Story > graphics > gameplay > soundtrack

>story > graphics > gameplay > soundtrack

trash bait kill yourself

Gameplay > Story > Graphics > Soundtrack

It depends entirely on the game

>story and graphics are more importand than the GAMEplay in a video GAME
consider suicide

Soundtrack is always the most important

T. Sonygger

>soundtrack is my favorite aspect besides gameplay
>mfw these threads

opinion > opinion > music > opinion > gfx


good sound effects > good soundtrack

it depends on the genre tho.

i enjoy the fuck out of Phoenix Wright trilogy and the game is pretty much story>soundtrack>graphics>gameplay


I think people really underestimate how a good soundtrack can really help sell the game.


This is bretty gud.
Grafix vs story depends on game and platform.

black penis>>>>>>>>white penis>>>>>>>>boipussi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literal shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cunt

Gameplay > Art style = Soundtrack > Story > Graphics

Honestly, the balance of it all makes it a truly great game though.

user you're replying to: das it senpaitachi

>everytime someone rates soundtracks last it's because "I just mute the music and play my own shit"
These are the biggest faggots known to man

I would only agree with this if you are talking about visual novels or adventure games.
vn's/adventure games: story>gameplay
RPG's: story=gameplay, some can be innovative with gameplay but most of the time the gameplay isn't interesting and won't carry the experience.
platformers, fps, etc: gameplay>story.

>mfw an user discredits chiptune because "it's not real instruments"



>story mattering in a game at all

mfw Unreal

I'm a lorefag, and I generally care about a game's story more than normal, but gameplay is the most important thing about a game, since no one will take a game seriously if it has shitty gameplay, even if the story is good. Of course, having a shitty story with decent gameplay can make a game bad. It really just depends on genre.

Just swap graphics and story and you'll be all set

Programming>Controls>Background art>soundtrack>character/enemy model>animation>story>marketing>box art>file size

This really burns my ass, listen you your own damn music when you're not playing the game

>gameplay >soundtrack >story >graphics


proof: mgs


In a walking simulator/menu heavy JRPG
In an FPS
>nah familia

Gameplay > Soundtrack > Graphics > Story

The only good choice.

My soundtrack negroes. I've found and played games I probably wouldn't have otherwise because of their bitchin soundtracks.


Feel > Soundtrack > Pacing > Characters > Mechanics > Artstyle > Plot > Graphical fidelity

>priority 1
gameplay, music, atmosphere

>priority 2
Everything else


Search your heart, you know this to be true.

>smoking up with a mate
>playing dark souls
>"wow it's so cool and atmospheric, do you mind if I put some psych rock on?"

Character design > all

Shadows > Physics > Animations > Ambient/Noises > Theme > Music > Textures > Story

Okay, post a good example then

World Design (includes atmosphere) > Gameplay > Soundtrack > Story > Graphics

There is no denying this.

>gameplay somewhat important
>not most important


Gameplay > Soundtrack > Story >> Graphics

IMMERSION > Soundtrack > Everything else >>>>>>>> graphicx


Gameplay is literally always the single most important thing in literally every single game ever, period, by definition.

Replace gameplay with graphics , actually just put graphics on the bottom and then we can agree


Depending on the type of game it is, it doesn't need to necessarily try in one of those categories. VNs and >walking sims don't require gameplay, pure gameplay games can throw out story and do really well, and minimalistic graphic styles work well, not to mention text based adventures.

But a good soundtrack will make a game a lot better and more memorable 100% of the time, guaranteed.

>VNs and walking sims don't require gameplay
If it doesn't have gameplay, it isn't a game.

I want Soundtrack fags to stay_.

If I wanted a story then I would read a book and not play a video game.

>muh ebin story experiences

Shame, you'd be missing out on some good tales.

this is the ONLY correct order

Eh, my definition of game is looser then. If I were autistic I'd label those as digital toys but nah, anything you boot up as software and can interact with is a game in my book.

soundtrack > graphics > writing > story > gameplay > controls > lighting > combat > dlc > sound design > loading times > dialogue > fanbase > programming

by your logic the most popular games are shit. Its gameplay over everything. Hell game design is you come up with gameplay and shoe horn story latter.

Gameplay > Graphics > Sound > Story

Gameplay > graphics > story > soundtrack

I don't watch movies like an effeminate faggot so I prefer games that just drop me in fun situations without needing a script to be voice acted with expensive orchestrated music to set the mood

>Gameplay that low
>Gameplay, controls and combat in the same list
>DLC anywhere except bottom
>Programing down the bottom

Shit bait.


>not playing GAMES for the GAMEplay

Wow, so this is the power of nu-Sup Forums.

Gameplay > Soundtrack > Graphics > Story


Gameplay > Story >>> Soundtrack = Graphics

well the VIDEO comes before the GAME, if it was a game video you would be right, though.

but immersion is a complex content, it is created by the interplay of several if not all components.

Come back when you're not 14

Okay I'm back

you give nicofags a bad name


They all converge at the same level of importance. A game is a four-dimensional being of beuty.

Update your linear antagonistic standards.

Over time it seems many people have forgotten the most important ingredient to a good gaming experience: The good game.

And by game I'm not referring to shader effects, high polygon counts, compelling story, or any of the other irrelevant nonsense I don't give a submarining fuck about. I mean the actual gameplay. The part where you control stuff and have it interact with other stuff and then your brain generates fun.
If I wanted a compelling story I'd read a book. There's only a few million of them already in existence, majority of which were written by people whose talents compare to the best video game writers, the same way Kobe Bryant's penis might compare to that of a poorly endowed tit mouse.
If enduring 90 minutes of CGI cutscenes dubbed with pornography-grade voice acting sounds exciting to you, I suggest you immediately open up your web browser, browse on over to your friendly neighborhood torrent site, and start downloading something called a MOVIE. Any of them really, because apparently you're very easily satisfied.
Perhaps I'm romanticizing the past here, but but I remember a time when most games were about being challenged to explore new gameplay mechanics, about learning and solving new puzzles, about improving your skills against all types of adversaries and about feeling proud of your accomplishments.
Now they're mostly shiny particle effected vessels guiding any soccer mom caliber gamer through a generic 3rd grade level story where anyone with a brain the size of a steroid shrunk testicle can pretend to be a hero and maintain a fantasy of NOT SUCKING BALLS AT VIDEO GAMES.

>B-but I need a reason for what I'm doing, motivation for my character, a back story!

Would you really need a backstory to play Donkey Kong, you twat? How about football? Or Poker? If the process of playing a game isn't fun for you, then maybe you should find a different hobby.

this. putting story over gameplay gives you shit like five nights at freddys and amnesia

Sometimes it gives you a Ghost Trick or a 999 though.

Gameplay>art style>music=story>Graphics

Prove this wrong. Pro-tip: you can't