>We hope to win you back.
We hope to win you back
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Biggest cash grab on a popular series ive seen in a long time, like holy shit this could've been an entirely seperate original series about some random military base taken to another world or whatever.
This is so uninspired, they may as well have called it Metal Gear Surfive.
>me right now
So did Kojima really fuck up with his fund management or did he just not want to be a jew and make this?
>instead of finishing the game we sold you on, we'll release yet another zombie survival game
>it's a Sup Forums is entitled episode
Guys. Its a fox engine game.
MGSV gameplay with coop.
In what world does this look bad.
kill me fa.m
>Another mgs thread
>another thread full of faggots moaning about it being cash crab
Well what the fuck would you expect from Konami? the "real" mgs v with a story, they couldnt do a decent story with that bastard on board.
I think this could be a interesting plunge into all that sorrow world shit.
Not happy about it
Not angry about it
Mgs died after 4
Peace walker was shite
Go play Day Z, then go play MGO3, then tell me with a straight face this is going to be great.
>Well what the fuck would you expect from Konami?
I expect nothing and I'm still disappointed
According to gaf it's going to be 30€
Actually it's from gameradar
>The final fact sheet classes Survive as a 'survival action game' with a release date of '2017'. Interestingly, this won't be a full price game. While no further details were given, I did catch sight of a print out that suggests a 30 Euro ($33) price point.
All I can see is another Umbrella Corps in Metal Gear form.
>metal gear of duty: zombies
Because MGSV gameplay is not as good as you MGSV babbies believe.
MGO3 is great because of all the elements of MGSV and previous games.
This had not a single MGS mention after the literal fucking wormholes.
Core gameplay and mechanics are great, it's just level design, mother base focus and grinding were fucking horrible. You can see the difference between Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain.
did you forget the literal wormholes in MGSV singelplayer and MGO3
Kill yourself
>its a "we want the Call of Duty: Zombies audience" episode
I bet a lot of you would never find yourself in a situation where you'd be begging for Revengence 2 huh?
Still waiting for it
Not the gigantic ones that transported you to an "alternate dimension" to fight zombies.
They should have just used Fox Engine and created a co-op wave shooter without using the Metal Gear IP.
For $20 it would have been a pretty good seller. But this is going to get torn to pieces instead.
>level design, mother base focus and grinding
Sounds like most of you are on the way out since a game has upset you so much
They were Fulton devices that only got the soldier, those things were sucking the soil and even the flames.
But I'm not angry about these. The thing is, is it even a metal gear game now? Even if we do fight a giant mech.
Apparently it's $30
Nah, but it's not such a abstract idea that they can teleport you to another place then they were intended. (And the zombies are probably just some skulls shit.)
Core gameplay and mechanics are good, not great. There are many games that to things differently and are not worse. Mgsv gameplay is not that great not groundbreaking.
Love is blind.
So Konami took the MGSV:GZ body snatchers side op seriously and transformed it into the most stupid Metal Gear game ever thought possible.
That instead of remastering MGS3 with the Fox Engine and keeping those pachinko cutscenes in. How retarded can those idiots possibly be?
>could've remade MG1 or 2
>could've given us remastered Snake Eater
>could've given us a game that takes place between MGS1 and 2
>or even another Raiden game
>here's a generic 4 player coop zombie survival game with Metal Gears that totally hasn't been done to fucking death since 2008
The only thing they've won is my disappointment and additioned dislike of Konami.
>You have to eat up what companies do with the series you like, even if it has things that don't fit your taste
>blurring out their handles
everyone would have been moaning if it were any of those.
Console Snake Eater remake probably won't happen anytime soon. It has to sell on Pachinko first.
Isn't the president of Konami some big-headed moneybags type of dude who is more interested in their wine collections than actual vidya, and just kinda sits on Konami's throne as a way of keeping his fortune going?
More like it'll sell when never. Its obvious they had their HR team do a quick analysis on how to milk whats left of the Western fanbase and this bullshit is what they greenlit on a cheap budget with a team that barely knows how to work the FOX engine without Kojima's input.
I have zero hope for the future
I only feel despair
Speak for yourself.
I would've preferred any of those over "generic exhausted zombie surfival game idea number 736."
You're thinking of CAPCOM. Konami chiefs are balls deep into pachinko and Las Vegas.
If it's gameplay is similar to MGS V then I'm going to pre-order 4 copies.
>MGS V with co-op
muh dick
What bothers me about this is that CEO's like this think that churning out garbage with big marketing is what makes a game very profitable. It may turn a profit, however a genuinely good idea implemented well with marketing does so, so much better than this contrived shit.
> this could've been an entirely seperate original series
It SHOULD have been.
There would literally have been nothing wrong with that. Use the engine, etc, but make a new fucking franchise.
That's how things used to run in this fucking industry!!
That's right, I got them mixed up.
I remember reading something a bit of a while back about the newer Capcom CEO and how they were more interested in talking about wine and other hobbies, rather than discuss CAPCOM and the future of their franchises.
I don't know if that'll really work. The game was already incredibly easy once you realised that crawling with the right camo made you nearly invisible. Now you add three friends to make it even simpler?
Well, maybe they'll do something so tranqs aren't insanely overpowered. I guess that'd help.
Bigger AAA publishers seem to have this idea that new IPs don't sell, which is absolute bullshit.
If a new IP looks good, people will buy it. Just don't dump massive fucking amounts of absurd funding into it and expect a new IP to bring in billions, because that's where they always fuck up, and where this mindset seems to stem from.
When will these faggots learn? No Content Sky just blew the fuck out of hypefags, and they're dumb enough to get excited for this shit again.
No one gives a shit about co-op.
People who play metal gear games online sicken me.
This actually looks like more fun than that boring snoozefest MGSV.
I really fucking hate poe's law
It's not so much that they don't sell as they don't sell as much as old IPs. With a new IP you'll get some curious people who'll check it out. With an established IP you'll get some curious people and also some people who already like it. From the perspective of the publisher even one extra sale from some guy looking into it because of name recognition is worth it, so hey, why not? It's not like they lose anything. Until it becomes too old and people start getting turned off by how long running it is, in which case yeah, then they'll try something new. But until then no, they'll go after those potential extra sales from recognition.
>Metal Gear: Operation Racoon City
no thanks
>Bigger AAA publishers seem to have this idea that new IPs don't sell, which is absolute bullshit.
For this kind of hackneyed tripe game, it is true. There will be a sizable number of people who buy this game, even if it looks terrible, even if they think it's terrible, just because it's a Metal Gear game, because they have to play everything Metal Gear.
>4 player coop zombie survival
>4 player coop
>zombie survival
If it had singleplayer, I guess I'd actually be slightly happy to play this, but holy fuck man. Tacking forced coop onto it is like building a ship, and then intentionally punching a fucking hole into it so it sinks...
user, using an old and successful IP ensures that people expect good things from a reputable and recognizable name. A new IP is a little more unpredictable in terms of quality in the minds of the general audience.
What you propose is that a new IP will sell on it's own merits and appeal. Unfortunately this idea is too pure for this industry.
>if you don't have anything nice to say, best not say anything at all
What I'm saying is this: If AAA studios or publishers made a new IP without blowing a literally half-billion dollar fortune on it's production and marketing, they stand to gain a larger profit if it does sell well, and only lose a smaller amount of money on it if it doesn't.
Massive-budget game development is part of what's wrong with the industry.
>guy gets sucked into wormhole with motherbase
>fights zombies
>fights stephahahtpopolis at the end
>wakes up on a desert island
>it was all a dream
>he survived the fall of motherbase
>the end
>did you rike it?
It only blew out people who were competent enough to redeem themselves and realize they didn't get what they wanted. Most people saw the bad changes and accepted it anyway, because they just accept mediocrity.
Kill me bros
>Unfortunately this idea is too pure for this industry.
The industry is built on this idea.
It is founded on this idea.
It is still, overwhelmingly dominated by this idea.
Pic. Related.
Is it that hard to say sorry to Kojima?
>MGS steered towards the generic zombie coop game
>Resident Evil 7 is an Outlast / PT clone
I'm done.
Fucking hell, I expected Konami to fuck Metal Gear up but I'm still mad.
Worst part is this'll still sell based on name alone to the people who only bought MGSV
Once again, casuals ruined everything.
>Historically pants-on-head-retarded series continues to follow suit
Okay, so the issue is you don't get to play as Snake?
Looks interesting but everyone will call it shit just because of Kojima, seriously fuck that guy and his ego, he ruined MGSV and ran away with it.
tfw this game already has an anime
I don't know if you've noticed but the good part of the series has this streak of being linear single-player games, (excluding 2008 and some spin offs) until as of last year.
because its yet an other gay zombie game
Just swallow your pride and beg Kojima to cum back
its too late, he's tasted freedom and it tastes like rego brocks.
What he's done is akin to catching lightning in a bottle really. Not every company want to risk millions of dollars for untested idea. I expect mgsurvive cost at least 50million to make and advertise.
Shilling aint cheap buddy.
>irrational hate against konami will never cease
this is why liberalism won
doesn't matter that kojima had all the time and resources in the world and that he delivered a botched game while incurring losses on the company, you can't have spergs listen to reason.
best thing is watching 4channers disparage pachinko machines while logged in their battlesteam accounts
This is Sup Forums m8, everyone here is still choking on Kojima's cock.
>konami should feel sorry for not letting a hack spend 500000 gorillion dollars and 10 years just so he can release a steaming turd with a retarded body double story after spending 90% of his time going on burger dates with jewstein
kys weeb
kojima is just as much at fault for ruining mgs
>irrational hate
>exclusive to neolibs
While I will admit Kojima fucked up and Konami isn't completely washed of all blame, I prefer to keep an open mind towards both of their future games.
Anyone who's shitting on something or praising it before we even have gameplay footage is either a shill or a jaded faggot neckbeard, and you should listen to neither of them.
All we know is that this is a zombie game.
We know nothing else, if you've already formed an opinion of it it's already invalidated.
u kys
I kind of figured, with Kojima gone they will do some retarded sequel with, I don't know, yet another new Snake they come up with, or they continue Big Boss' story in an alternate universe or something. And then just make it cinetastic and full of explosions and have shit mechanics and a forgettable story without any notable moments and it will be lackluster. So that the series continues "as usual" just without the unique Kojima-appeal. And then it fizzles out with a couple of 7/10 titles which sell bad.
But instead we get a co-op shooter featuring some random soldiers gunning down zombies. Which doesn't have anything to do with Metal Gear even if you squint your eyes. They could literally have called it "Survive" instead of "Metal Gear: Survive" and you wouldn't know it's supposed to be a Metal Gear game.
They are more efficient at destroying the franchise than I could ever have thought. Mark my words, this is the last ""Metal Gear"" game you're ever going to see.
you metal gear fags are complaining. At least you guys got a AAA release coming up, the closest thing we silent Hill fags have is book of memories
>Bigger AAA publishers seem to have this idea that new IPs don't sell, which is absolute bullshit.
Not really. Using a well-known IP guarantees that it will sell to at least a small set of diehard fans no matter how shit it is and immediately gives it much more exposure.
There are plenty of people who will buy Survive even if it looks like shit and even if they KNOW they won't like it, because they simply feel compelled to play everything Metal Gear.
>Bounty Hunter Arcana.jpg
would you rather have a shit game or no game at all?
neo/v/ luvs weebs as it is with our nippon games
>They should have just used Fox Engine and created a co-op wave shooter without using the Metal Gear IP.
Some higher up probably had the idea that because Metal Gear is a widely liked franchise and open world co-op zombie survival shit is popular with retards, they'd only have to combine the two and rake in easy cash. Reel in people with a popular IP and pander to the lowest common denominator at the same time, it's not something that's never done before and we all know it sells, unless we're talking about very niche IPs trying to "go big". They're even hitting two birds with one stone since they can just recycle MGSV mechanics and assets.
>implying Death Stranding isn't Silent Hills
The reason why publishers spend so much money on marketing is because it works. You think they haven't researched this? Even with the massive amount of money they sink into it, the returns are so much greater that they keep doing it. Face it, in the gaming industry exposure = sales.
Do you dumbfucks still cling on the delusional hope that a Chapter 3 would somehow have made MGSV a better game? Because it wouldn't have.
It would still have 30 or so main missions that felt more like filler garbage that extended game time, it still would have terrible level design, it would still have a sparse and mediocre story, sparse and bad bosses, an uninspiringly dull OST, dull characterization, WOLBACHIA, annoying helicopter load screens, etc. Face it, MGSV was never a labor of love from Kojima, despite its 5+ years of development and $80 million budget.
>Fights whatever shit is in the desert
>Get transported through the wormhole
>Become crazy because of all the bullshit that you saw
>Have to run away from a crazy ass box that's following you through what looks like to be the same desert that you were stranded in
Funny coming from a Nepshitter.