>make edgy school shooter character
>make him Mexican and not white
Why are people complaing about black people in Battlefield but not Reaper in Overwatch?
Make edgy school shooter character
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Because Reaper is so edgy he becomes great
People said the same about Vergil but he's goofy as fuck.
Because that skin is very rare and more importantly completely optional.
because he's not a school shooter and you're an autistic shitposter
He looks like if the Punisher was from the Bronx.
Can't argue with that.
Because he's fighting in a fictional conflict instead of WWI
Because he's CUTE!
>He looks like if the Punisher was from the Bronx
He looks Mexican to me.
A whole fucking lot of middle-aged Mexican men get that sort of bearded look for some reason.
>Not wearing white mariachi
Because reaper is an edgy Mexican, and Mexicans are cool.
Shut the fuck up, esé.
You have to go back paco.
>not Mariachi
Mexicans are edgy as fuck. They have an entire holiday dedicated to death and regularly get skulls and shit tattooed on themselves.
They are trying to make mexicans cool
But it's impossible
why does Reaper have a bunch of new kitchen-related lines?
>He looks Mexican to me.
That's why I mentioned the Bronx, user. Plenty of Hispanics there.
Shut the fuck up Jamal
He would look better if he had long metal hair
He's Mexican. Only white people can pull that off. Even then, you still usually look silly. It'd be like wanting to give Chun Li cornrows
Because mexicans generally don't give a fuck about that sort of "racism" where is mostly "muh feelings" and not actual racist crap. That's why people in Mexico use words like nigger or beaner amongst them nonchalantly since they know it's just a word and it is stupid to feel insulted by them.
Discriminate them for being ilegal immigrants? Yeah, they go nuts. Portray them as stereotypes on media? They are mostly happy to at least get represented/acknowledged.
Any fighting game series worth it's salt has cool Hispanic characters.
He's white
Like El Fuerte
The coolest Hispanic character alive
he's only white because he got MERCY'd
I mean I think he's kinda meh but he's alright.
wetback here
I love reaper
Back to work, muchacho.
I get paid to shitpost at work gringo
I ain't even but it seems you're living the dream.
If my boss were mexican or black i'm 99% certain i'd be under more scrutiny but whites just don't give a fuck about what I do on company hours.
a good portion of hispanic caricatures include long haired men. Fucking Machete anyone? Also helps that brown chicanos with long hair are associated with "the navajo" look
how do we fix Reaper?
Overwatch isn't revisioning history, for a start
The wasted an opportunity of making him say
When wearin the spanish outfit
Fear of melinated people fucking their wives.
You cried when the Japanese didn't use Arisaka's in the Bad Company 2 campaign, didn't you?
Mexicans are really really edgy IRL
Nah. Woulda been more fun if a guitarrón played during his ultimate.
>I will never look this good
This is my curse
We're talking about more "metal" hair.
I like it
So you're dancing with your gf at the club, when Reaper teleports onto the middle of the dance floor and presses Q. What do you do?
Where did the BLACKED meme even begin?
Yeah, but they also didn't go around touting that Battlefield 1 is going to be "historically accurate" because they want to "teach people what really happened back then".
Mada mada
When did the devs say they want an over the top multiplayer shooter to be accurate to history?
blacked.com, presumably
It's a cuck website with a funny name
I think Reyes can rock it
Spic weebs/gamers/anything are the fucking worst
They're self-inserting lame fags and they ruin the community of anything they're involved in.
And they get mad when you try to speak spanish but it's okay for them to speak broken english.
fuck spics, literally the niggers of the internet.
Christ, the white people here are so fucking obsessed with black dicks.
>tfw my image didn't even post
This is what I meant by "metal".
>omg I just learned that people are insecure
Fuck are you talking about nigger? Nigger trolls are the ones who spam Sup Forums with that site
that looks really bad my friend
The same reason why Mexicans love Speedy Gonzales and Slowpoke Rodriguez.
Literally barely a hairline.
I'm Arab, you faggot.
Didn't know insecurity led to lust.
because your country is a joke ese
Because all Mexicans are rapes and murderers.
This is solid gold.
Shouldn't you be preparing for the debates, Trump?
>are rapes
Fuck off, you barely literate Trumpfag.
When did this meme start? Maracas is a very rarely used intrument in Mexico, it's actually more used in Cuba or Colombia afaik, sorry, I get really triggered by this shit, I love stereotype characters like Speedy Gonzalez and Reaper but when they get their facts wrong that's just stupid.