Who /reports people on psn/ here?
>Mfw Sony thank you for reporting them
Is it true they lose everything tied to that account? I hope so.
Who /reports people on psn/ here?
>Mfw Sony thank you for reporting them
Is it true they lose everything tied to that account? I hope so.
Whats your account name?
Anyone else?
Do you randomly report them or do you use a criteria?
If they have swear words or an offensive name then I report them
Come on, lads. I can't be the only one.
fuk u fagts. i had my my 9 year old acc banned permanently last year. lost all my ps plus games, trophies, all my digital games and $20. I was also a top ranked player in the leaderboards in a few games. srsly fuck u, if u cant handle the bantz, go elsewhere. no such thing as cyberbullying. i am sick of u disgusting pampered cucks.
People who report others for things other than cheating are sensitive kids who can't take a fucking joke.
Lmao what was your name, I probably reported you.
Did it have "fuk" in it?
No, I just like being a dick
if u got in a lobby with, i would of dox the shit out of u
That's actually a form of being a pussy, some say you'll realize.
I'd report you :)
you wouldn't know if i doxxed u fool. would have even swatted ur ass
Me too, user. Doing God's work.
That might work if I was American
punk ass bitch. your probably some greasy cheeto eating basement dweller fatty who gets his ass handed to him every time becuz u suck and cries about it in reddit, on how people are so mean and the community is so toxic after 1 game
yuropoor getting enriched by mudslimes
God bless you, user.
I'm actually pretty good at games. You shouldn't try and have an edge-lord name and then I can't report you. Btw, I'll report you for any abusive emails that people send too.
the only game your good at playing is ur asshole
Why are you so mad?
How do exactly get offended by nicknames again?
I dont but ruining someones account and making them lose everything is pretty funny.
>mfw i got 2 feggots that were talkin shit banned by reporting them on my brothers ps4 and my friends ps4
Better watch who you talk shit to I tell you what.
Any time I'm grouped with someone who fucking sucks ass and ruins my games I report their names if they break ToS
Fuck em
Good shit
I report twats on Overwatch purely because I know Blizz actually works hard to make the game a faggy hugbox. Worth it just to imagine the tears.
I do it if people are acting like insufferable faggots or they try way too hard to be funny. More motivated to do it if they start being dicks to kids do didn't do anything to provoke them. Basically, anyone who browses Sup Forums.
how to report?
I have reported all my friends who used henkaku.
Click on their profile, press options then report.
So just to clear the air up. They don't lose their account you goof, they get asked to rename.
It depends if their name was the problem.
There's other shit you can report
Don't call me a goof or I'll report you.
That shit doesn't fly here goof, nobody gives a shit about you here.
So basically who's autistic?
>people break tos
>get mad when you report them
Announcing reports is against the rules.