Gaming podcasts

It has been three years since I listened to my usual podcast. What are good ones now? I picked up my usuals (Bombcast, 8-4, and Idle Thumbs) to get my feet wet again before going out to check out Easy Allies, Super Best Friendcast and Giant Beastcast after reading up on reception.

So what are you listening now? Any good ones I missed out on? (I could use a PC, Nintendo and Playstation cast)

Bonus: What podcast app do you use?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Super Best Friendscast
>Easy Allies
>Let's Drown Out
>Idle Thumbs

Are the ones I listen to the most. None of them are perfect but you gotta fill the silence of your life with something.

The only vaguely vidya related podcasts I listen to are ones by Mechagamezilla and the Gamewank/Two Good Boys crew. Scottish and Irish accents combined with general dicking around makes them probably the only podcasts about games I don't cringe at. And 70% of the time they're not talking about games anyway.


Huh did not know that was Totalbiscuit. I used to listen to his TGS one a few years back. Shall check it out.

The other people on that podcast pull it down unfortunately. Somehow that's always the case with video game podcasts. One guy I want to listen to, the rest is annoying as fuck.

Bombcast - Jeff
Beastcast - Vinny
TOVG - George
Co-Optional - TB

To be honest the show has kind of blown ass since he got cancer.

>PS I Love You
and occasionally
>Nintendo Voice Chat (Mainly for Peer's insight)
>Podcast Unlocked

The one I listen to from time to time are
>Easy Allies
>RPGfan Random Encounter
At least GB isn't talking about Clash Royale every week (as much) anymore.

>Bombcast now and then
>Easy Allies
>Laser Time although this one is about the 80's 90's as a whole they do talk about vidya from time to time.

Podcast Addict for app.

>Can't find any new games to play while listening to podcasts

Pity NMS turned out to be shit, could have made a decent podcast game at least.

MonHunGen is perfect for all these gathering quests.

I'll rate the ones I listen to in the order of least infuriating to most.

Even with Austin's shit Vinny and Jeff still makes it enjoyable. Vinny is a great host.

>Best Friendcast
They somehow talk more about games than the Bombcast even with all the movie and comic talk. The ones who have the closest taste to my own in games.

>Easy Allies
Nice that someone dares to be excited for games but nothing about their podcast really stand out. Still enjoyable to listen to.

Would be more enjoyable if Brad wasn't the host and if they ever talked indepth about games instead of just taking a glance at everything then dismissing it all but the things western gaming media deems hype. With the way Jeff and Brad runs things no one is ever allowed to take up time to talk about something they don't care about.
Even if it's something like Persona 5 Jeff will talk about it as if it's his ex who's there to pick up their kid for the week.

>Kinda Funny Gamescast
Only if I need to pad out my work week. Greg is fine and he even has some good sane opinions. The rest of it is pretty lame though.

Same thing. This one by far infuriates me the most with their godawful ex-gaming mag journalist tastes and opinions. These are the kinds of people in charge of jrpg localizing.

I'm up for suggestions for more podcasts that are in the style of the beastcast and the sbfcast.

Gaming illuminaughty podcast
Easy Allies
I think that's it, I can't stand dodger on Co-optional or whatever random guest they throw on. Its pretty hard to find a group of people you want to hear talk about video games that also don't make you want to kill yourself. Oh and Mecha's podcast was pretty cool, I should give that another try.

That feel when you're super behind on your podcasts and don't know if it's worth catching up just to listen to ancient gaming news at this point.

I just pick up the latest episode. It is not like there is an overarching plot. You will miss out on in jokes that will fly over your head but eh, doesn't matter in the long run.

There are apps? I just use SoundCloud or youtube

Downcast is pretty neat.

>all that cancer above
I listened to Roguelike Radion once when they were interviewing Toady. Was quite interesting.

I prefer just downloading them. Except when soundcloud or whatever doesn't have a download link. Why.
But an app would be nice for keeping track of when they come out.

Good for what you're interested in
Nintendo Voice Chat
GoNintendo Podcast
PS I Love You xoxo
Podcast Beyond

I also like The Geekbox, though that's games and all media.

I just picked up Easy Allies and I kinda enjoy that they only talk gaming news and e-mails and so far have very rarely gone into off-topic for long. Unlike the Bombcast and the Beastcast ever since Austin left.

Especially because news talk on the Bombcast is just Jeff saying his opinion while Brad vigorously agrees and the rest is silent. At least on Easy Allies they challenge each other and that "prove it" ticket is a great gimmick.

My nigga

Easy Allies, and by extension, Frame Trap. (though the last couple FTs have had long segments of shit I did not care about and skipped)

the best

I miss Ryan ;_;

Are there any gaming podcasts where all the hosts aren't typical SJW toadies who get asspained about dumb liberal shit?

Mechagamezilla's Mean Bean Machine is the only one I listen to. Anyone knows anything similar?
Link related, it's the best one

Idle Thumbs became unbearable around gamergate. I can only hear the term 'gross' used to describe human behavior so much. Also the over use of the word "like" in that Californian accent fucking kills me.

>Also the over use of the word "like" in that Californian accent fucking kills me.

Don't ever pick up TOVG podcast then. Sunder is legit the worst.

Easy Allies podcast and Frame Trap

All the Allies are typical SJW toadies who get asspained about dumb liberal shit, but Bosman (rightly) doesn't let anyone bring that stuff up on the podcast because he thinks it is unprofessional.

Ian's the only one who even attempts to bring it up. You're talking out of your ass.

If by all you mean Ian

you listen to genuine cuckolds.

I mean real ones. Not the Sup Forums definition.
But the real deal, I let my wife get fucked by black men while I watch, cucks.
How anyone can stomach the amount of asinine pomposity and pretentious twaddle from these fucknuts is beyond my comprehension. Maybe it's a deep subconcious desire to feel superior by listening to cynical middle-aged slobs wank over who hates the newest game more or who can be the bigger contrarian in the room without sounding like a 18 year old film student tell us why Citizen Kane "is the worst film ever made."



Retards like the ex-GT members who have zero clue about the industry, mug the camera and make silly wacky faces that patronize and insult the intelligence of the audience.
Gasping like asthmatic toddlers at the oh-so fucking surprising Ubisoft sequels or boring rehashes.

You'd do a lot better to fucking ignore these people and form opinions by yourself. You're not getting information you're getting a bias and a bad one at that.

I am ashamed to share a board with you let alone post in the same thread as you.

Fuck off.

You are not very bright

>I listen to podcasts where idiots form my opinion for me

Yeah and neither are you.

no one cares about your opinion, faggot.

>mug the camera and make silly wacky faces that patronize and insult the intelligence of the audience
>listening to a podcast

if I had a shitty podcast filled with numale beards and the occasional SJW tranny I bet you'd listen to me


most of those podcasts come in video form you monstrous retard

Pretty much the same as the rest of the thread, I listen to
>Giant Bomb
>Easy Allies

Nobody here is doing that. People watch/listen to these podcasts because they enjoy the personalities, the same reason regular people watch talk shows, except these podcasts are talking about shit we actually care about.

But I don't watch the video. I listen to it.

thanks for admitting this thread has NOTHING to do with video games


Answer me this, why do you care what others choose to do with their time? That's the sign of a genuine autist and generally unlikeable human being.

Though I don't like it when they try to shill their advertisement products.
You know, the natureboxes and the whatnots.

Literally the most stale podcast out there. Once in a while there's some okay-ish episode because of a decent guest, but most of the times it's just "TB complains for 3h while everyone is quite".

why do you care that I care?

/vg/ started a podcast. It gets good around #7


why do you care what a middle-aged failure at life thinks about the latest child's toy released by nintendo?

Honestly Sunder, despite looking like a faggot, has some okay opinions when compared to George, who hates everything about modern games, and Matt, who doesn't know jack shit about video games

>Tb goes on a rant
>Occasional interjection by someone else
>Back to the rant
>He's done
>Everything quiet
>"Alright what's next?"

>Huber saying that Brexit was gross because all the old people fucked over the younger generation
>Jones saying that if EZA ever hired on anyone new, they wouldn't be a FUCKING white male

Nice job proving my point.

you have zero point and nothing to prove

you're just a naive sponge who soaks up biases from ill-informed bay area cuckolds.

What about the NUMBER ONE VIDEO GAME PODCAST on the Internet?

Three Moves Ahead

Huber's naive and Jones was joking.

>Someone starts talking about game with excitement.
>Gets cut off by TB
>TB rants about game for half an hour, with no passion, like the dead man he is.
>TB changes subject.

Agreed. The very fact that I'm on Sup Forums means I hear about all this news and shit far sooner than a weekly podcast can relay the news. And I'm not "waiting to form an opinion" on something until I hear a group of other people talk about it, I already know what I think. But it is interesting to hear others' thoughts.
Plus it fills dead times while driving or at work.

>TB: So I played this new video game
>Cox: Tell me more about this anime, my good lady!
>Guest:I like videogame
>TB: Yeah I really hate how videogames do things
>Guest:...I guess

Mega 64s podcast is pretty good
Audio quality gets fucked hard on random occasions though

I don't know about the rest of you but I love getting my gaming news from hideous effeminate goblins. I just love how they're all garbed in flannel, sipping 12 dollar mocha cappuccinos, smashing the semen encrusted keys of a $12,000 laptop to pump out another shitty listacle about how awfully sexist gaming culture is and why their boyfriend's walking simulator will change the face of gaming.

oh btw you're all entitled if you hate Nu Male's Sky.

>EZA's stance on No Man's Sky and morality on breaking the street date

ok the rest of the episode podcast was really good but that segment got me hot and botherd

is it always like this? first time listening to then btw

wow sounds fucking raunchy, dude!

people giving honest and intense opinions outside of Sup Forums?

That must've been some podcast!

You keep proving my point. Just fucking shut up unless you can form a real opinion instead of spouting Sup Forums-isms like a retard.

I haven't listened to it. I just remember Jones' stance on NMS was basically, "where's the actual game here?" from older GT stuff.
But I guess this is more about the leaks and all that.

Your childishly deflective reply is all I needed to read.

They just believe that games should be reviewed in their final and finished state. Plus they all just started playing NMS and the high of having an "infinite universe" to explore hadn't worn off yet.

Super Best Friendcast


But is it good or is it the typical memespouting retards talk about Sup Forums shit?

You never had anything worthwhile to say to begin with.

Op I think you might enjoy Video games hot dog. It's very much in the vein of idle thumbs. All the members are developers and it's even funnier I find.

Generally really entertaining. Covers news stuff and lots of generall bullshit around games.
Same deal more or less. Less entertaining than bombcast.
>Idle Thumbs
Thoughtful in depth discussion about games and entertaining insights into game development.
>Video Games Hot Dog
Amazingly funny and smart jokes, interesting insights about games I would never personally play.

Podcasts I used to listen to but can't now:
Nintendo fanboyism and extreme disdain toward their fans turned me off super hard.
No good discussion ever, just fanboys slinging shit or extreme praise. Impossible to enjoy half of their content unless you follow every playthrough or aren't interested in their personalities

Recommend me some good ones!

>nothing worthwhile
and that's why you replied

and kept replying

half a dozen times

because I said something that wasn't worth your time

Sure dude.

>EZA is the highest earning single Patreon
I followed GT since 2007 or so and I never saw it coming. It always seemed so niche.

>Best Friendcast
>That One Video Gamer
>Giant Bombcast
>Travis Bickle On The Riviera
>The Crate And Crowbar
>Game Of Drones

>default Apple Podcasts

So it has nothing to do with video games then? Right. Got it.

I am genuinely curious

how many times have you posted in this thread?

>Never really cared got GT
>Started watching EZA and now realise what I was missing


Give it a few years and you might be able to form your opinions instead of parroting what you think Sup Forums thinks.

Reminder: the Friendcast couldn't be nominated for a podcast award because their episode titles are hilariously inappropriate.

oh I get it

you're trying to be ironic

because the majority of Sup Forums right now is all gushing over e-celebs and I'm the dissenting opinion.

but yeah I'm the one who's a conformist on here, parroting Sup Forums.

not you.

This thread in particular? Once. But it's my usual list for these threads. When you get recommendations from here, I'm sure everyone's list will blend together eventually.

>doesn't know about post numbers next to the name

*BUZZ* you failed

shill detected

>wah wah stop replying

and what exactly

is what you're

doing called?

I didn't say stop replying.

Did I?

>Responding to the legit autist

This is why Sup Forums is terrible.

Man, the last Beastcast had me rolling

"So,In the beginning..."

Who am I parroting in my post where I state my personal opinions about the video game podcasts I listen to?
All you can say cuck cuck cuck and cry about e-celebs. Go ahead and list some halal non-celeb video game podcasts then.

Decide for yourself. Here's their discussion of Nintendo's censorship back in March:

They're kind of slow, but the focus is on examples and discussion

>"who are you quoting" meme


And people say Dan and Vinny don't work together.

I prefer Ryckert being on the east coast desu

>Who am I parroting in my post where I state my personal opinions about the video game podcasts I listen to?

the 3 dozen other users in this thread who have said extremely similar things to eachother and you.

Do you lack self-awareness or do I just need to go through this thread while holding your hand and point out how ubiquitous and similar the e-celeb lists are in here?

>All you can say cuck cuck cuck and cry about e-celebs.

Ok cuck. I'll continue "crying" about e-celebs.

>Go ahead and list some halal non-celeb video game podcasts then.

I'll not be detered from trying to knock some sense into your thick, hypocritical skull. You will see the error of your ways by the end. I guarantee it.

btw I'm in like 3 other threads discussing video games

unlike this thread

Huber was right, but Jones was only sort of joking. The fact he sort of knows it's an "issue" that they're all white is irritating. He could have made any other joke, but he chose that one.

What app do you use to listen to podcasts on your smartphone Sup Forums ?

Because faggots can't help but argue with other faggots about stupid shit to prove a "point" and win a hollow victory that ends in who ever got the last post in with the word "cuck" before the thread is deleted.

I'd say he was mocking all the people that care about that sort of thing.