does for MOBAs what Gears of War did for third-person shooters in 2006.

>He does it for free


Probably, but only due to people from Sup Forums and reddit playing it. It's nice playing with a small community, but it's already got over 1mil redeemed keys in the closed beta, in the open I'm sure it's getting more popular and shittier.


I have a 280x, which I know is a bit dated at this point, but I can't even get a stable 60 on low everything at 1080p.

Good opinion wow you're unique yet again user haha xD
Wow lol I can't believe I haven't seen that before lmao

I'm on a GTX 550 and while my graphics are on insanely low setting it runs fine.

>shilling parashit
>Do you have downs?
Is this a trick question?

matches takes ages to finish, and heavily snowballs with little chance of any sort of reversal unless your opponent makes a retarded error.
it's the same issue with most moba.

reduce the rendering scale (3d rendering resolution), it'll make the game look like a psx game but it will massively improve fps.

i'm using a 4 year old laptop and i can get stable 60fps. just looks like ass.

you are the one ruining video games.
unlocks only serve a vehicle for cancer micro transactions. if you want an achievement grind, go outside.

Shit game. Shit mechanics. Third person. And i have overwatch
i actually have paragon, bought the 59.99 version. Gave a copy to a friend, than told him never to play it because its fucking trash and i wasted money. Im never giving those fags at epic cash agian.

>>full ps4 cross play

Cross play kills long-term development because devs have to cater to both platforms. The game eventually becomes mediocre and irrelevant on both platforms instead of great on just one.

see: Final Fantasy XIV

Brebbit, git tha fuck back where you came from, little shit.

Sev is my boy

After reviewing the heroes for this game I can safely say their all generic as fuck moba heroes. The most interesting one is probably gideon but that's because his ultimate is just a ripoff of Enigma's black hole and he has a teleport that allies can use.

Hmm, I do on a 960m as well. Damn, I wonder why. Did you check their recommended drivers they suggested to download ?

None of these are bullshots. These are all actual graphics captured by Reddit posters.

How many times do I have to repeat it? Paragon has actual graphics. Everything you see screenshotted here is exactly as it is rendered during a live match.

DJ Orwell

You have gay sex with men

You make paragon look bad

Casualize the shit out of it and ruin any variety in the industry by inspiring every game after it to become a bland, soulless dudebro cover shooter?

You're really defensive about a game you insist you don't want Sup Forums to give a shit about

Ah, so you didnt. Off urself please
That's too bad you feel that way, but you gave no reason outside of
>3rd person

Any real opinions

>Casualize the shit out of it

Gears of War was more sophisticated than any third-person shooter prior to it, by a long shot.

Well they are humping their totally irrelevant and completely unverifiable stats in a game beta like people are supposed to be impressed.