you hype yet, Sup Forums?
you've pre-ordered, right?
you hype yet, Sup Forums?
you've pre-ordered, right?
Yeah and the season pass. Came into some extra money and Do Sex is my favorite game of all time.
>Not waiting for the inevitable complete edition
There's no need to cuck yourself, OP.
Yes. I did >pre-order, faggot
Hyped for that one hub!
did you augment your preorder, though?
Nice goy faggot. See you bitching first if it is shit.
please stop this it's retarded
prague is huge and made up of several varied hubs, not really something you should be complaining about
I have
Got it from a key site, didn't pay full 60 bones. Hoping its okay, been replaying HR and kicking a lot of ass
Hell to the Yes OP
this is a day 1 buy
There's only Prague?
Thats a lot of graphics, I love it
Can you change the FOV?
are you really so pessimistic that you don't look forward to video games anymore?
You'd have to be retarded to believe this.
no I just don't get overly excited like a child
idk, found them on Neofag
It's gonna be shit.
I think so, it's just in a different menu
what's with that green and white slider looking things
are they sliders or are they just toggles?
>So hyped I follow absolutely nothing about the game, only thing I know is Jensen fights some more people.
>Check recently released PC specs.
>Just barely scrape by.
>Now scared that my silky smooth 23fps will hinder my experience.
I don't know how to feel, I have no money to upgrade.. but I need to upgrade.
Witcher 3 on suicide watch.
>temporal AA
Great, I have to inject a proper AA myself. Stop putting these worthless trash AA options as the only option. It's really fucking annoying.
Is this the same developer yacht ruined thief?
If so, the this shit is going to be iw all over again
Even worse
It's the same developers that made the fall
Different division, dumb phoneposter.
>you hype yet
>you've pre-ordered, right?
No, you fucking shill.
Fuck, never pre-order anything, you cunts.
I've got an early copy and to AVOID SPOILERS the game is great and frankly Adam Jensen ''dies.''
Probably three presets, off/medium/high or something like that
Shill defense force has arrived eh
So how much se paid you per post?
>run a deus ex channel
>cant avoid it
rip me
>being poor
Yes, but most of the people who fucked up Thief 4 got fired or left.
This should be fine.
I've preordered bro, I got my preorder in. But to be honest, I don't think I've ever been less hyped for a game. My expectations are low, I just want to play a new western rpg and this is the only one of note for awhile my brosef
>makes a retarded statement
>gets corrected
Calm down, kid.
Thanks for the dose, Pepe.
a ski mask costs like 5 dollars, get that and a plastic gun and run into some gook store that sells 980ti's and grab it and boogey the fuck out of there, its what jensen would ask for
They told me I will get my key at the release. Have I been scammed?
Woah calm the fuck down you shill
>that obvious samefag
Literal autism at this point desu
Fuck you shill
Calm down, kids.
>Mata sepet pipi bambam utak banyak sot
What kind of cavemen language is this?
Yeah I've pre-ordered it for the PS4.
>Installing a Denuvo game on your PC
Hope you got those files backed up.
Apparently Indonesia
>probably no Pritchard
>probably no Malik
>barely any Sarif
>new characters look mostly generic and bad
>all the endings are canon, so none of the choices really mattered because the devs didn't bother to make different playthroughs, like that's not gonna bog down your writing
>Jensen's face looks fucking weird
>there's too much SJW bullshit
Yet I look forward to this game and know it will be good. Just how?
Pritchard's in the game, trust me on that
Also how many hubs?
No, but barring a major disaster on release I'll probably buy it day 1.
I remember when we all hated DX:HR before the beta leaked. Good times on Sup Forums
I still think it's a mediocre game
>too much SJW bullshit
such as?
I liked HR a lot, so I'm thinking I'll like this.
>look at me guys I posted a bunch of memes to shit on the game, look how cool I am
>percentile FOV
You can also hide the HUD and turn off grenade and takedown prompts
I'm waiting for reviews desu
What the fuck is exclusive full screen
Third I have seen this on square Enix mr
>75% FOV
What does this even mean? 75% of WHAT?
Oh thank god there's a proper AA solution too.
It's vertical fov. So in this case 60% means 90 fov.
That's nice but I find them helpful because they didn't work on guards in awkward positions in HR so the prompt helped to figure out how I had to approach to be able to use it
>look guys I don't like his arguments so they're memes, look how retarded I am
Crawl back into the hole you came from.
epic shilling
Meaning proper fullscreen, not borderless windowed.
I don't understand why someone would pre-order when everything is digital download. It's not like they're going to run out of copies
Lies there's nothing in the graphics setting that user posted
>fov 75%
Have you pre-orded your copy of Deus Ex:Mankind Divided yet, my fellow gentlemen?
>they use black lives matter slogan as "augs lives matter"
>they get a huge shitstorm from all the sjw shit
>they dont change the slogan
It's vertical, it's 110 in horizontal fov.
yeah 75% out of 360 degrees.
I figured I'll probably buy it anyway so I may as well buy it now.
Sure it might have an issue at release but I'm confident that it'll be fine
pritchard is in the book that's coming out
>>Jensen's face looks fucking weird
What? They literally fixed it.
What some MD video where jensen speaks, it looks off.
Yeah I'm /hyped/ as fuck senpai. I can't wait for based Squeenix to drop the BOMB this year. This game is going to be fan-fucking-tastic so long as they follow in HR's footsteps (which I know they will, Square never disappoints).
Do you mean the bad lip syncing? That was in the original and Human Revolution as well.
goddamn deus ex is a favorite of mine and i'll probably won't play this one until this pc dies
But it's inexcusable when Witcher 3 did it miles better 1.5 years ago with more NPC's and dialogue.
Looks much closer to the Human Revolution promotional material and concept art
>probably no malik
Malik is dead you fuck
>he didn't save Malik
>he left her to die
She's literally confirmed to be alive
wait a goddamn minute
You can save that bitch?
Time to reinstall
>book confirms that she is alive
>this stupid meme continues
She will appear in the game and faggots will still be spouting "Malik confirmed dead" years from now.