GTX 1070 is getting delivered today

>GTX 1070 is getting delivered today
I'm upgrading from a 770. What am I in for?

More graphical power

I'm interested because I, too, have a 770.

higher fps

A dumpster fire. It is well known to overheat, stutter, and process well below spec. It also has odd compatibility issues, so I hope you don't have any Asus, gigabyte or gskill components in your rig.

Hope you don't believe my lies./

>he fell for the PC gaming meme


Mine is coming tomorrow

yummy, upgrading from a 680

legacy support after a year

A gimped shit card that is inferior to a AMD card

Is there a shittier place to talk about hardware than Sup Forums? I really don't think there is.

Bretty good card. Able to play Witcher 3 on maxed possible settings minus hairworks (fuck hairworks), downsampled, at 1080p, with ENBs.

Feels pretty damn good.

What was the game that you couldn't run well enough that you had to buy a new card?

If you dont have a direkt answer than probably the slow settling in of disappointment is what you can expect.

Probably something very good. I hope you enjoy it, OP. I'm on a 970 right now and would love to move up to a 1080 but can't afford it.


670 could run every current game

>tfw 7850
I might upgrade this winter.

Can the 1080 run W3 with everything on max including hairworks on? What CAN run it with hairworks on? Fucking crazy shit.

Meh I'm getting 45~ fps at 1440p with a 970 at almost fully ultra, pretty sure you can max it easily with a 1080

Just get the hairworks mod that turns it off on Geralt, the performance drops come from Geralt being close to the camera in cutscenes and hairworks shits itself thanks to that.
But since it looks fucking bad anyway, the mod turns it off for Geralt but on for everyone else, should be next to no drops.

Today or tomorrow I get a 1080, upgrading from the 5870.

Should've bought a fury x.

I'm curious because I also have a 970 and can run it with 60fps with most of the stuff on High, some on Ultra, and then shadows on Medium, no hairworks as well.

The mod you're talking about, isn't it dead now? I think I found it once but it hadn't been updated in a while and I think someone in the comments complained it wasn't compatible with the latest patch or something.

It will be the worst thing you've ever done. Consider this...
>Be 12, living with abusive uncle and auntie
>We lived on an old farm, no animals just fields
>My uncle goes off to a market and comes back with this filthy ass horse
>Says it's bred from some old bloke's prize stallion
>Auntie loves it for some reason, coz it's all muddy she calls it "Dirty". She was a bit fucked up like that.
>I, being a countryside fag, liked horses and riding them
>Then they turned on me saying "If we ever catch you riding our fucking horse then we will beat the living shot out of you"
>They meant it, they'd done it before
>Few days later, I'm messing in the fields with some old tractor tire I found
>Dirty is just eating grass and shit next to me
>Auntie and uncle come out every few minutes to make sure I'm not riding the horse
>Get bored and climb inside the tire
>Tire starts moving (field wasn't flat)
>Can't stop.
>Auntie and uncle come outside to check on me
>They see me rollin'
>They hatin'
>Trying to catch me riding Dirty

Well it was some time ago thats true - I'm not even sure what patch the game is on now, mod goes to 1.8.1


I'll try to find it again then, thanks.

You're in for about 4x the performance of your old card.

its name is literally Hairworks on everything but Geralt

Ah thanks.

I went from a 7850 to a gtx 980 and damn was it a massive leap in performance

I'm upgrading to 1070 from HD 6970, but it feels like I'm downgrading 5900 units. It's been 6 long years since I've touched the inside of my PC.

I'm switching to nvidia because non reference rx 480 are fucking impossible to find. Out of stock everywhere

I hope you factored in the power requirement user!

CPU bottleneck

>tfw when you buy a gtx 980 for 200 bucks

it's working fine for rocket league, but I'm afraid buying some of the newer games is going to show me just how shitty my card is.

You either have a shit cpu or a good one. Chances are he has good one and it doesnt matter.

>Chances are he has good one
the chances is that, like 90% of Sup Forums and Steam users, he has a shit one and prefered to go teh cheap way with a GPU because he doesn't understand how paying a 500$ does the trick.

>still can play nearly all games on high with 60 fps with the GTX 580

>He fell for the GPU meme
>muh 4k
>when most monitors don't even decently support it

It ran crysis and crysis 2 really well, but when I got crysis 3 it really strugled to run. Even my gtx 980 runs that game at 45 fps with everything turned to max.

>muh source engine games

Good for you user

>buying any GPU above 200 dollars
>having more than 8gb ram
>using an i7

Let me guess. Alienware is quality as well huh?

Witcher 3 unplayable
Shadows of Mordor
Overwatch sometimes stutters
Actually a bunch of games keep dipping randomly to 45fps.


Try playing modern AAA games instead of 2D indie games

It uses less power than the 770 though.

Great. Good luck finding a game to play

4770k i7 is what I have. So you don't have to guess.

Well then you can expect to have fun playing those maxed now.
Though WoW doesnt give a shit about your GPU its a cpu bottleneck.

Also I wouldn't bother with mordor unless ticking things on checklists gets you hard or you don't plan on playing some other collect-athon (but then Witcher 3 has those aspects and is better in all ways)

>Spend 500 bucks on a GPU
>realize that all games that actually need it suck dick

You know that a gtx 770 is just a rebranded 680. At one point you could even SLI them until nvidia disabled it through an update. A 680 has almost 100 watts more power consumption then a 1070

I got it for 6 bucks with all the DLC. Also Witcher 3 had this weird barrier to it, hard to explain.

Currently got a 560 Ti OC

What should I get next?

>970 is the most popular Steam user GPU
>most people use it with 2.3 Ghz to 2.69 Ghz dual cores

The bottleneck is what makes them buy the next GPU generation the moment it gets released.

Well thats $6 too much for it, honestly its a game you spend an inordinate amount of time doing the same thing and you can't really get creative about it.

About halfway through you'll enjoy being an extremely-super-powered Legolas for a bit but considering the "combat" is terribly easy from the first minute all that really changes is the speed at which you can dispose the endlessly respawning enemies.

My CPU is clocked to 4.3ghz. So don't worry about me.

Oh and if you mean the barrier as in you are new to the series, that I can understand, the game is probably not nearly as good if you dont know any of the backstory.

Yeah. The story is confusing. Also the controls are wonky, and the combat is a bit shit. It feels too big sometimes and it's a bit daunting.

Considering almost no software reads OC it hardly matters.
I'm counted as 3x shitty dual core laptops and then 1x a 3,5ghz - which is actually 4.6ghz

Any friends want to recommend me a better GPU? I don't have the money for one but one day in the near future I will.

1070 will keep you strong for a long time, maybe put some money away every week.

if not, get a 1060 or 980?

Depends on your budget. Either go out and get a 1070 if you want it to last or go budget and get a GTX 960 which will also serve you for quite some time but not as much as the 1070.

Yeah, many people say you can get into it even as your first title - and I'm sure you can because once you are in it theres tons of content even a newbie to the series/books can enjoy, but I'm sure its hard to do it when theres no drive behind you like there is behind those who are already fans.

I mean shit characters and shit are introduced without the slightest explanation to who they are or what Geralts relationship was with them.
This is all fanservice to me - and complete nonsense to you.

I'd suggest reading atleast one of the first books, they are extremely short and the first books have no overarching story, just a few shortstories of witchering - which is what the most fun in the game was for me, going around and being a witcher, not the big save-the-world-plot or anything else.

>what is Sup Forums

W-what the godless piece of shit I am looking at in that picture?

>dual core
I hope that's an OC'd i3, and not some shitty celeron throwback.

also, I hate that steam counts 3rd worlders. people playing dota and LoL should not be included in the survey. they literally bring down the cpu/gpu average with their shitty, old machines.

>mfw skipping the 1070 and waiting for whatever comes after
My 970 is good enough for the moment.

Man I pirated shadow of mordor and it got so boring I uninstalled it when I got to the second area. It really is a boring game no idea why it won game of the year

Ending up the same, fuck them for making the mid range the 1060 and the 1070 is just a second high end card

I wanted to go 670 - 770- 970 - 1070.

I'm on a 970 as well and will stay on it for now, but there's probably going to be some games in the next couple of years where I'll want to be able to max them out. Cyberpunk 2077, whenever it comes out, will be one of those for sure.

Funny because that is exactly when I quit too.

I dont even know what they expect
>oh wow you did all that tedious and repetitive shit in these 20 blocks?
>heres 40 blocks more

>shadow of mordor
fucking really? jesus christ, the standards for the industry has really gone down. I'll admit it's probably got great story, but I ended up quitting because of the repetitive shit.

>implying GOTY "awards" ever had significance

They are literally marketing events to give out marketing badges.
Good games will top them because you cannot just ignore what the customers actually like, but shit games will be all in them because again - the awards are bought for marketing value.

Might as well ask this here: I found a Asus 980 pretty cheap, at 315 eurodoos. Is it still a good buy or is buying last generation stuff a bad thing to do?

I dont know about euro prices but for that kind of money here in america you could get a second hand 980ti