Steam name: 'I hate nigers so damn much'

>steam name: 'I hate nigers so damn much'

gud 1 m8 haha ded edgy how do i become kwl like u

>steam name: "I really like that rabbit"

>steam name: its my birthday!!!

>people honestly report things that hurt their feelings
jesus christ

welcome to 2016

why does this game attract so many fucking manchildren and egocentric autists
every single game, there's always a guy on your team threatening to throw the game if everyone doesn't listen to him or gets insulted

Steam isn't a free speech platform I hope you know.

the internet shouldn't be a hugbox where you can ban someone just because you don't like what they have to say, people should be banned for cheating only, bantz are just part of the game.

And yes, that IS low level bantz

I don't care what it should be, I'm telling you that steam doesn't like it and most people don't like. They can do whatever they want about it.

most people should learn to fucking deal with it and it shouldn't be a reportable or bannable offense in the first place

It should if those are the rule that the people who made the platform you are using set up

oh gosh better follow all the rules and make sure I don't offend any furries so I don't get permanently banned from the only server with a half decent ping just for saying "fuck"

I'm aware it's their server just like it's whoever's game, but their design choices are garbage and you should agree with me.


No it isn't. Besides, ground rules. 10 bucks says the name is in direct violation of the rules. Don't like that, piss off and hope that everyone pisses off with you.

which shit game is that so I can never play it?

post recent matches fag

Insults are literally bantz you dumb cuck retard asshole fuckface

Private companies can enforce those rules if they want. They are well within their rights to do so.

Direct insults are, blanket insults are not.

You should lose the "damn", some people might find that offensive.

Free speech is an idea, not just a law, you fucking bootlicking cuck.

>gotta keep one eye on the battle and the other eye on the prize

Make a "I hate crackers soo damn much" name, see if it even gets reported.

A private company doesn't have to let you do whatever you want on their platform. If you don't like it, make your own.

people should stop being annoying in videogames hth

Did you even read the post, you literal corporate asslicker?

We all know the law.

Think of it like the opening move in a game of bantz, perfect fodder to get them started.

this guy gets it

If you can't banter without resorting to shouting about niggers, fags and kikes or any combination thereof, you deserve to go back to your fucking crib like the child you are. The less of you 16-year-olds we have on the internet, the better.

what else do you expect from millennials?

Do you also support SJWs pushing their agendas because its their freedom of speech?

low tier banter is still banter shithead

just because it doesn't live up to your perfectly adult standards *tips* doesn't mean it's any less valid as a form of insult

It's more like jumping into a crowd and flailing your arms, and expecting a fair fight. Instead of going one-on-one with each person, the entire crowd gangs up on you and kicks your shit in. Instead of bantz you get banz.

>Do you also support SJWs pushing their agendas because its their freedom of speech?

I don't support their agenda, I support their right to speak about it. SJWs are, by the way, the most anti free speech people out there so I don't know what the fuck kind of a point you're even trying to make. The entire reason they have the power they do is PC police out the ass.

>c-c-c-can't let myself be called racist, better cave to their demands

How selfish you are that you believe someone else can build something and you can tell them what they have to do with it.

I do certainly. But I also believe Sup Forums should be allowed to. The difference is, they need to do it on their own platform or one that allows it.

I don't report you mouthbreathers because you offend me, I report you because I can. I report you because you lack subtlety, and I report you because I know that the minor inconvenience of being banned for a day or two will make you froth at the mouth, flail your lanky arms impotently and scream your lungs out, because you still haven't learned to control your emotions.

I'm parenting you, because your lackwit mom and dad aren't doing it themselves. Really, you just oughta thank me.

Whiny fucks do it here so why not in shitty casual games as well? Most people probably do it just to "get back" at someone who pissed them off.



Scathing. We really are at the epicenter of wit. Any more gems you'd like to share, or is it your naptime already?

>it's another online, globally used service that requires registration should follow the american constitution episode

in good games it takes more than a few players crying report to get you banned

>playing CoD:WaW
>dominating as usual
>scrub cries that I'm cheating
>admin switches to spectate
>sees I'm not cheating
>goes back to team and tells the guy to get gud

if that shitter and others like him had their way I'd be constantly banned for it