Konami have played us like a damn fiddle

Konami have played us like a damn fiddle.

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The only way they 'play' you is if you go drop 5 dollary-doos on a pre-order of the Huge Manager Collector's Edition at your local GameStore™ right now, faggot.

Now they're just kicking the corpse. Who thought this was a good idea?

I get that this is reused assets and takes no effort, but it just makes you look even worse as a company.

would you rather they try to make another canon game?

No OP, MGSV was playing us like a fiddle

this is taking the fiddle by the neck and slamming it right in our face

Just remake MGS3 with those pachinko assets.

>Metal Gear game that doesnt star any of the franchise characters
This sounds more like content for the MGSV multiplayer not its own game. Id actually play that, its be like RDR: Undead Nightmare, just more content ontop of a good game, but as its own seperate game? They just wanted to make a zombie game and need an angle that will make people interested.

The screams of a billion nerds crying out in pain.

I can't wait to learn more about and see some legit gameplay. It would be amazing if this were an expansion pack to MGSV rather than a full priced standalone game.

As someone who sadly hasnt played Metal gear games sadly, this looks fun to me, but i understand that if youre a fan of the games it probably looks worse than shit, but this looks p fun to me

I'm totally okay with this as long as Psycho Mantis and The Sorrow are the ones behind the entire thing.

Just look at the characters' animation, it looks even worse than than an old ass game like MGS2.
Without Kojimba Productions, this series is going to rot way faster than I thought it would.

>Coop MGSV
I think it could be nice

Take The Last of Us, turn it into a four player co-op and slap an alternate metal gear timeline on it.

It's probably a cash grab. Pay no attention else you'd be like those federation force fuckers.

This, it honestly should just be a multiplayer mode.

I think it's kind of a neat concept and autismal mgs """fan"""boys need to stop being so butthurt over a story that already ended in 2008

Here's the trailer


Don't give konami any money for this hack job half assed attempt at a cynical cash in using their now dead franchises that they killed themselves.
It's just going to be yet another vapid as fuck zombie survival game but with a metal gear coat of paint.

>there are people defending this
>even on Sup Forums

idk this is one of those things i would be okay with if it was dlc for a game

My wish is that this will have some kind of base building or something and actual survival stuff, and just not third person call of duty zombies.

But seriously, I wish we would just get a game about MSF or DD soldiers doing operations.

Why'd they slap metal gear on the title if it has nothing to do with metal gear at all?

>It's just going to be yet another vapid as fuck zombie survival game but with a metal gear coat of paint.
And it will still be better then MG4, 5 and PW

>28k downvotes already

are they trying to beat Infinite Warfare trailer?

The gameplay of MGS5 and just the look of it and technology is amazing. So I think this could work.

But if it's anything more than $20, that's fucking stupid.

>implying this game is worth less than $60

Lets get speculative
If this is an expansion to MGSV it could be that its just replacing the overworld of the original game, but with zombies(?) much like RDR's Undead Nightmare expansion, you play as you Online character in the game and can engage in coop modes with other players. You run around collecting things from checkpoints etc to survive as long as possible like in State of Decay in singleplayer and in multiplayer its just wave survival.

I pray to fuck that this isnt a standalone game, there is nothing left to do with the franchise and this would be a clear indiciation that they are willing to just do anything to try and make some money of it.

>But if it's anything more than $20, that's fucking stupid.
You entitled shit. Try getting a real job since you're too poor to afford it. You should be happy that Konami is continuing the series.

This game sounds so boring and painfully average. Why are they branding this a Metal Gear game? Why not make it another IP altogether? I bet you it's just so they can reuse the assets.

>and this would be a clear indiciation that they are willing to just do anything to try and make some money of it.
Do we live in the same Reality?


>there is nothing left to do with the franchise and this would be a clear indiciation that they are willing to just do anything to try and make some money of it.

I thought Pachinko machines were already indication enough of that

>full priced standalone game.
Already confirmed to be in a "similar" price range as Ground Zeroes.

Pachinko was great until they realized their profits were down.

I'll probably play it if it's a budget title. 20/40.

So $60?

>ground zeroes was 60 bucks


That's a violin...

>coop mgsv
>people are mad

>but zombies
mgsv had it.
>but that wormhole thing looks stupid
mgsv had it.
Gameplay was the only thing mgsv did right you plebs

I think it was 40 buckaroodles when it first came out on PS4, then was 20 buckadingles when it came out on PC. Cant remember for sure though might have been 30. Though I do remember it goint on sale not too long after it came out on PC which is when I got it for 5 or 10 bucks. Stupid memory, the only thing I remember as a fact were people screaming 40 DOLLARS FOR A DEMO LOLOL when it was first released.

You could say Kojima has… left them for dead.

it was 30 bucks bro

nigga you trolling i bought every single MGS game to date even ACID

HD Collection is probably #1 or #2 on my top games of all time

This honestly feels like an expansion or DLC for MGO though, from what I've been shown

A fiddle is the Scottish name for a violin.

fuckin memory, *hits head as pushishment*

MGSurvive is literally everything wrong with MGSV: The Game.

>mute random soldier as the protagonist
>fucking zombies
>no plot whatsoever
>bland scenery and world
>no interesting characters
>shit bosses

Metal Gear Ac!d HD Collection when?

>defending konami

Wait a sec, no i was right. I googled it.

"Konami is dropping the price of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes by $10, from $39.99 to $29.99 for both the retail and digital versions, the publisher announced today."

*hits head as punishment for listening to internet people*

That'd be a neat little remaster for the PS3 but I think that window is long gone. Acid wasn't that bad either.

5 of your 6 points you can't possibly be sure of until you play the game. typical Sup Forums

>*hits head as pushishment*
>*hits head as punishment for listening to internet people*

Can't even buy them on the PSN.

>defending konami

not really defending the, just calling you retarded

>Bows and spears

These niggers were in the middle of a fucking fight when they got sent to that other world.

And even if they lost their weapons, where the fuck would they get a bow with arrows like that?

>metal gear game that doesn't have to conform itself to the retarded "canon"

It's what Kojima always wanted

Not that user brah

you're just as retarded as he is

but user what about crafting :^)

i would be fine with metal gear zombie coop side game but man.
that one shot.
of the guy poking the zombies head with a spear through a fence.
it's just "we want the walking dead audience"


What if it's not bad ?

FUck you shitbag!

You out of all people would be calling it pretty good.

Fuck you, Ocelot.

Why didn't they just remake mgs 3? Do they hate money or something?

So you're saying it'll be pretty good?

please commit suicide.

>disgusted by this
>know I'm such a little whipped bitch for anything with the Metal Gear name, I'll buy it anyway
At least I get to know first-hand how a standalone Konami game does

It might even be pretty good.

Fuck me, that's a good idea.

Which means it won't be the case.

That's a great idea.

At least it isn't a Pachinko game. Right guys? RIGHT? ;_;

What if they try to link it to the surviving mother base soliders sub plot in MGS V?

kys ocie

I'd rather it be

>MGS 5 is now 3 games
>none of them feel complete
>if you bought them all day 1 standard edition you spent 160$ on MGS5 to get a somewhat complete experience.

Ok, tying the rope now
See you on the other side user


140* and It should be 4 games if you count MGO

This game sounds like it's been done a million times before. Except this time it's reusing MGSV assets.

more importantly, reusing MGSV gameplay.
and why didn't they give Snake a sick Bow in MGS5?
i mean MGS 3 Big Boss got some inspiration from RAMBO why no bow.
>inb4 buy Metal gear survive to unlock exclusive bonus missions and gear in MGSV the phantom pain.

>Bow in MGS5

I could hear all the complaints of people saying "AND WHY THE FUCK DOES EVERY GAME HAVE TO HAVE A BOW IN IT NOW?"

Something i've noticed is that the scene with the random soldier is almost perfectly placed with the leaving of big boss, like if they already had that model done, what if konami is using the scrapped models and elements from the Camp Omega cut chapter and other elements of chapter 3 to make this game?, It would make sense since all of those things would be wasted money if not used, think about it, probably this game is only a leftover of missing elements from MGSV, think about it, barely any money wasted and even if they didnt sell well, it wouldnt matter since it didnt even cost them that much


the LA multiplayer team knows how to work the engine, it was probably easy for them to manipulate the old scene since everything is in engine anyways.
