Did you find her flute, user?
Guild Wars thread lads.
I can give her a flute if you know what I mean.
Mesmer best class. Paragon close second.
I found her flute. I still remember her being able to play it right after you give it to her...
I poop on her grave on my charr daily in GW2
The most unique class, its a shame what happened to it in gw2
What a terrible person you are.
What are you playing Guild Wars 2 for?
Mo/Me best class for soloing everything.
Mo was too easily desu
Ne/Ri best class for the slow march to victory.
What's the best strategy to fight that fucking Dwarf boss, Duncan I think his name, in that dungeon? Even Discordway isn't helping me out. Sorta regretting rolling Sin just for this bit.
>Shared burden
I miss GW every day. Even if there were a large community, the age and lack of support is too obvious. I can't go back to the gameplay spoiled on modern games.
Progression was perfect and the systems in place were amazing. I need a similar game so bad. GW2 doesn't do it.
>You will never punish Varesh for being a naughty girl
>tfw you remember those cool summer nights inbetween the 8th and 9th grade playing your W/R going for LDoA
>tfw you remember collecting reagents and going from vendor to vendor to collect your BiS armor set
>tfw you remember taming your bear pet in wizard's folly
>tfw you remember grinding undead in the catacombs to level 7
>tfw you remember spamming the rurik wall mission over and over to get to level 12
>tfw you remember trying people out for partners to grind charr north of the wall with
>tfw you remember shitposting in your guild/alliance chat
>tfw you remember that rush of dopamine you felt when a dye dropped
>tfw it's all a distant, bittersweet memory and it will never ever come back
probably fetish porn considering his one statement and how he plays the now furfaggot charr race
god everytime i see this game it depresses me how much they fucked it up with gw2
gw2 isnt even that bad of a game, but its nothing like guildwars apart from them shoving relevant nostalgia inducing buzzwords in your face constantly to remind you that its actually a guildwars game, because lord knows you wouldn't be able to tell otherwise
I still remember the beta days before the missions were finished. You'd get to the shiverpeaks and then everything would stop and the only way to get to Lion's Arch was to just run through the wilderness, with nobody knowing where they were going. After like an hour of that you saw grass for the first time in the game and it was fucking magical. I don't think I'm ever going to have that much fun again.
Alright, real talk lads.
Who had best underwear?
Who had best /dance?
Someone still playing?? I miss the old days..Never enjoyed a MMO more than this..
The Searing was fucking insane for kid me. Goddamn. Meeting Gwen in GWEN again was great. Shame about her greats grandson.
>You will never see "Your team has won a battle in the hall of heroes" again
female elementalist ofcourse
El classico huh.
>Still remember when Starcraft Zergrush got R15
>Remember seeing the emote after they got it
>Was excited to get my R6 wolf
>Thinking back I was never really good and probably got carried
>Thinking on it more I didn't really have any friends in the game and always just ended up pugging groups
This was all before I realized what a truly worthless piece of shit I am.
>yfw he's back
Yes I play Guild Wars 2
I miss GW.
either that or fem monk, couldnt get enough of that dance
They fucked up the story from the second game up until the expansion I would say. The new living story seems nice though.
But before that, I wish they would just behead McCoy for raping the lore constantly. It must be heart breaking to be in the lead Devs position. Watching how these retards are working against you and the game, only to push their stupid sjw story and Mary Sues.
It's almost dead user. I'm trying to enjoy the campaigns before the game gets NCSoft'd
Why doesn't any other game have the same development system? It was so fun making a build out of a huge roster of skills.
I was just thinking about this today I can't believe the impact this game still has on me it still makes me sad to think about it the friends I made and the fun I had playing this no game has ever come close to it since maybe it's because I lived in the literal back end of nowhere with nobody else my age nearby so this was kinda my summer holiday memories as a teenager before work and life hit me in the balls
That's to much for normies to handle. GW was out when video games were still kind if niche. Now people just wanna hope into a game, play a few rounds and be done. They don't wanna spend the time min/maxing trying out new things. Press X to win is here to stay, sad to say.
just go to pvx wiki and grab the metabuild :^)
pvx wiki killed guild wars
nah, if that were the case then all of the MMOs currently out would be exploding. a decent mmo with depth is so desperately wanted, when one comes out it'll very successful.
MMO's are dead though.
I did. Did it ever actually influence anything? Never found out if it did.
Also Warrior/monk reporting in
This it seemed like a good idea but I can remember getting kicked out of groups in EotN for not running some shitty cookie cutter build that everyone else was running defeated the whole purpose of the skill system.
Coming up with good builds wasn't that hard in GW1, but you could be kicked for not running the latest retardation build.
Same goes for any game I guess. GW2 doesn't suffer this unless you run raids. For better or worse sometimes.
Fuck Ursan man, I spent so long grinding that shit out and it ended up getting nerfed shortly after.
GW annoyed me when shadow form was the only build used to beat UW and FoW.
I hated assassin anyway.
>tfw 55 monk in FoW before it was nerfed
How do I stop the pain Sup Forums?
3.. 2.. 1.. SPIKE
Tfw infuse monk playing against spikers with a fucking hammer pressure war on your ass
>last breath of GW1
>need to get money for Hall of Fame or something (?) for GW2
>find some trader on some forum
>ask for some tips
>he takes me under his wing and learns me everything about jewing mini's.
>spend about a week (1h/d) jewing in LA, etc, taking mini's from naive players
>make like 1k plat in one week
>realizing the potential
>realizing GW1 was dead at that point
Trading was never so fun and exciting and they killed it with their greedy AH
Adult Gwen was pretty cute.
>make video on GW1 trying to explain why we'll probably never get an online game as brilliant as this ever again
>it gets posted on Reddit
>completely fucking blows up
The shared nostalgia for this game is so insane.
link it senpai
Fuck I hated the GWEN PvE faction skills.
>alway was fascinated by the GW1 skill system
>played TSW
>seemed to be similar enough
>game wasn't really popular
>ended up not playing it a week in
>Now people just wanna hope into a game, play a few rounds and be done. They don't wanna spend the time min/maxing trying out new things.
Guild Wars pioneered that mindset, though.
Its prime selling point was a level cap of 20 in an era where MMOs expected you to hit 100+ and sometimes even reboot your character to do it over again two or three times.
You should see the state of GW1. All these HoM faggots from GW2 just trying to get titles. Everyone's a Mesmer or Ritualist. 7 hero party has required Signet of Spirit/Energy Surge spam.
Thank God for daily Zaishen fags who know they can beat the daily with heroes but decide to pug it for the hell of it.
I legit tried to get past my hate for GW2 but every question a new player from GW2 had going into GW1 could be summed up into "How do I 100% beat the game on my first try with the least amount of effort?"
>"Yeah, I know you can customize your build and take advantage of a two profession system while also being able to equip and customize your own personal party as...but how do I PLAY RIGHT??
Absolutely no interest in learning how to actually play the fucking game.
level cap of 20 was just the beginning of the game honestly.
You still had tons of skills to unlock, content to plow through, and pvp.
I can imagine and I'm as frustrated like you when I have to see something like that.
The mentality to not learn is rampant in any game nowadays. You can also observe this in Team Fortress 2.
With the recent update you get paired with absolute idiots at times in casual match making. I'm not saying that you should take the game in a hardcore way in a casual match. But people are just refusing to learn and being absolute garbage, even if you explain to them that they can't shoot through the unbreakable window for example.
I returned to GW2 after a long abstinence and bought the addon. It's fun I have to admit. You can also put thought into your build and so fort, but it's not as complex as its predecessor. I'm glad they fastened up the leveling in GW2. It was just awful to go to lvl80 again.
Hunting down all the elite skills while exploring areas that weren't involved in the main game finding all those hidden little details was top tier fun esp if you could get a couple of guildies to go with you.
Because how are you going to get hooked if you don't grind all the time user?!
i miss guild wars.
>having brain propblems recently
>can't remember any of my guild wars days
I hope it was at least fun. I liked it much better than wow.
Is it still fun to go back and play?
Anyone want to do a full Prophecies playthrough? I've got everything but Eye of the North and I'd love to play them again.
Rt/N > N/Rt
dat enchant strippin n healing mmm
I started playing GW1 a few days ago, going mostly blind with an assassin. I went to elona to finish leveling because Kaineng was a bit rough from 15 to 20 and now I'm working on the Nightfall campaign.
What are my chances of seeing this through?
I wish the only Scythe skin in GW2 wasn't also the most expensive fucking skin in the god damn game, and also wasn't the ugliest possible scythe. How did they fuck up having scythe-wielding dancer-paladins, a concept so cool it literally got me and all my friends back then to buy a copy as soon as we saw that shit on the shelf?
And then GW2 shits on everything Gwen stood for by letting fucking charr fucks parade around and walk over her fucking grave
>got her flute
>didn't turn it in
>finished pre-searing
>could never give her her flute
>not wanting INFINITE energy
>Faction of humans literally in open war with the Charr in eastern Ascalon
>Every character you can speak with condemns their actions with no explanation other than "b-but duh queen made da pees!" and the writers just stammer something about fucking Centaurs
Their attempts to depower Humanity from being LITERALLY THE FAVORED CHILDREN OF THE GODS, EMPOWERED AND DRIVEN BY DIVINE FIRE TO BRING ORDER AND JUSTICE TO A GODLESS WORLD OF ANIMALS just so they could write four fucking years of erotic plant fiction might be the worst part of GW2
I like this haircut
It's a shame there's none like this in GW2
I loved dervishes as well.
You still here user?
I just made a character on Prophecy still in pre-searing, I don't have any other add on though
That isn't really the proper vibe to get from the first game. Lesser races worshipped the same gods too, it's just that humans were most understanding about them. The gods were additionally very passive, they favoured specific acts done by their followers but not the reasons behind it. The gods didn't direct humans to fight anyone, they just aided them because they remained faithful.
>The gods didn't direct humans to fight anyone, they just aided them because they remained faithful.
Humans are literally only on Tyria because the Gods brought them there and told them to go forth and be cool.
How well does it run?
I heard a rumour that Anet tanked the servers to a bare minimum and that the networking is a skeleton of its former self at this stage. Is this the case or are you experiencing a familiar enough of a connection?
I'm somewhat interested in playing again with mem8s probably in winter. Just do a run of the three campaigns and some extra shit.
Because devs would rather make a shitty MOBA these days since that's what's popular.
I dunno m8, I literally just created my character and been running around in Ascalon City trying not to cry at the nostalgia because of that fucking music
Reinstalling now. If you're a monk I think I'll go necro or mesmer.
Started playing GW when Factions launched, was most fun I ever had. Such a shame GW2 was so different.
Had a crush on my qt necromancer guild leader, I've logged in a couple of times over the years and left her? messages in the guild note, and she has left me messages too. Don't want to see her as I think she'll turn out to be either too old or too fat (or a male) and my fantasies would be ruined.
It's a development nightmare. Nerfing builds when skills are set is easy, nerfing builds without crippling builds that use a skill as a utility rather than a core is almost impossible in GW's system.
It worked for GW at the time, because the only real competition was World of Warcraft, which was running an entirely different race. It wouldn't work now, because would just sigh after seeing their build nerfed by an unrelated nerf for the twentieth time, then go play another game for their fix.
Where is everyone?
Wasn't there a Steam Group full of nostalgiafags running GW1 sessions from time to time?
Go hard familia. Fantasies can be replaced, opportunity cannot anywhere near as easily.
Pretty weird to get in that deep without using voice chat though.
What was your dumbass builds?
>E/N Focusing on high energy for Life Transfer and meteor spam
>R/E using earth magic as a means for close combat
>W/N going into Death Magic to have minions as support and another means of health
>N/Me as an ultimate status class. He also looked like a boss from Vampire Night which was the entire reason I even played Necromancer.
Fuck I had too much fun with this game. I want the spark back.
My eyes are watering, stop doing this shit right before I try to sleep.
Me/W Illusionary Weaponry and Blackout with Flurry.
Could literally solo anything other character.
55hp monk
In random arena
Before enchant removal were a thing
The original Monk/Necro boonprot build was easily my most favorite build to run, so years after it was nerfed by making it impossible for the build to stay energy positive I decided to run it in a few FA games by getting a friend to go necro and spam BiP and Blood Ritual on me to keep my energy up.
Except he thought that would be too boring so he went Warrior/Necro instead and spammed frenzy the entire time while doing it.
We won with no player or NPC deaths.
I sometime wonder if it's only the nostalgia feel who explain why I can't enjoy new game anymore, maybe the old one were simply better.
wtf i love gwen now
You know they are going to fuck that up, the story is going to be retarded as they now are trying to escape they dragon bullshit as dragons ain't as popular now again.
R/N spamming troll unguent and life drain
>the story is going to be retarded
It's already retarded, by nature of including the White Mantle.
>Hey, your gods are false!"
>Actually I've literally physically been to the realms of those gods, they're real
>Nuh uh!
>No, really. You can also see their physical mark on our mortal realm across numerous locations in the world!
>Nuh uh!
>I can literally call upon their power and manifest their physicality upon my own.
>Nuh uh!
It's even worse in GW2 because it's just an excuse to Nostalgia baiting and buying more time before people start demanding Cantha, which their Korean/Chinese overlords will never allows them to do.
>playing as Sin/Dervish with a scythe
My nigga, that running with a scythe animations still gets me rock hard
>Tfw Droknar's used to be THE city.
People payed damn good money just to make it there. It wasn't quite as big as Lion's Arch, but you never heard people talk about LA like they did Drok's
Now. ;-;
>Gwen cucked you for that faggot Keiran
It still hurts...