Are you hyped for the new Metal Gear?

Are you hyped for the new Metal Gear?

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No, but I'm hyped to make fun of it.

This game is so bad that its funny.

I actually am neutral. It might turn out to be fun.

It sounds like it could be interesting but given what we know so far there was no reason to make this a Metal Gear game. It'd be less insulting if they just changed all the MSF logos on everything and had no Boss or Kaz and just said it was some random base somewhere and not a Metal Gear game. I'm willing to see how it pans out since it's not Metal Gear Solid but a spin off and this series has had a fucking LOT of retarded but fun spin offs over the years but initial impressions aren't so hot.

Wha's that thing on his shoulder?

I don't know why, but I'm actually cautiously optimistic
At least konami isn't raping the story, considering its in some magical warp portal

Yeah, it could be fun and I do like stupid zombie survival shit but it's still really lazy from Konami
>just reuse tons of assets, some levels and the character creation that's already in the game
>add in minimal crafting
>zombie AI is probably pretty non-existent
>no story, just "MSF dudes get sucked into a hellgate and fight things"
actually, I do want the bizarre adventures of the MSF/DD goofballs. That could be fun.

I don't even see how anyone can even think this looks like it could potentially be decent. It literally just looks like bland, uninspired Western garbage. It's like that game Sony showed at E3, with the zombies and motorcycle. It's just fucking boring to even look at.

>retard female saves the shitty main character
i'm feed up with zombies , so unless its something really different no (and it wont be)

It will most likely be.
>have base camp
>play solo or mp
>must go out to gather resources
>outside are zombies

>Best part of MGS5
>What can make a shitty story and awful voice acting good

Don't even care about the zombies, probably not all that different from the WITH APPEARANCES BY: SKULLS UNIT shit.

the fuck is that?

Now that shitter and failed cinematographer Kojima is out of the picture maybe we will get a good game that doesnt try every 2 seconds to be 2 deep 4 you.

They're not even trying to be subtle anymore

>Game not out yet

The Phantom Pain is what MGS fans feel now without Kojima.

Has potential, might be fun.

One of the alternate dimension zombies you fight. You know, it's a MG game, so of course that's what you fight right?

burning my MSF patch for airsoft.

but muh kojimbo!

are you saying it looks good to you?









I've been shitting on Death Stranding since fucking E3

I don't know how they did it but Hackjima's new pretentious piece of shit looks better than Konami's new game.

How can you miss the point so fucking much?

That's like making The Witcher 4: Dancing All Night, Dark Souls: Football Manager 1386 or Persona 6: Global Offensive. What the actual fuck.

>hear all this shit about metal gear
>wait wat what's going on
>google it
>it's a fucking zombie survival game

I'm fine with paranormal shit in mgs but considering retcons like nanomachines, Sorrow, Vamp, and shit this is the worst fucking thing possible.

I mean what the fuck is happening? We can't get Kingdom of Flies or everything BB did in Mgs1 references like training/raising Wolf, Snake, and

I actually love Mgsv plot "twist" which isn't even a plot twist given you know that strange shit is afoot with DNA testing.

I mean fuck this company was a staple from NES days with Contra and Castlevania but this isn't just fucking over one franchise and all but it's the whole mobile shit because apparently mobile is made for retards and this company is run by retards is ironic enough but nah man I'm done.

The zombies aren't even the worst part. Metal Gear has always had a slight amount of supernatural to it, zombies aren't too ridiculous.
It's the fucking gameplay that's horrible. They looked at all those horrible early access indie survival games on Steam, made a clone, then slapped the name Metal Gear on it.
Kojima is probably gonna have nightmares from this.

>I'm fine with paranormal shit in mgs but considering retcons like nanomachines

you do know that all the "paranormal" stuff is due to nanomachines, right?

kojima is too autistic to care i bet. hideo might burn the hq down though

I can't believe Metal Gear is fucking dead

I think it could be cool, but the trailer is seriously a huge step down from Kojima's trailers.

what... is this?! I mean, why!?

No it isn't Sorrow is actually paranormal.

That is a huge fucking retcons considering Ocelot could possibly have potential to be actually channeling Liquid but they threw in nanomachines for fucking reasons.


It's a 4 player coop zombie game with MGSV gameplay. I'm not sure if it will be good but can't say it's bad either.

Nanomachines and parasites.

But I think Mantis remains a legit psychic (don't recall anybody in MGSV saying he wasn't), and the weird shit Raven pulled off remains unexplained. Plus, Fortune somehow managed to do her thing without the doodah Ocelot put on her.

Nah, fuck this game.
Fuck Konami.

And they are raping the fucking corpse man.

Yeah I'm gonna buy it on ps4 and play with 2 of my friends and have fun

I know this sounds like a shitpost but im deadly serious

Still better than MGSV.

Top lol

All the Cobras had their powers thanks to Parasites, according to Codetalker

Mantis, Kuwabara, and Sorrow are legit they never really explain why Kuwabara used electricity as far as I recall.

just let it end

Boss fights and I'm in

Remember when Metal Gear Rising was first announced and everyone was confused at the change of style?

I think we have to wait and see gameplay footage first before we all jump on the hate wagon.

David hayter. Calling it right now

Sorrow is paranormal nigga no way to explain that shit with parasites. Only one I remember him explicitly remember him stating affected was the End in reference to Quiet and the Skulls.

Only The Pain and The End are retconned with the parasite thing. The Fear was just a surgically augmented freak and The Sorrow was legitimately paranormal.

Well Sup Forums.
There it is.

Metal Gear Solid is finally dead. First you make it a movie. Then you made it into a generic open world game. Then you kill off the creator. Then you killed the soul and charm of MGO. Then you turn arguably the best game in the series into a pachinko machine.

There's nothing left. I can finally be at peace that the MGS series is no more.

Goodbye Metal Gear. Thank you for all the fun, laughs, tears, wows, and mindfucks. Gone but never forgotten.

Goodnight sweet prince.

SUNSET: 2015

Please Sup Forums. Pay your respects.


Rising makes fucking sense this actually doesn't considering what could actually be.Read Kingdom and BB mgs1


Codetalker speaks of the End because his parasites studies were based on the stuff that the old man had, but all the Cobras had their own parasites. You may not like the idea, but that's how it is.

I like to pretend that Fortune just legitimately got lucky once as some kind of irony, but I know that's not what they were going for.


mgs2 had skateboarding

It's cannon, deal with it


Sad thing is I love Phantom Pain apart from lack of actual bosses and Kingdom of Flies.

This is the fucking nail.

>We live and die for you boss!

Im so fucking salty I'll buy umbrella corps out of spite

Get ORC too

Sorrow has nothing to do with parasites motherfucker he is legit.

You don't talk to the living after being dead through parasites retard.


I was actually hoping for a new Metal Gear game, I just wanted it to be MGR2 not this shit.

Fuck off faggot

This is honestly hilarious

You can feel Konami's desperation and money grubbing just oozing from this trailer

I almost feel sorry for them with how pathetic this entire concept is


Psycho Mantis is a legit ESP, they just came up with pseudo science explanations for how he could start fires, other than that he's a psychic, no tricks
Vulcan Racen could dissolve himself into mouths of ravens (?) that's basically some kind of nature spirit eskimo magic
Vamp could trap shadows with throwing stars, all his other powers were admittedly retconned to hell. Also his muscle reading ability wasn't exactly normal
Fortune could deflect a missile salvo because she is lady luck, it's stated that this was outside even the calculations of the Patriots
Ocelot was torn out of the bullet torn womb of The Boss in Normandy and hence has near-omnipotent control over bullets and their trajectories
Pain contolled his hornets with parasites but doesn't explain how he could materialize out of a swarm of them
Somebody look up how they explained the flaming faces of The Fury, I recall they gave some ridiculous explanation to those.
Sorrow is dead
The Boss's snake scar slithers away after her death
The Mammal Pod selfdestructs due to the spirit of The Boss residing in the AI

Instead of ending the series on a high note they just decided to shit on everyhing and ruin it.

Actually meant to reply to this. Well, anyway

I'm just going to sit here and wait for the obligatory contrarian 'mgsv was shit' reply


Sorrow could talk them when he was alive supposedly.

That Cobra game is never happening even if it wasn't necessary but would have kicked ass.

It's amusing how everyone cheered on Kojima wanting to make a zombie game, and now that Metal Gear Zombie is reality people want it gone.

>voice parasites and arms that take over bodies are ok
>but zombies are a no-no

Are you ask legitimately retarded?

Keifer actually put heart into the lines that needed impact. Sad we didn't see them in cutscene but whatever.

>mfw they get Hayter after being so buttheart for literal shit.

>Metal Gear Survive
Wait, is Konami joking? It isn't April. What the fuck are they thinking? What happened to their
>we'll be focusing exclusively on mobile games and pachinko machines because video games are too expensive
shit? What a fucking blunder, this is pathetic. I hope it not only bombs financially but also has worse reviews than One Man's Lies.

>tfw cautiously optimistic
At least they are not letting the Fox engine go to waste.

I like zombie coop shooters
I love MGSV gameplay

So this should be fun.


F for Fuck my life.

Yes, he communicated with the dead soldiers on battlefields to gather intel

It's the fact we don't get Kingdom and actual BB game that explains what he was actually fucking doing. I love TPP "twist" and all, this is actually retarded given it is neither of these things.

>At least they are not letting the Fox engine go to waste.
By making some shitty attempt at a cash grab?

There was no reason to fire Hayter. He's iconic for English Metal Gear.

Kojima is a hypocrite. Talks how he cares about VA and it makes a character to the point he won't bring back characters whose VA died and replaces main character for Hollywood. Or maybe he just doesn't care about western fans?


>its better that a fantastic engine gets nothing rather than anything

>Vamp could trap shadows with throwing stars

Did you speak with Otacon after that happens? Because he immediately offers an explanation for it, pretty much hypnosis

I want a new Metal Gear game that isn't pachinko bullshit!

The fact they're using it for pachinko makes it worse.
>those comments

Did he say nothing?

Just about anything could be better than this.

And they had to make ANOTHER survival zombie game.

True but honestly I like Keifer nigga can act.

Phonebooth that motherfucker is intimidating.

>he doesn't like zombie survival games.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Konami want out of video games because it was too much of a risk financially? If this is the case, as far as I remember it, why the fuck are they then trying to CONTINUE making MGS after they fired Kojima if it isn't a fucking petty cash-grab?

I loved mgsv gameplay.

I love the fox engine.

i like coop.

Yeah im hype.

So do I. After the opening cutscene in Ground Zeroes he sounded fine for the rest of whole MGSV and I was fine him.

Kiefer didn't act much during MGSV, for the most part it felt like he was reading his lines. The only moment where he seemed to put some real emotion was during the YOU ARE ALL DIAMONDS scene.

If it had more expanded mgs3 camp mechanics like making yourself smell like shit and not the fucking name instead of chapter 3 or anything actually BB related it could work as a stand alone but let's use a name just for brand recognition.

Ever watch Halloween 3? Nothing to do with Michael Myers after 2 previous movies.


They never had any plans to stop making Metal Gear games.

What an odd choice.

So I guess that after Kojima was fired, someone realized they have no idea how to actually make a Metal Gear game so they went with the first idea tossed and covered It in ALT UNIVERSE.

What the fuck is this shit.
This better not turn into a second DmC train.
Oh wait, that could actually be entertaining