What the fuck happened?

What the fuck happened?

Will Sun and Moon even be good? It's being directed by the same jackoff that did these lovely turds.

Other urls found in this thread:


>but m-muh battle frontier waaaah
>megas are bad, I want the same shit every game

He only directed the remakes, which were rushed out in under a year. Everything we've seen from Sun & Moon has pointed towards improvement.

except the pokemon designs

>Gen VI was bad

Spoken like a true redditor.

Megas are bad.

>implying ORAS isn't the literal epitome of the series

Genwunner detected

explain how please

Huh? But they are garbage, you don't have to suck GameFreak's dick just cause you've liked pokemon since you were a kid, you know?

It will be too easy and that will ruin it

it isn't. hgss is the epe-tome.

I like the Alolan Forms, but I gotta admit that I'm not really feeling a lot of the new Pokemon in this one. But as long as the National Dex has at least as much variety as the one in XY did, I'll be fine, since that was by far my favorite part of that game.

Don't even put XY in the same image as ORAS

The only problem was they were piss easy, and it's a game for kids so I have no idea what you were expecting.

I am playing X right now. Literally nothing wrong with it

ORAS would've been fine if it wasn't a rushed piece of shit. Hopefully SM has had plenty of development time, which, given the references to Alola back in XY, there's a chance it did.

>he doesn't like the railgun bug or bowtie owl

ORAS was much better than XY.

For starters it had a after game with the Delta arc. Sun and Moon looks like there fixing the problems that XY had.

I traded in ORAS for XY because XY has more pokemon and you can play dress-up. Did I fuck up?

Huh? But they are good, you don't have to Hate things blindly just cause you're trying to fit in on Sup Forums ya know?

". In other words, ."

- All the dialog in X and Y.

>the only problem
Yes fampai, I hope that every pokemon game from now on has an hour worth of postgame content.


>he reads pokemon dialogue

But why?

I was willing to forgive a lot of XY's shortcomings because it was obvious that most of the development time went into the engine and character models, and was looking forward to Pokemon Z fixing the generation like Platinum did for Diamond and Pearl, but that never happened. Then ORAS came out and looked like it was competing for the Underachiever Awards and I have no idea what went wrong. Aside from introducing things like the EXP Share, Super Training, and Poke Amie (despite not bothering to balance any of them), Gen 6 was a real wash.

It's really telling that, when I finally decided to play Alpha Sapphire recently, I actually forgot that the Fairy type even existed.

>just a fucking koala
>no bullshit
>call it a pokemon
I hope it doesn't evolve and get ruined

im looking forward to the romhacks since sun/moon will probably be as incredibly easy as xy and oras

I thought I was the only one that noticed that. XY was do dam easy that I finished half of it in 2 days without even knowing. Y was the first Pokémon game I've played since emerald.
These new Pokémon games just feel so different and weird. Not saying it's shit, its just I expected something completely different after spending 10 years without playing Pokémon.

>new Pokemon
Guess what? Megas & Alola forms are the same thing, just different flavors, except Alola forms are gonna be even more worthless because they open up new prevalent weaknesses for the Mon and will totally shit all over their stats & gameplan.
But no, it's a based Gen because it's got bara, posing, delicious brown, and dat boi. Don't say I didn't warn you when the main game's linear & the postgame's nonexistant.

No, it's the superior pair of games

X&Y was good and S&M looks like it'll be great.

It's a tiny cute thing, unless it was a mythic then of course it's gonna evolve.

>People actually defend gen 6
I mean, it makes sense, but I can't get why. Its a really hollow and incomplete game.

Gen 7 seems to be trying to be more Dragon Quest, which is cool, and I want it to do well, but man, my faith is shaken.

>aloha evolutions

Wth is that? Is the new game set in new York or something?

>people play Pokémon games for the story


The only part of the Pokémon that matters is that the dex gets bigger
More Pokémon = more options for breeding, battling, shiny hunting, making themed teams etc. All the post-game shit.

Who the fuck plays these games for the story? Are you 9?

They make already strong pokemon ridiculously strong, or make crappy pokemon into semi-decent ones in which case a normal evolution would have sufficed. Overall they just reduce the number and variety of pokemon which are competitively viable.

Man people have some real thick rose-tinted glasses when it comes to Pokemon. Last one I played was Crystal and I really don't see how XY is any worse. The games were never perfect. They were always shallow as fuck.

Even though I agree with most of your post

>9 years old
9yos don't give a fuck about story, c'mon

Even without Super Training and the XP share, trainers have noticeably fewer Pokemon and are much less clever than they were in some previous games. The Champion was one of the only trainers in the game to actually have six Pokemon, and Gym Leaders went back to being easily sweepable by super-effective moves, whereas in BW1 and 2, they were designed with countermeasures to punish that behavior. Hell, if you brought a Ghost type to the Fighting gym (which was the third one in a game where the first four Gyms were spread out extremely wide), literally no one would be able to hit you. It was ridiculous.

Gen 6 doesn't have a completed Dex. Gen 6 doesn't have a 3rd game, which is why Zygarde is awkwardly shoehorned into Alola now. Gen 6 had no post game, short of Looker quests. Gen 6 was hollow and incomplete. That's got nothing to do with story. The game itself isn't finished and the scraps just got swept under the rug.

Then who does?

The story is always the same shit, it's literally just one step above "Mr. Rabbit went to visit his friend Owl" child books.

Exactly, I'm not that user, I agree that no one gives a shit about the story, not even 9 year olds


But gen 6 does have postgame.

And you can get the entire national dex and enjoy them all in "new grafix".

You can breed them, you can build competitive teams, you can make themed teams, you can hunt shinies, you can trade, everything.

What else do you want? More actual ingame "content" that gets exhausted in 5 minutes? How does that hold up against the 1k+ hours you get out of what I mentioned above?

I don't really see the point in breeding/optimizing or making themed teams since:
A: in PvP you will just get shit on by people autistically following the meta or using legendaries and
B: The PvE/base game is so easy you could beat everything with a single Caterpie with no training or strategy at all, as long as its level was high enough.

It'll turn into a drop bear and be super edgy. Sorry mate, that's just how we do it in the bush.

Back when I was around 10, I actually gave a shit about the story. Gave me a purpose to do certain things. I guess kids have too short of an attention span nowadays. Could explain why a lot of games these days don't have the charm and greatness of the classics.

>and are much less clever than they were in some previous games

Wait, which Pokemon game had actual trainer AI that wasn't just picking random moves?

>A: in PvP you will just get shit on by people autistically following the meta or using legendaries

It is fun beating said A) type of people - especially since most of them are very unskilled in competitive battling.

>the stories in these kids games were better when I was a kid
>these kids games were harder when i was a kid

Tiers exist for a reason. Hell even as a kid back then you probably made some "no legendaries" rule with the other kids when battling.

You're not gonna be getting far at all with your Caterpie in the battle maison

Battle Facilities benefit from minmaxing to some extent.

I expected something new. Instead we got held items that boost stats.

Sorry, when I said "clever," I meant that trainers were coded with proper coverage, like the Electric gym using Emolgas so that you couldn't steamroll the gym with a Ground type.

Gen VI was my least favorite but VII looks promising. I'd rather play a fan game then X&Y again.

>tfw they won't make a game with Emerald/Plat AI coverage or xp gains again

Gen 6 only had 70 new pokemon. No game has ever had less than 100. Its shallow. Its not its own game and as such lacks personality and presence. The best thing about it seems to be what you can do with older gen pokemon.

I want a pokemon game to stand out, each be unique. X and Y are as generic and forgettable as they are unfinished. Its competitive scene was great, by far the best pokemon's had, but I can't say a game is good because they didn't take steps back mechanically.

Like, hell, I'm not asking for new mechanics and battle styles. I want a game with a full dex, actually memorable bosses, and not padded with horse shit and lies, like what riding pokemon was in gen 6.

So are Alola forms going to be temporary like Megas, or legitimate new evolutions?

If it's the latter, why don't they just replace Megas with this system entirely? Instead of introducing a million more "we're running out of ideas" critters they should start adding more variety to the ones we already have.

Yeah I think the only thing I enjoyed Gen 6 for was for the improved graphics and megas.

I still play through Gen 6 still though - I enjoy running different games or I get bored.

Some are evolutions, but Sandshrew and Ninetales are pretty much considered as new Pokemon.

Watching Sup Forums talk about Pokemon is embarrassing.

They look like they're gonna be, essentially new pokemon. A way to pad out gen 7's dex, maybe.

As long as I can keep my rad new Alola Genwuns and not have it wear off after the battle is over I'm happy, don't care if it's an evolution or not.

This. ORAS was ORAS and that's enough said, but XY felt incredibly shallow. The whole game felt like it was trying to emulate the old school RBY and failing. Most of the previous gens had their own sound fonts, but XY really didn't have anything unique.

>nothing wrong with it
Except the fact that you would literally have to cripple yourself to ever lose a fight and there is no postgame whatsoever

>completly ignores new typing

watching you is embarassing.

It's like Gastrodon. The pink ones are always pink, the blue ones are always blue. The Vulpix that you catch in Sun and Moon will always be Ice type (unless they let you take a plane to Kanto or something), and the only way to get Fire-type Vulpix is to trade with a different game.

It's clearly designed to save effort on making new Pokemon now that they have to make 3D models, but I actually really like the idea and wish that they had implemented it sooner. Now that Black and White already gave us a bunch of Pokemon that are supposed to be similar to Gen 1s with altered stats and typing, this batch feels a bit redundant.

I don't think anybody cares about the story but beating the game should feel fun, and offer a challenge.

Well I certainly wouldn't mind them offering a hard mode right from the getgo

Started playing Y a week ago, I'm incredibly late to the party. Why is it so easy?

I mean back when I was a kid I had to actually work for my battles, and the Pokymans were evenly leveled most of the time. But now I'm effortlessly steamrolling everyone without even paying attention to type advantages sitting at at least 20 levels above everyone, all the time.

Back when you were a kid, you had a Charizard with flamethrower, fire blast, ember, and either cut or fire spin.

>we'll never see a good Pokemon spin-off again
>no more Pokemon Ranger
>no more Pokemon Puzzle
>no more Pikachu life sims
>still no Pokemon farming game in the style of Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons
>Pokemon Go is all we're going to get while we suffer through another garbage Gen

Not him - but even now playing it previous entries feel much easier than their Gen 6 counterparts.

Although said previous entries are obviously much easier than when I played RBY for example as a kid.

>we'll never see a good Pokemon spin-off again
That's because they don't exist.

You were just retarded when you were a kid

Just give me another Snap, damnit!

Pokemon Ranger is good.

I don't really think that the story in Pokemon necessarily needs to be groundbreaking or anything, but it could at least be original. Hell, since we're not getting "Gym" gyms in this game, they could do something like this:

>Entire story is about stopping the enemy Team from using the version Legendary for evil purposes, instead of shoehorning it seven Gyms in
>Fight more traditional bosses along the way, like one Pokemon with much higher HP and more moves than a trainer's would have or something
>Go around the region gathering magic rocks or something to give you an excuse to explore areas
>Final battle with the Legendary
>After knocking it out, if you've explored all the optional areas and collected all the magic rocks, you'll automatically get a special egg with the Legendary inside of it, otherwise it just gets defeated
>Track down enemy Team's hideout for one last battle with the leader
>Credits roll
>Pokemon League takes notice of all the shit and establishes an official League Challenge in Alola for the post-game quest
>Have to track down the eight gym leaders, former NPCs that you've met in the main game, among new areas with National Dex Pokemon available to catch
>Each of the Gym Leaders have power equal to the post-game bosses from other games, like Red and Cynthia
>Become League Champion after defeating all 8 to let you know the post-game is over
>Get another chance to capture the version Legendary the old-fashioned way if you failed to get it before

Best team in years

Yeah - it'd be really interesting if the team boss had the Legendary from the start and you saw the trail of destruction as you progressed more instead of it just appearing at the end.

But that would probably be too mature for kids.

exp share in x/y is really broken and having it enabled the entire time guarantees you'll be grossly overleveled throughout the entire game

you have to disable it on occasion to make the game even remotely challenging

also, you were a kid

The problem with boss monsters is that they end up like Onix, where they're total shit.

The last pokemon game I have played was Emerald but I was kinda thinking of going back to the game.

Did the series get worse or better ? My favorite gen is Gen II.

That's some funky music. Hopefully they won't just be another Rattata Gang.

Platinum is good - give it a try (DP is garbage)

You can skip BW1 and play BW2.

It steadily increased until gen 6

Play B2/W2

It's gone up and down in quality, even in the same gens. Gen IV started out horrible, but ended up being one of the strongest parts of the franchise's history. Gen V was good all-around, Gen VI was weak despite some nice mechanical improvements, and Gen VII is looking like it's gonna be pretty strong.

Emerald is the best

Pokémon games have only improved over time. That is, if you are interested in post-game online things, breeding, etc.

If you only play for the story then it's a different thing.

pokemon they've had so far

as far as new mons go they haven't shown any

>Railgun bug
>Not Vic Viper bug

Koalas are fucking demons. They're called drop bears for a reason.

Hey, if it's there, you're supposed to read it. What kind of autist just bliazes through the game without even reading the plot of the RPG, even if it's probably silly? I bet you're one of those guys that also plays Smash without items.

I'm assuming they are permanent and it's going to be like: any pokemon with an Alola form will permanently be in that form if they are caught in Alola, but normal forms of the same pokemon can be brought in from other regions.

Ranger & Mystery Dungeon you dipshit.

I wish we got Onix as the Alolan Ice type instead of Sandshrew/Slash, so we could finally have crystal Onix. It would make more sense aesthetically too.

Agreed. Just look at for example. He thinks he's great for finishing XY in 2 days. I did that with Gold as a kid playing it in a language i didn't even speak.
Or , that thinks trainers didn't always had that number of Pokemon and bringing Pokemon with immunities is a new thing
Or just retards like where "when i was a kid..." doesn't even need an explanation.

>Federation Force confirmed to be good
>Shitposters move onto the next Nintendo game