This shitstorm is the gift that keeps on giving
This shitstorm is the gift that keeps on giving
>all that FREE entertainement
Only good thing that came out of NMS.
11/12 on the shitscale
this desu
How could this happen? Did someone ask him a question, and he misunderstood it and said yes, but then realized he made a mistake and instead of correcting himself, he kept making stuff up about the game?
My guess is he was going by their design doc's, rather than what was actually in the game.
And then it came out without all the pieces coming together like they planned.
I initially thought he was just really vague and people started buying into stuff that others were making up on forums but this guy actually seems to be incredibly full of shit.
This guy puts Todd to shame.
>ship names
god,how can this fucking guy lie through his fucking teeth like this? im literally disgusted by the amount of bullshit this guy shits out with that shit eating grin on his face. god fucking damnit, this man has done nothing to me, but i'd fucking throtle him
cant wait for the h3h3's video
>can't wait for a low budget tim heidecker to say memes for 10 minutes
me neither
So I don't own the game but just watched the video, is literally none of this true?
literally none of that is in game? What do you even do in it then?
get components to craft shit to go to another planet
rinse and repeat, no joke
use your laser gun to mine for minerals
then go to another planet and do the same
walk/ fly around and shoot rocks
then do it all over again
Holy shit I can't believe I just read this.
This Jew's been unfunny the second he dropped vapenay and became the self proclaimed saint of youtube
I hate this guy's stupid face from the first time they interviewed him. I know a lot of gullible people thought he was genuine and humble, but they're idiots. Real genuine people don't act anything like this guy.
Don't listen to the memes.
It's a comfy game about exploration, all these cucks are mad that it's not Call of Duty.
Ify ou like the premise of going to different planets with random wildlife, plants and atmosphere finding materials to trade/sell and upgrade various aspects then it's p cool.
Ive never seen someone actually lie through their teeth til now.
Molyneux would be proud
>If you like the premise of going to different planets with random wildlife, plants and atmosphere finding materials to trade/sell and upgrade various aspects then it's incredibly disappointing
Go back to Minecraft, dudebro.
>all these cucks are mad that it's not Call of Duty
Where do you even get this idea? You sound like a fucking retard
>dont listen to the memes
>HURR U just mad dat its not cawadooty
Kek. Numale defense force denial level over 9000
BEcause in all these threads people yell the words boring and repetitive
Sean Murray is what id call a "yes" man.
Call of Duty Black Ops
Thanks for Correcting the Record.
Ok, are you going to make an argument that makes sense at any point though or just blurt out retarded thoughts?
but the only one who ever believed the hype was virgins and reddit. and they still sold millions upon millions of copies.
there is no shitstorm, just outraged fags with youtube accounts.
>No Man's Sky
>no multiplayer
>planets are literally the same shit but with different colors
>get materials to go to a different planet, rinse and repeat
>wildlife and AI are fucking retarded
>Call of Duty
>actually has multiplayer
>whole new levels from interior to exterior designs
>encourages players to try out different guns and playstyles providing replayability
>AI know how to throw grenades and take cover - are not complete fucking morons
t. Sean
most of that stuff isn't actually lies
>there are ALREADY comments defending this shit pile
Okay, so, I'll admit that I can see why people bought this. I don't blame them for getting it, since they didn't fall for obvious bullshots or prerendered trailers. Sean just blatantly lied while claiming to be playing the game in real time wherever he went. You can assume that developers bend the truth here and there while advertising, but there was no way anybody could have predicted he'd lie this much.
But why, for the love of God, why do people continue to defend this pile of shit even after it's obvious that they've been scammed? I just don't fucking get it! They claim they're having fun, despite literally zero of the mechanics they were looking forward to are in the game! I just don't fucking understand!
The journalists look retarded as well.
>If i flew in one direction for a long time would I boink the edge of the galaxy
What a fucking autistic retard
It's easier to put your fingers in your ears than admit you've been conned.
Hello. I am a long time user (over 3 months!!) and I wanted to give you some constructive feedback on your post. Next time you want to post make sure to sprinkle in a few more flavor words (or as people call them buzz words) to enhance your posts! No need to thank me, I'm just a friendly user on Sup ;)
don't be a cuck!
Post purchase rationalization. Also, normies are generally absurdly positive and optimistic. They struggle to be negative about things even when there's evidence right in front of them.
>why do people continue to defend this pile of shit even after it's obvious that they've been scammed?
Maybe because Sean lying about multiplayer doesn't mean the rest of the game is unplayable you fucking moron.
>They claim they're having fun, despite literally zero of the mechanics they were looking forward to are in the game! I just don't fucking understand!
But...that's not even true. Is this bait? fuck I got sucked in
Did you even watch the video? There's so much more he lied about than just multi-player.
>confirmed for being unable to even watch a few minutes of video, or read
Wew lad. Maybe your crippling lack of attention enables you to be entertained by a pile of turds, but not everyone is as stupid as you are.
COD has become a universal beating stick.
>He does not like thing I like? Must be a dumb ass dudebro
So 50k people are enjoying a game with literally no gameplay right now, huh
Has there ever been a time when Treyarch or IW were ever purposefully lying or even disingenuous about what to expect in the next installment?
Or people have different tastes than you. I'm at 35 hours so far, plan to put another 6-8 in today.
Could it use some more combat? Maybe more than two rooms in a space station? Base building? Yeah, it could. Maybe it will get them. Maybe it won't. Maybe it will be in the form of paid DLC, which apparently they said they wouldn't do.
I don't give a shit either way. No promises to me were broken - I never saw or read about pre-release streams of the game, because you have to be a retard to care about that, whether it's a developer or some jackass that thinks he is good/entertaining. What I did do was read a product page that offered me a lifetime of planets to explore for $60. I got a lifetime of planets to explore for $60. I'm happy.
>sonyponies actually defending this
you know, i think thats exactly what they did
>all these cucks
The only cuck here is you son
>Or people have shit taste and enjoy shooting a rock then flying to a planet to shoot a rock
Ftfy cuck
I'm playing, its better than borderlands that I was playing prior to this
I dont even think they bother with bullshots since their shit sells anyway
Just get spore. The space stage is leagues better in every regard. But it's still bad.
How did people not see red flags from a mile away? He looks physically pained when he gives non-answers or lying. Meanwhile, they also get way into this pseudo science drivel to make themselves look and sound smarter than change the color palate.
>The team programmed some of the physics for aesthetic reasons. For instance, Duncan insisted on permitting moons to orbit closer to their planets than Newtonian physics would allow. When he desired the possibility of green skies, the team had to redesign the periodic table to create atmospheric particles that would diffract light at just the right wavelength.
Like what the shit?
Can't wait for the Inuitinua video!
....oh wait.
Same here. He comes off as skethy. Like he's faking it.
I seriously can't wait for the class action lawsuit
Apparently one person has already started filing
Can I be fucking real for a second?
I feel sick writing this.
Serious question for people who play, are space fights not in the game? That shit genuinely looked interesting go ahead and call me a fag whatever.
"Todd Howard aint got shit on me"
top kek
>Oh it's another Sup Forums hates something that's popular episode
>The team programmed some of the physics for aesthetic reasons. For instance, Duncan insisted on permitting moons to orbit closer to their planets than Newtonian physics would allow. When he desired the possibility of green skies, the team had to redesign the periodic table to create atmospheric particles that would diffract light at just the right wavelength.
Kek. is this real? No one could be so stupid as to believe this.
So thousands of Indians are enjoying designated shitting streets with literally no sanitation right now, huh
Right blame his awful content since his recent fame
Acting like he's the fucking pope
Being a hypocrite
Donation taking
And shit for brains attitude as we just dislike that he's popular
I feel like Sean Murray is the type of person that just can't help lying. It's his nature..
It just... what CAN'T this guy lie about?
Todd really has nothing on him does he?
Mighty No. 9 delivered better on its promises.
Let that sink in.
Wtf i love nu male's lie now
He also shittalks games that use skyboxes, which is pretty much all of them.
this. It's hard to make friends when you're not afraid to call bullshit when you see it.
>no fleetwood mac
closed the video right there
if you aren't going to do it right then I'm not going to watch fucker
They are in the game but they're really shitty. You pretty much have to stay in one place and shoot the other ships as they circle you.
It's more a nuisance than anything.
I can tell you almost certainly what happened. All that shit they talked up was in their PC build, and when they had to put it into the PS4, it couldn't handle any of it, so they had to strip and strip and finally revert to an old build, then polish that old build up in two months. Also probably why it crashes all the time and gets such shit framerate.
maybe its case of spore, his aim is too complex and Sony forced a deadline to them. This is only instance when Early Access may do some good, since final product will be shit anyway
its not enough of a shitstorm desu
people are still denying it, defending him, saying people just "misinterpreted" what he said when there was absolutely no ambiguity to what he said, this will all just blow over and he'll never have to answer for any of this
People do know that video game physics isn't automatically exactly the way it works in real life as soon as you write a video game, right?
It's easier to pretend its exactly what you wanted than admiting you made a mistake buying it.
Fuck off shill
I'll admit I'm having fun, but I do realize its literally maybe 40% of what was shown to be in the game. I just don't understand how so much shit can be IN THE GAME, but they take it out before release.
Lie after lie after lie... and yet I can't help liking him.
It's a 60$ shitty tech demo.
moons don't orbit anything and that complete farce about atmosphereic particles should be self-evident
It's comfy until it crashes and then takes an additional 20 minutes to boot back up.
It's comfy until you fly into space and are destroyed by space pirates due to shitty combat
It's comfy until you realize that every planet is the exact fucking same
It's not comfy.
>I just don't understand how so much shit can be IN THE GAME, but they take it out before release.
The sun in NMS is just painted on the skybox
you realize they have been working with sony with ps4 as the lead platform for years right?
nice try though
The ship combat is retarded. When you start the game you literally cant beat a single ship, then when fully upgraded I can take on 7 guys without even getting to half shields. I'll literally kill like 3-4 ships when they warp in instantly.
How hard is it to write a code for multiplayer feature? Even some budget indie games out there have multiplayer
I'm sorry if this offends your scripted-to-the-max Call of Duty sensibilities.
In the meantime, the rational ones among us are noticing and appreciating the underlying mechanisms that have been promised that are in the game, rather than throwing little baby tantrums on the internet for not *exactly* getting specifically the color,
When are they going to fix the fucking stuttering for the GOG version? I can't even stand playing it in this state.
>Call of Duty
You should have used food analogy
I saw a fix posted in another thread, I don't play the game though.
I don't watch him but the unwashed masses do and he can bring a lot of attention and deserved hate to this like he did the CS thing
I'd like this guy a lot more if he didn't talk like the typical 12 year old who just learned every cuss word and feels the need to put it between every other word of his sentences.