Post your level up animation.
Post your level up animation
worst girl
>alolan pidgey
4 star poster animation coming throu
*hop* *hop*
*twirl* *twirl*
Aniesu-san! \(//∇//)\
Literally me irl.
>the loli satyr is the most OP unit in the game
Fucking RH
Shit taste.
kill yourself
Not w i d e enough.
Is this game good for someone with gaming ADD? I tend to stop and start new games I try very often, and with RPGs I tend to get lost from forgetting where I'm supposed to go or what I'm supposed to do.
Most people replace Celery Man when Oyster joins the party but, I think Celery Man is under-rated.
Tayne is OP tho.
Can I get a hat wobble?
Thunderbolt Fantasy.
Are those puppets if so thats freaking cool
Time to grind some more
>Wuxia puppets
Had no idea I wanted this
post your loading... animation
>level up irl animation
is re:zero any good
I actually just started BD and I'm liking it more than I thought I would. Great soundtrack and oddly addicting.
Even though I only just got past the prologue, how's the sequel?
Do I have to?
Might as well before I sleep.
this looks pretty cool
>tfw constantly leveling up
That reminds me of using Pivot as a child.
>created and written by Gen Urobutcher
oh boy
>leveling up damages enemies around you and replenishes your health
It's alright. It's better than the majority of garbage that comes out nowadays. Abundance of cute girls too if that floats your boat.
>>white people