I just woke up
What is happening
I just woke up
What is happening
why is this bad
kojima is died and this oddball spin-off game doesn't taint the legacy any more than he was able to with TPP
>why is this bad
Because it's clearly not Metal Gear, but yet another zombie survival game. It could end up being good though if it runs on the Fox Engine.
Reminder that TPP had zombie segments too.
"The next project will challenge a certain type of taboo. If I mess up, I'll probably have to leave the industry. However, I don't want to pass by avoiding that. I turn 47 this year. It's been 24 years since I started making games. Today, I got an ally who would happily support me in that risk. Although it's just one person. For a start, it's good." -Hideo Kojima
Is Kojima the "Man who Sold the World"? Words to control the subconscious. A ruse orchestrated to show the possibilities of media manipulation. Real life mirroring fiction, Kojima and Konami's split representing Big Boss and Zero.
can't wait for Metal Gear Karting and Metal Gear Golf
wallabe a best waifu
and eliminating the puppets and the skulls was the best part of TPP
this is just a trimmed, polished version of what TPP should have been
Not gonna beat PGA tour with frostbite 3
I'm starting to think this whole Pachinko thing and Kojima leaving Konami is all a sham. They've went to the next level in screwing around with people's perceptions.
that's MGS6
you can tell when you remove the S U R, leave the V I, remove the V E.
Denial is a healthy part of the grieving process.
>tfw im finally old enough to know what its like to watch one of your favorite series die a long, slow death
its been a long time since the i was excited to play the first metal gear, but for the long of god, please let this be the absolute last
I think it's season 3 of the Walking Dead.
not even memeing but I'd sooner have Metal Gear Karting: Tactical Racing Operations than this.
>Kojima just retweed the Metal Gear Survive trailer in his japanese twitter
>Set in Alternate Universe because of??
Don't tell me Nanomachines can open up wormholes.
wormholes were already in the regular game
It's on, nigga.
If it has a plot it'll literally be Ghost Babel/Twin Snakes/MG2/MGS2 tier.
Ghost Babel is great.
Are you implying GB is bad? Because GB is fucking great.
You think MSF soldiers fighting off zombies in Camp Omega and beyond the infinite sounds bad?
>You think MSF soldiers fighting off zombies in Camp Omega and beyond the infinite sounds bad?
Not the same guy but it does sound bad.
I think there won't be very much/any TACTICAL ESPIONAGE OPERATIN'
So yes, I think it will be bad.
Resources will most likely be finite. You'll need to sneak through from time to time.
It will probably be like sneaking through those parasite zombies or whatever the fuck they were in MGSV.
MGS is pretty dead though. I'm pretty sure every Japanese exec is fucking on drugs or desperate or something.
it's real m8
good writing can lead to you a lot of real world parallels and examples
Konami knows that Metal Gear was always meant to be le epic zombie survival game
>I'm pretty sure every Japanese exec is fucking on drugs or desperate or something
Pachinko scene in Japan is not doing well latelty, and Konami probably realized if they go full mobile they might have too much competition as Bandai Namco already pretty much dominates the mobile market in Japan, so they need an alternate source for profits in case shit goes south, and they can't do that without their most iconic franchise.
So Metal Gear Day Z?
Still sounds like shit m8. Survival games are for the most part cancer, and throwing the MG name onto the box won't make it better.
>You'll never see another Metal Gear trailer edited by Kojima
Mortal Kombat had it's own kart racing game, anything is possible if you believe
Sony and Nintendo are both top 10 Scamco is behind them. Fate grand order and Pokemon Go trade places everyday
>Coop MGSV gameplay in the fox engine
I'd buy a Mother Base Skateboard game before this.
Yes it is.
MGO3 sucked balls and this is essentially the same team who made that.
It WILL suck.
trying to get 3 medals for a female soldier is this shit even possible
Well it kind of is when all you fight against are zombies, Metal Gear was never about zombies.
>buying into mediocre cashgrabs to be contrarian
>tfw finally mature enough to not get mad about dumb shit like this, instead just play some other game that looks good
It is bad you mong, why the fuck would you want to stealth against zombies?
It's better than MGS6.
>MGO3 sucked balls and this is essentially the same team who made that
Wait, is that confirmed? Is this really being made by former Kojima Productions LA devs?
I am looking forward to this but I am not going to count it as canon.
>metal gear kart
Who wouldn't want to shoot Nikita missiles at a passing kart while yelling BROTHHEERR
There is like a 95% chance this game is going to be terrible. If you pre-order, you're an idiot and you have no right to complain about the game being bad.
If Konami was smart they would make that Fox Engine MGS1 remake everybody was asking for.
>The Last Of Us
No, those were all fired.
It's being made by the remnants of Kojipro JP within Konami.
>Objective: SURVIVE
>"Nigga, that's the whole game!"
Basically, the story is already there. They could re-release MGS1-3 in the Fox engine and people would suck their dick for it.
Well so it's not the same team who made MGO3 retard.
Just got done playing metal gear rising
why didn't he just make a second one
That game sucked