Any games that play like the elder scrolls?

Any games that play like the elder scrolls?

I feel like the elder scrolls has it's flaws, but if someone else took a crack it it's style it'd be even better.


two worlds

but memes aside, Beth still makes the best open world rpgs, even after the disaster that was FO4.


if you can bare a talking Protagonist, way more gritty and dark fantasy world

Unfortunately, no. One of the reasons Bethesda is so successful is that they have no real competition.

No, and this is the reason they can make shit, and get away with it

That depends on what you consider the core of Elder Scrolls you'd like to see in another game improved.

>two worlds


I still dont understand why this series is so underrated outside eastern europe, germany and russia. Gothic 1, 2 and 3 are far better than the Elder Scrolls franchise... with the exception of Morrowind which is only surpassed by Gothic 2 with NotR

>and 3
You had me until there. But 3 is worse than any TES game, including Skyrim.

If you like that kind of first person action dungeon crawling stuff, check out Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Its basically a more refined and fun version of Skyrim's combat and who knows, TES VI might have combat like it since Zenimax now owns Arkane.

Fuck off, character-driven stories will never be as immersive as one where you can create your character in their entirety.

It's why Witcher 3 is so overrated and loved by uncreative dudebros.

100% Agree with you

But your roleplaying ends at "creating your character". You just make different models, but absolutely nothing else changes. Not in reactivity, not in dialog, not in options available to you.

The kind of character creation you want is 100% cosmetic in TES, and therefore pointless.

So morrowind is peasant simulator, as in you start out complete trash but by the end you are a god among men. What other peasant simulators are there.
That is more of a problem of the game not limiting you. If you force some rules on yourself you can role-play.

thead is ded

>The kind of character creation you want is 100% cosmetic in TES, and therefore pointless.
That's a problem with Bethesda, not an inherent flaw in letting people make their own characters instead of playing a premade character.

What a stupid post. Gtfo with your low budget, short and shallow games

True. However there isn't a game that managed to pull it off, for obvious reasons. Even Age of Decadence, a game built entirely around the idea of roleplaying different builds, ended up being a collection of several short stories with basically pre-made characters.

Creating your character is an interesting idea in theory, but at this point pretty much impossible to execute well in a video game. This is why in practice you can get a lot more out a premade character when playing vidya, meanwhile you would be crazy to do so in pen and paper.

>witcher 3
>kill yourselves

>pretty much impossible to execute
do you mean it takes a lot of time, because a developer need time more than anything to set up all the variant ways a character can progress through the game

>low budget
Doesn't make it a bad series.
You can spend hundreds of hours just fucking around in G2.
The fuck does that even mean? The games have a decent storyline, likable characters and good progression. Don't see how they're shallow.
Have a (You), I guess.

Well, you might say that, but it isn't simply time, but technical limitations too. It's a combination of tech, budget, and yeah, studios wanting to release a game before the stars burn out. So basically, impossible.

what the fuck is the tech limitation of:
bob chose to shot peter
bob chose to talk to peter
bob chose to ignore peter

DA:O achieved this and it is an old Bioware game

Two Worlds 2 is pretty good, really cool magic system, couple waifus, just have to get through that first 5 hour slog.

Not much, but that is what you do with a premade character. What we are discussing is:
bob, the Imperial, chose to shot peter
bob, the Khajiit, can't even meet peter, because peter doesn't allow filthy drug addicts in his home
bob, the female Dunmer illusionist decided to seduce peter than shoot him
bob, the female Nord warrior wanted to try the same but couldn't, because peter is not into blond chicks

And so on. Basically differences that give meaning to character creation. Now imagine a Bethesda game trying even the most basic version of this. It would be a bug fest on a level we've never seen before, size of save files would skyrocket, etc.

Literally none other than Fallout. It is the gamebryo engine that makes their game unique. No one understands this, and everyone wants Bethesda to get a new engine and loss it's uniqueness.

We want them to get a new engine or to actually fucking use the one they got

It's not Gamebryo, it's the Creation kit. If only Todd bothers to create a Creation Kit for a better engine.
He originally programmed the Kit for Morrowind

The answer is halfway between these two. It's gamebryo, but gamebryo is more than just a graphical engine. It's a framework that is easily extensible and allows more and more content to be easily built onto the game. Think game maker but more less shit The creation kit is merely the frontend to that.

Fuck off. You can roleplay in TES games more than any other rpg. You can play as a Thief, you can play as a murderer, you can play as an artifact collector (with the Dragonborn gallery mod, artifact collection is more relevant), you can play as Conjurer that uses dead bodies and other worldy summons to kill enemies, you can play as a pickpocketer, you can play as a dungeon dweller, you can play as a scholar that collects books and scrolls, you can play as an Alchemist, you can play as a Wearwolf, you can play as a Vampire, you can play as a survivalist with immersion and survival mods, you can play as an assasin that murders people, you can play as fucking cat and a Lizard, you can play as Dragonborn that collects every Ancient shouts, you can play as a Vampire Hunter, etc.

Holy shit which other RPG allows this? Witcher 3? Where you play as Geralt the Witcher throughout the whole game?

Daggerfall is the best game in the series.

It would probably be much easier to include all those things if they didn't all have to be voice acted, but good luck getting a AAA developer to consider that.

What engines can support i shit ton of AIs?
That way they can incorporate radiant AI better.
Or maybe if they go with id tech 6 with vulkan support they could make the game run really well for once.


>minecraft with mods

>Holy shit which other RPG allows this?

Almost any RPG? You seem to be mixing up a lot of things there, build versatility, faction selection, setting arbitrary goals for yourself, and even modding.

Play a Might and Magic, or Wizardry, or Dungeons and Dragons, whatever. You will get just as much freedom with your build. Hell, of the things listed even Gothic does
These are build options. RPGs tend to have them.
If you decide to restrict yourself to only dwelling dungeons, or collecting books or whatnot, you restrict the content available to you for play-pretend. That is your choice, and if you enjoy it great, but the game will never acknowledge it. Again, setting arbitrary goals is something most free-roaming RPGs allow you. You can for example decide to play Divine Divinty traveling around exclusively as a frog and stealing everything without anyone ever seeing you as a human.
Being a werewolf is a nice feature, albeit comes with essentially zero content. Vampire is a bit better in this regard. Both boil down to a slightly different gameplay style, but which again is nothing unusual in RPGs. Let's look at Gothic again. You can transform into a
>dragon snapper
>field raider
>fire lizard
>giant rat

The difference being that a game with a premade protagonist allows for greater levels of reactivity. A game like Deus Ex can acknowledge your non-lethal playstyle. A game like Gothic acknowledges your faction choices, and NPCs react to you differently if you are a paladin, or a wizard, hell the other factions react to you differently. This is completely missing from TES, aside from the random guard barks.

two worlds is fucking good. the gameplay is fun, okay, the graphics aren't great, but the dialogue is so fucking bad that it's entertaning. unlike beth's games where the story elements are just disappointing.

if you want a game where you run around a big map leveling up skills and getting better equipment, two worlds is fucking fantastic.

and, you have to admit there are lot of similarities between two worlds plot and skyrim. I mean, you have to pick sides between the highlander rebels and the roman look alikes in power.

2w2 has a cool magic system and the multiplayer was pretty cool, but that single player game was a letdown overall.