He didn't main best Jojo

>He didn't main best Jojo

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Anyone want to play in fightcade? I'm bad and just got a stick so I'm super bad but I really want to play something Jojo related.





I picked this fighter up on the dreamcast and didn't know a damn thing that was going on.

Years passed, picked this game up again on GGPO/Fightcade and still didnt get the plot/story.

Then the anime of s1 came out and I was hooked.

Old Joseph is shit though

I'll play you. I'm ass and don't know combos or tiers. Let me dl and all that. Stick around in this thread.

I bet you main petshop


Sure, let me know when you've got it set up.

im not that much of shitter

I go DIO or Polnareff because im a shitty tryhard

>doesn't main an active stand user
That's probably the main draw of the game to me.


I main literally the worst character, it hurts.

Jesus that's awful

>I main literally the hottest character, it hurts my dick


Joseph a qt

Please stop using that god awful tier list.

old joseph really is shit though

>he doesn't main Dio

Hey what's this youtube.com/watch?v=S1Fqvd1W358

Nigger you what, if you don't think Mariah is the worst character you have probably never played the game for more than 30 minutes

petshop is undisputably broken


I want to see someone make a new one with characters from 4+

>It builds meter back just in case you weren't dead enough

Chaca is mid tier tho

Why couldn't Capcom have developed ASB?

>They put in a fanservice non-stand character and its young Joseph and not Jonathan.

Be still, my trembling heart.

>not including part 2 characters
What are you? Some kind of pleb who doesn't want Stroheim and the Pillar men?

>dirty cheater
>best anything



>"it's not cheating unless you get caught"

Well don't be a fucking retard

He got caught though, who the fuck do you think the main character of part 4 is

Can't main Gappy in HFTF.

i cant fucking stand how hideous the artstyle is for part 1 and 2 is for the anime i mean jesus fucking christ how can anyone actually say they like it. it looks almost nothing like the manga and the coloring is so fucking shitty. im glad they fixed it in 3 and 4 but 3's colors were also kind of shitty with everything looking so brown and grey

>people only gave enough of a shit about jonathan until part 2 got animated then went back to forgetting him

>there are people who actually want to main Kars
fucking why
that is most definitely not the kind of cheating I was talking about

Looks better than the manga, Araki fluctuates between awful and above average.

Well I meant 1-3 and 4+

A terrible combo on the PS1 version of all things.

He's not the instant win button that most people think he is.

I used to play the game in online weekly ranbats, I don't think she's that bad at all.

id rather inconsistent anatomy over ugly faces and shitty lines, at least johnathan and joseph were actually good looking in the manga

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in DIO's mansion, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Jotaro, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top stand in the entire Egyptian gods. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Egypt and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my sheath. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the barber shop and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>liking "women" the tag
No thanks

She's only good against people that don't know what they're doing, she has no combos and once you get in on her she's free. And her zoning isn't even that good, any character can easily cute the wire down and she has to level up her stand to make her moves not shit.

>Maining a character without a stand

NTR is fine if its with a boy.

Also I'm surprised there was never an attempt to make a HFTF2 in Mugen.

too busy maining Vanilla Ice
too bad they changed his color scheme and made it boring, HFTF/OVA colors is the true Vanilla Ice color.

im still mad about the grey shirt

He just doesn't look right with normal brunette hair, the white hair and red eyes made him even more scary than he already was.

But I guess the new series wasn't trying for things like evoking terror like the OVA did.

7 > 4 = 8 > 6 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 5

Gyro and Johnny a best.

The little downward attack after the supers are a normal (or a special?) that enables the infinite.

as inaccurate as it was, that fucking scene where he just straight up kills iggy in the ova really got to me

>who the fuck do you think the main character of part 4 is
Josuke, right? Josuke.

put 5 above 1 and 2 and youve got yourself superb taste


>vacation in Mexico
>to be continued starts playing

He was terrifying in general in the OVA. All that disintegration happening everywhere. Plus they added in Polnareff's awesome move of spraying water around to identify where he's at.

the most terrifying in the OVA was DIO himself though. The fucking scene with Senator Philips is less comedic relief in the OVA and more absolute pants-shitting, OVA DIO is one of the most badass villains in anything.

ie. proof Joseph cheated but >that is most definitely not the kind of cheating I was talking about

5 has some of the greatest stands and stand fights in the series, plus mista and bruno are great. The problem is that giorno is as exciting as dirt and the plot was very meh compared to the other parts. That being said 1&5 are nearly equal for me. If we are fortunate enough to get a part 5 anime I might raise it's place.

Cream's portrayal in the anime was more faithful to the manga, but I strongly prefer the OVA's take on it, where you can't even see or hear it coming.

Part 5 is fucking ludicrously popular in Japan and Part 4 is currently the best selling anime of the season/year, so Part 5 is all but guaranteed.

I'm sad we'll have a good translation for the anime before we ever got one for the manga.

i still cant get over the green day fight in 5

the 7 page rush was one of the most satisfying things ive ever read in a manga

Japs love their girly men. But im still hoping for a part 5 anime, which I agree with with you that it'll probably happen. Really I want them to get to and make a part 7 anime. I would kill for that.

everybody knows the only reason why part 5 is so popular in japan is because of the fujos

ill admit though i do love mista and narancia

The white album and metallica fights are still in my top 10 for the entire series. Those were absolutely great.

Part 5 is packed almost front to back with fucking awesome stand battles though.
It's just got a bland main character and the lamest villain.

Contrast with Part 6 which is filled with almost all shitty fights but has an amazing villain. I'd still rather read Part 5.

white album is a really damn good fight

i like the beach boy fight though, mostly because i liked the villain in the chapter

giorno is cool

>not maining Kars
Oh please go away you Diofag.

I for one can't wait for part 5 to be adapted so the hipsters will stop praising Giorno.

Holy fuck i think i just had an aneurysm

part 6 characters are more memorable to me than part 5 characters though. i remember all of the stone ocean crew but i only remember giorno, bruno, mista, and narancia in part 5.

hell i completely forgot fugo even existed until asb came out

>People say that guns are over-powered, and yet people in shonen anime are able to catch bullets with their bare hands, so my argument still stands. And I always found Metaknight to be one of the weakest in Brawl.

nobody actually likes giorno


I mean Fugo literally only had one fight and he leaves at the halfway point.
But Fugo fucking rules because Purple Haze Feedback is amazing and you should read it.

I do

Fugos stand was too OP and so Araki took it out from what ive read.

Fugo had to be "forgotten" because of how bullshit purple haze was

A lot of "muh proper translation makes him the best character ever, I swear" people sure do.

PHF is canon right? asb makes a lot of references to it

There's nothing in it that would render it noncanon.
Sadly Purple Haze Distortion was taken out of Eyes of Heaven though.

my argument still stands

i can't believe he just went "fuck it, i'm out" and that was it.

Purple Haze Feedback really adds a lot of context. Not even just to Fugo but the whole gang gets a little more fleshed out.

also it has the best Stand ever, Rainy Day Dream Away

Originally he was supposed to tag along and turn out to be a traitor working for Diavolo, but apparently Araki was depressed at the time and thought that would be too messed up and decided to just leave him be instead.

>Petshop is not the instant win button
A lot of combos don't really work on Petshop, same issue as Iggy.

There's also infinites and ridiculous chip damage.

Of course it's not instant win, but it's damn close and it's damn easy.

Hermit Purple is a stand.

It's training mode, you automatically get full meter.

i wish the series expanded more on the stand arrows, or at least showed more people getting power ups

i mean they saw that if the user gets stabbed again, the user gets a new look and the stand gains extra ability with kira and that if you get your stand stabbed, your stand changes its look and gets a stupidly over powered move with polnareff and giorno

too bad we wont see any more though what with stands now coming from jesus christ, spinning, and rock people

Wamuu would be better to main than Kars. Hell, even Esidisi even though every time you got hit he would throw and tantrum for a few seconds

It's not unreasonable to build around 4-5 meters in a match and that combos builds more as you do it. And Petshop builds more meter than the average by just sitting back and throwing out moves. And if you hit some with this odds are they won't have full health so have a nice 70%~ combos in round 3 is just one of many reasons Petshop is fucking retarded on a competitive level.

The move where Hol Horse shoots the screen and Hanged Man comes out is probably my favorite move in any fighting game.

What the fuck?

damn sexy win screen too

I'm an animeonlyfag and was supremely disappointed he never actually does the throw a bottle up in the air and shoot it thing in the show until J Geil is already dead.

>guy that doesn't play competitive thinks he knows everything and says MK and pet shop don't deserve to be banned.
Why do casuals exist?