Steam friend

>Steam friend
>in non-Steam game: Steam exclusive game

>In non-Steam game: Sleeping

>Steam friend you've known for ages irl
>Hey bro download this and make your computer run faster

So how much do you want to suck his dick?



Those types of viruses are the worst
There are viruses that will hijack your account and make a bot auto message everyone a link at the speed of fucking light, and you will never even know that it's happening

>in non-Steam game: 魔立ろりさきゅばす妖魔園

>Steam friend
>in non-Steam game: Microsoft Word

Botted message.

Your friend might already be dead.


>In non-Steam game: masterbating

>Use Ice Rom Manager to make a steam entry for every ROM I play
>Every once in a while get a confused message asking how I'm playing Donkey Kong Country 2 on Steam or something

Give him a hand, user

source me up nigga

Please sauce us anons ;-;

>in non-steam game: Unteralterbach, watching replay sister anal rape


Faggots like you are the reason I quit Steam and pc gaming and moved to consoles. At least normies make games more enjoyable and dont talk about traps sucking each others dicks all the time.


>tfw no steam bf

I'm hairy dude, and I only give traps rimjobs. Stop projecting.

I fucking hate these retarded pozzy ass faggot threads

are you serious? Turn off your notifications if you are so butt blasted. I use that shit just because of convenience

then don't bump them fuckwit




>tfw you want to play games and whore yourself out but you worry too much
I'm scared to ask people to play games with me for the most part lest I become a bother, and I worry that when I show people myself any positive feedback is the result of trying to be nice or low standards.

>whore yourself

>Steam exclusive
PC gaming was a mistake

I can't speak for the whoring part but if they get mad at you for asking to play games then fuck them. Most people just get happy that you asked in my experience.

I doubt they would express it but I don't want to be "that guy" and ask too frequently, or ask them to play games they don't want to play. Most people want nothing to do with me and understandably.

Nice taste user.

>in non-Steam game

>jerking off
>forget to sign-out/busy/away
>about to cum
>steam friend messages you
>they have a cropped porn avatar and you end up cumming to it in the heat of the moment

>that 30-something Steam friend with a cropped porn avatar

Still, won't hurt to try at least once or twice.

Melty's fun but i never really got good at it.
Arcueid best girl

>not naming your pirated games parodies of their title
>not keeping a theme for every single game

>steam friends ask if they want to play
>say no because already playing a game

This happens all the time, it's not my fault I get really engaged in single player games ;_;