Tales of Berseria

It's out.

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I can't read nip so I'll wait for localization.

I just want to know how well the gameplay is. Zestiria might have been bad but I do feel if tweeked a bit could honestly be fun. Make fusing gear actually enjoyable and not annoying. And a few other changes to Zestiria and you could have a pretty interesting system.

Post jp reviews

There is a demo out, you know

Don't have a PS4 yet.

I've spent ten hours watching the stream and already I feel like more has happened in those ten hours than in the entirety of Zestiria

A lot of fun moments so far.

>Teresa trying to make Laphicet allahu ackbar

1. What were the pre-order bonuses?
2. Which DLC costumes are available on Day 1?
3. What are the game's spoilers?

twitch / omegaevolution

Does that guy have an obligation to play the shit outta every tales games or something?

Don't care, it's kusoge.


Not surprised he's playing it, he's a total faggot.

/leta_jp looks fairly far

>person has fun doing things in videogames

Go figure.

Overworld ost is pretty dam good and so are all the character specific themes. The normal battle theme is balls though.

>fan of the series
>wtf why he's playing the game lol


>save point noise is different


Same level as the demo should see some new stuff from here on out.

Not online.

he's starting soon

>saying something for every single fucking attack


>never played the series before

No one cares about your worthless opinion.

then turn them off

Go play some western indie games son.

Elenor getting redpilled.

>female protagonist


Are there in-game costumes this time? Or is everything DLC again?

>Are there in-game costumes this time?


there are in game dlc in Zestiria too.

So what's the ending, is the shota evil?


Female protagonists were a mistake.

It's weird there's a female protagonist, since Tales is a game for fujos.

Game is worse than Zesteria, how did that happen?

Eizen turned into a Dragon and ate them all. Edna is actually Laphicet.

>Asking for the ending
you a special kind of faggot

Female protagonist, no loli.


Welcome to the series since... fuck, almost ever.

>Edna is actually Laphicet.
Would be awesome if true.

Loli are the worst part of tales games.

Unless it's a Loli and Shota twins.

>watching or following that retard

He's making it all up you moron

Whats wrong with Omega?


I know. But I kinda wish he was a girl.

Edna was best girl in Zestiria though.

>Maps already look more interesting than Zesteria
>You actually have control of the camera
>More than 2 usable party members
Explain your reasoning why, please

He earns money with that.

You mean Mikleo?

We can all see the game you're not fooling anyone.

Kill yourself

is this horriblesubs?

Chink rip when?

Its so the fujos can self insert and do /ss/

ps3 or 4?

Because it's broken

What do you think?

>that Rokurou CG

what episodes of the zestria anime do I watch for the berseria parts


i remember him blocking me from his channel beacuse i complained about voice acting on a game in the youtube comments. you have to be a real salty motherfucker to do something like that.

Episodes 6 and 7

So who are the cameo fights?

Please tell me Milla is one. Please tell me she has dialogue with Velvet.

Is Omega Evolution down already?

>Eizen gets introduced
>same old forgettable synthetic orchestra theme #121 plays
Why do they do this.

How exactly does the combat work

sasuga sakuraba

no he just started

omega had the best zestiria stream last year so this should follow suit

Omega and the crew is online.

Why do you want shit characters?

>when you can spot the autistic Sup Forums fags in the chat

I want Edna.

Fucking this. If you see this post please kys yourself.

Based on JP reviews, they like the game.

"Absolutely better than Zestiria in every way." seems to be the consensus.

>no loli

GOTY already

Yeah but that doesn't mean much.

Xilia is better than Zestiria but the game is still boring trash.

Why is she so perfect? Is it because she's a little girl?

How does one go from composing Baten Kaitos to composing the garbage in the Tales of games?

Go fuck your mother omega

>tfw day off from work tomorrow
>just got a message from fedex that theyre delivering it either tonight or tomorrow by 10am

Feels good man. Cant wait to feel the edge

Where were you when BABA was BTFO as a hack?

Dark Souls pretty much spoiled his old style

>F-fucking autists
>s-stop talking

namco wants him to use a shitty boring style with Tales, no seriously

>Zaveid proceeds to hit on Eizen's sister constantly thousands of years later

Bamcos request.

They are just comparing it for now with Baba's trash.

They do like Velvet though. They are saying she isn't the edgy stuff people were making her out to be.

Also you the dlc costumes are not a set. Meaning you can use another dlc hair with another costume or something which is nice.

I really hope you faggots get bullied.

>sideboob rags confirmed for costume

Apparently it's revealed that Zestiria and Berseria might be taking place in the same universe as Phantasia and Symphonia.

so did that chick turn out to be Lailah or was that just a BS rumor

I expected them to pull something like that eventually.

No one wants any of the girls in Zestiria

She sacrificed herself in the beginning so that Velvet will have more power to take down Artorius.

Yeah she's dead.

she gets devoured by Velvet in the prologue

Apparently she's Velvet's dead older sister.