Redditor makes detailed list with every feature promised by Sean in interviews that weren't delivered in the game and...

>redditor makes detailed list with every feature promised by Sean in interviews that weren't delivered in the game and posts it in the No Man's Sky subreddit
>even proves ALL of Sean's gameplay videos were fully scripted and Sean was pretending to use the controller
>thread gets over 6,000 comments
>suddenly deleted and the thread author's account is no more

Holy shit, what is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh and the mod who originally stickied the thread is no longer a mod

Have we stated the fire?

got an archive link or something?

Reddit got shilled that's what happened. You can't stop the power of sheckles.

And you stupid faggots will continue visiting that shithole.

Just kill yourself if you go there.

some other guy reposted it

Yes. The fire rises.

>Devs paying off reddit to damage control their shitty PR
This is fucking hilarious.

As per usual Reddit is quashing discussion that could be viewed as 'unprofitable.'

One is left wondering if simple bribes were paid out of if they do it for free


probably got paid to delete it

Here you go:

Apparently, people are claiming fanboys threatened to dox the poster thus he deleted his account

>the mod who originally stickied the thread is no longer a mod
not that I doubt you, but I'm putting together an archive

best most recently updated version here

hahahah oh wow.

really hope that guy saved his stuff and just makes a wiki page or something.

its not like the guy was making death threats. he was merely posting facts about a shitty game.
man, what a time to live in.

>this is one of the few times reddit actually does something of use (e.g. aggregate mass amounts of information without bumplimit/404)
>half this thread is going to be ">lawl xd reddit le go back"


not most recent, check the plebbit gold

Here we go again

Reddit is fucking pathetic at this point, yet again they remove discussion that could be seen as unprofitable.
A few weeks ago there was a Donald Trump AMA that had 130k upvotes I believe, never got to the front page which had about 3-4k upvotes per post

>yfw you didn't buy no man's sky
>bonus points for not even pirating it

Barring posting an email or other identifying info, don't you need a mod who can see a poster's IP address to even get close to doxxing someone on reddit?

this version is also old

use this



I'm not surprised.

>caring what others on Sup Forums think of you or your browsing practices
>this website is guuud
>that website is baaad

What are we, Animal Farm now? Fuck off, pigs.

>don't you need a mod who can see a poster's IP address to even get close to doxxing someone on reddit?
are you fucking kidding
no, you just use the information they've freely given in their post history to find out who they are

>tfw Sup Forums is once again going to interpret your average reddit retardedness as some NMS conspiracy

Lol so much damage control. Your game sucks Sean

Reddit shutting it down like the Jews shut down holocaust facts?
Well that doesn't surprise me. I expect some of the site admins are on the payroll of NMS' publisher, and they value money more than ethics.

That's assuming your claims are accurate of course. You could be making some bs up for the sake of inflaming Sup Forums's spirits over a manufactured controversy, given that NMS's marketing campaign is basically "Manufacture controversy get money".

Based channel

the fire rises brother...

>tfw i pirated it
>"is this just a patch?"
>not a patch
wew lads

its all being controlled by clinton


Reminder that deserts and rivers have been found. Seen pictures over in the /vg/ thread. Just saying. Doesn't excuse anything else.


Sean paid them off

Christ how did No Man's Buy fuck up so badly

It just keeps getting better and better, this is way worse than spore or tortanic at this point

we got an indie dev that is presuming to do bioware tier astroturfing, it can't get any better

It did get to the front page, I saw it there. But yes, it was quickly bumped off manually.

Reddit is all about finding and making a circlejerk that matches your views as closely as possible. r/the_donald censors all posts that make trump look bad and r/politics censors most positive trump and related stories

I pirated it but I deleted it before playing. I had no intention of buying this under any circumstances anyway and I didn't really want to even pirate it, just 2.5g was enticing for a few seconds.

Ah well, I have way too many game sin my backlog anyway

>tfw never gave a shit about anything but the shitstorm concerning missing features and developer lies
Can't stop looking at a trainwreck and so on.

>It's infinite and we don't even know what's out there


>make blatant shitpost
>get banned and post deleted

reddit doesnt seem that bad after all

trump doesn't ever look bad besides some stupid pussies getting their feelings hurt. otherwise they just make up stories and push the hitler narrative. it's just propaganda at this point and we know the names of the ones pushing it

>blatant shitpost

>calling out a filthy liar

Maybe those useless hacks should work on their videogames.

Not even worthy of a (You).

The thread from last night about it is still up.

>even proves ALL of Sean's gameplay videos were fully scripted and Sean was pretending to use the controller
Well, his movements weren't, but the areas, yeah.

>no dune worms from reveal trailer

i almost considered preordering, wew

This, game is damn good, even saw other player yesterday. We exhanced numbers and i'm meeting him next week in Rimjob galaxy.
Some people just don't have imagination.

Call Sup Forums what you want but at least we can talk shit all we want.

Someone with power decides that Reddit likes NMS, so a well made post with evidence gets deleted.

Can I be FUCKING real for a second?

This community is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies.

A tiny team of people made an entire universe for you to explore. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.

Guess what? The game was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a game.

What it WAS going to be was an impossibly big universe filled with mysteries and weird shit. I just played it for 2 hours and it was exactly that. What more do you want?

Is it buggy? Sure. Is it repetitive? Maybe. Is the inventory system imperfect and the multiplayer feature questionable and the structure unclear? Sure, fine.

But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?

How fucking entitled do you have to be to explore an infinite universe in a spaceship and then say "yeah but..."

We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring games in recent memory.

Hello Games doesn't owe you the world. Yet they gave you 18 QUINTILLION of them.

If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.

>I don't understang whant procedural mean
yeah, underage reddittor, it shows.

What the f*ck happened to make you people so vile? An indie team of 15 people made an entire universe of over 18 quintillion planets with unique landscapes and lifeforms. They poured years of blood, sweat, and tears to make their dreams a reality. And instead of thanking them for their hard work you crap on it for no reason at all.

Trump lies and contradicts himself every .5 seconds. He looks pretty bad man. Don't need a media conspiracy

Shit post?
Please, stop being a pathetic troll. That reddit fag went and timestamped every little bit of information that turned into a lie.
Even fucking steam trailer is a giganting set-up scene.
Stop being a cuck, pleassse, you are a gamer. You should now better


For a site that considers itself the FP of the internet, are you really surprised that it's moderated to the benefits of the those with deeper pockets?

>every feature promised by Sean in interviews
An off-cuff mention in an interview from a year ago is not a "promise".

Seriously this.
I mean I can't even guys!


exact time the post was deleted


But some of the stuff Can be a matter of people not running into it due to the big world or whatever

>Guess what? The game was never going to be perfect.

it's supposed to be decent for a 60 dollars but it's not even wroth $14,99

Even if this particular poster hadn't given enough info for a dox, people who don't know much about it should be more safe than sorry. That's the advice I'd give any of my friends or family.


>he didn't read the post
>he does it for free

Did you get paid for this post? They owe me a game worth 60 dollars. NMS is 30 dollar shovelware at best.

You're right on the attitude of most of our fellow Sup Forumsillains, but they still lied. Making a game that doesn't fulfil your initial ideals is ok, admitting to it more so, lying about it escalates things to the realm of fraud. 'Let the buyer beware' indeed, 'let the producer that fucks the buyer beware more' is just as true.

This pasta is already stale

Not bad. Where did you find this?


>Falling for copypasta
Wow. Maybe NMS purchasers ARE retarded!

fuck off reddit you cancer

>But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?

The game they promised when they sold it to you. Or your money and time back I guess.

>top google result for "no man's sky"


already posted here fag


It's obvious pasta that's been reposted in every thread, newfag. Lurk for two years.

>even proves ALL of Sean's gameplay videos were fully scripted and Sean was pretending to use the controller
This wasn't obvious to people? Holy shit!

>Apparently, people are claiming fanboys threatened to dox the poster thus he deleted his account
This is likely true and not due to some nefarious deal between the mods and Hello Games.
I just visited the subreddit. Another user made a post about the deletion and redumped the contents of the post and it has been stickied by a mod.

I think user was referring to the fact that Reddit is obviously getting paid to avoid bad publicity for NMS and will ban everyone that dares to go against the narrative Reddit is being paid to push.

>Caring about Reddit

You have to go back.

seriously i never laughed so much in my entire life

Well, even if I dislike the website, this is some useful info.

>watch sean's interviews
>watch do you do in the game?
>looks at the ground and smiles nervously: you can do anything
>is there multiplayer?
>looks at the ground and smiles nervously: yes...but it's unlikely you'll meet anyone

His body language was screaming liar the whole time yet people ate it up

So does Hillary though, they're both bad as each other, yet all the dissenting voice against her disappeared with Bernie

Naw dude, real people always walk super slow, and turn super slow to get a cinematic view of everything that's happening


it's back
OP claims he got death threats and dox threats, so he deleted his old account.
No le reddit conspiracy.

Who else is looking forward to the class-action lawsuit?

So the animals show at E3 2014 are they actually in the game or not? Like the dinosaurs looking creatures or the giant triceratops or the like? How many animals are per planet?