that game flopped and is trash, but congrats I guess

cyka blyat where da proofs at?


it literally has nintendo characters. i doubt it.

>Assblasted sonyggers trying to shitpost attention away from Nier

I'd buy and play it again.


You're an idiot lmfao

Source? Really enjoyed my first playthrough, but would rather have it on my pc for future runs



Fire Emblem takes place in Tokyo now?

This is good, Tiki's game needs more love.
Sadly PC is the land of "urr durr le weebshit is bad because miso jeans and pearl harbor" faggots at the moment.

It's a Nintendo game OP, you are bad at this trolling thing.

Though I would get it on PC if it did

>more weeb shovelware
This and that Neir game I literally don't care about call me when we get something actually good

>pretty much every game works on Dolphin now
I give 5 years max

>5 years
>Try last week

Tokyo Mirage Session is already running on pc. Sure, it needs some work to be perfectly playable, but its already playable.

looks fake as fuck. Link or gtfo.

You don't say, retard.

Oh, goody. More censored games for PC!

I really hate how everything comes to $team.

I don't want to give my hard-earned shekels to $team.

GOG, yes. But $team can go choke on a dick.

The good thing about it being on PC is that people can get inside it and uncensor it completely.

Atrocious bait, awful lure.

You're not gonna catch any fish like that, OP.


>censoring the 9fag watermark
This is the work Nintendo of America.

>Tiki's game

And here I was hoping this piece of shit crashing and burning in the marketplace would make it go away...

>why don't good games simply disappear


It's a Nintendo game, so that's exactly what's happening.

You didn't really think this was going to be released on another platform, did you?

Great now this game will have sold 5 copies!


No. Fuck no. Stop polluting Steam with this garbage.
Having to see the fucking "anime trading cards" group on the front page every fucking day is painful enough.

I'd rather Nier 2 desu

Can you not post fakes? Can we ban retards who post fakes already?

>its sonygger trying to passive aggressively stir up shit against Nintendo game because he lost yet another PS4 '''''exclusive'''''' episode

>censored fanservice crap

We already have enough garbage on Steam.

That's the whole point. Mods uncensor it you dip!

Well to be honest WiiU soon will have literally 0 exclusives given how emulation is going

>inb4 it doesn't count!


>the game is bad because social pressure tole me its country is evil
you just don't make that shit up. You can't.

>Buttblasted nintencucks cant handle losing all their games
Ever heard of Cemu, nintencuck?


Altusfags ladies and gents

Its bad because they were wasting time on that pile of Idol shit when they should have been making Devil Survivor 3

>silky smooth 5fps emulator
Maybe in 2020 it even will be playable amirite

>silky smooth 5fps

Hey so it's accurate to the WiiU!

>Neo-Fire Emblem
Good joke

Do you lie to make yourself feel better?

You tell him nintenbro!!!

>it's not SMT so it's bad

>silky smooth 5fps emulator
the models already animate at that rate to look more like my chinktoons

It's not good so it's bad.

Sonyggers can't distinguish framerates higher than 4, so anything above that they just count as "5."


But we're talking about the WiiU ya goof

Keep calm nintencuck, while I wil pirate all of your games trought Cemu.

Who else could it be? Nintendo users aren't old enough to post here.

>I don't know what I'm talking about, but it's bad

>More censored games

why can't you just beat off to cuckold webms like everybody else

fucking dorks and your PRECIOUS anime tiddies

its bad because i really REALLY wanted SMT x Fire Emblem and i love japan

I am not even a Nintendofag to begin with, holy shit, your sonyggers salty tears are delicious.

Are you defending this game? On PC or not, do you really believe this is a game worth buying? Really, user?

good, we can hack it to be the uncensored version we rightfully deserve!

>im not a toddler and im not mad i wasted money on a wiiu!

Sure bro we believe ya

It has a shit story, and the censorship is abysmal, but the gameplay is fantastic.

>all these sonyggers buttmad because they lost another """""exclusive""""" today

PC and Nintendo fans are good friends and we all hate sonyggers, the most cancerous on Sup Forums

Ok, I will be busy pirating your games through my PC anyway :^)

>I am not even a Nintendofag
Said every nintencuck ever

My games? Which ones?

I played the game, I fucking bought it day one. It's shit.

I don't understand this game, is it something of its own thing or is it Fire Emblem?

It's idolshit with Fire Emblem's name pasted on it.

Welp, dropped

>PC and Nintendo fans are good friends

No fuck off, you fags leech on us every time the other two are shitting on you and then proceed to give us the finger when we're not looking


Potential of having no games?


>Devil Survivor 3 after the vile abomination that was the 2
It's literally barely above #FE in terms of weeb kusoge cringe


>chenposter talking shit about #FE
>chenposter complaining about anime shit

what's all this?

You retarded hamster slut, your game is on a PS system

>bkub = Chen
Pop Team Epic is for high test champions among men.
Anime is okay, weeaboos who collect Steam cards are scum.

We'll soon emulate it anyway though.


Fucking sonyggers trying to divert the attention to hide their butthurt

The game is less idol shit and more "Let's save the world from these things that drain people of their *UNIQUE KIND OF ENERGY ONLY HUMANS HAVE*" which has already been done in SMT games some way or another.

Why do you people shitpost like this?


>i really REALLY wanted SMT x Fire Emblem
and you got it.

How does Nintendo allow this?

Cemu isn't being developed for playstation

Too bad it's fake, I wish more people could enjoy Kiria's game.

*Ellie and Kiria's game

Mamori's game, you mean.

What happened to Mikasa's hair and lips?

If this were real I'd give it a try.

it'll be playable in emulation within a year

A shame that I genuinely enjoyed this game and think it is very competently crafted, but that isn't good enough reason to justify its existence to most. The marketing (or lackof) and CENSORSHIP (that I sincerely feel as a Japanese speaker didn't really do much anyway) did a number. I wasn't around for the Tsubasa posting either, which I imagine made this game even more of a target for misplaced internet rage. This game just never got a fair shake to be evaluated on its own merits. Feels melancholy.

At least there's a patch that removes most if not all censorship