It's okay when Kojima does it

It's okay when Kojima does it.

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A genuine zombie game?

But he didn't make a zombie game.

He didn't mention anything about mgs, so fuck you too

Can't wait to 2018 when he releases his game and people turn on him.

MGSV was about weed and zombies. Literally plants vs zombies.

Name one good zombie game.

You can't

Dead Rising?

He only said he wanted to make a genuine zombie game. He didn't say anything about turning Metal Gear into a zombie game. That's the key difference here.

Zombies are the worst fucking enemy type in fiction.
>LOL theyre humans who slowly walk towards you to bite you! haha.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors


He kinda did.

Zombies ate my neighbors

The Last of Us was okay

Define "genuine" in the context of zombie game.

DOES ANYBODY REMEMBER THE hunter the reckoning games, holy shit they were fun

genuine early access asset flip
its like when people pay to see forgeries because the art crim got famous

Rogue Survivor

Okay but seriously, what could he possibly mean?

RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4
Dead Rising 1
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Dying Light
The first, like, two episodes of Telltale's Walking Dead

Zombies/Zombies Ate My Neighbours
Half-Life 2
Plants vs Zombies
PvZ: Garden Warfare (Did Battleborn better than Battleborn tbf)

>Saying something positive about The Last of Us

Absolute madman

TLoU was great while Uncharted keeps getting terrible. We need more fucking health meters with medkits in our games.

Left 4 dead, dying light, resident evil 1-3 (code veronica gets a special mention), space station 13 zombie rounds.

>game is instantly shit because of zombies

Games are shit because they have shit developers. Battleborn wasn't shit because it had "vampires", it was shit because the developers behind it were hacks with no talent.

why is no one mentioning the DayZ mod or I'm sure when the standalone is finished it will be very good.

>I'm sure when the stand alone is finished may want to sit down....

Cata DDA

Kojima just think it means good

Stubb's the Zombie

We get this instead of Metal Gear Rising 2

>all these (You)'s


I didn't play it very far. Seemed rather generic to me.

Then again I am not that much of a shooter friend, especially not on consoles.


Recommendation post?

Have you been living under a rock, friend?


>I didn't play it very far. Seemed rather generic to me.
Eh, yeah, but it's not bad either. It's a weird case of a game that doesn't have any flaws, and it's pretty okay if not good, but it's still pretty boring.

>no mention of project zomboid
What the fuck happened Sup Forums

This TWD Season 1
State of Decay

>"Konami's going to ruin Kojima's legacy, story and characters"
>set in alternative universe
>"wah, they already ruined it like expected"

>project zomboid
What the fuck did happen user?

RE4 isn't zombies it's parasites
ZamN is hardly zombies, it features zombies. but it's 90% stereotypical horror film creatures that aren't zombies.
L4D is closer to "infected" but i'll let it slide.

infected for PSP

Project zomboid is boring as fuck. The only reason it's difficult at all is the shit control scheme.

Who are you quoting?

It's not good

It's a mess of features to bloat the formula "more featuers = good game" it doesn't work.

Probably means there's no stupid twist where they aren't REALLY zombies even though they behave exactly like zombies. Meaning the skulls and the infected soldiers in MGSV wouldn't count. They're straight up shambling risen from the dead human corpses that eat people.



Sounds good.
Maybe one that's actually interesting, and not just some boring copy. Something that maybe captures the mood of the Night of the Living Dead or something.


Zombies ate my Neighbors.

To me a "Genuine Zombie Game" Is a game with its entire focus being on surviving zombies.

No stupid building mechanics
No clunky PvP
No wacky/zany powers/weapons

Just a game about trying to survive against hordes of zombies.

There was a PS4 exclusive at e3 with literal floods of zombies that looked pretty good.


>RE4 isn't zombies it's parasites
parasites that make people act in a zombie-like fashion, just like a virus or voodoo does. its not as if "zombie" is some genus of actual creature you turn into

You expect me to believe that?

It's like saying Killing Floor isn't zombie games because you kill zeds.

The fear is its an overwhelming enemy that never stops. Cant be reasoned with, bargained with. Doesnt feel remorse pain fear. While you rest, they come for you, while you sleep, they come for you. Its truly horrifying

However video games are fucking terrible and just "heres a million things for you to kill and they can barely fight back dont feel bad and dont rate our game M because they arent even human!!"

>ywn have a qt gf w/ MS that you can cook and laugh together with because she's independent but she likes it when you help her with things because it makes her feel safe and happy to have a normal bf like you.

>MGR comes out
>Literally nothing like the MGS series outside of some characters
>Sup Forums praises it because kojimbo took a look at the project and said "ok"

>MG Survive comes out
>Literally nothing like the MGS series outside of some characters
>Sup Forums hates it because Kojimbo isn't on the team anymore

like poterie

A shining light even in death was more a good zombie game than RE7 will ever be, stupid VR bait

no, that's the point

Even better when core gameplay will be most likely the same as Kojima's MGSV.

I made a game with Zombies in it

>don't even have heads to shoot

What a stupid fucking design

That tweet is a FAKE, now this re-tweet is interesting given the subject.

>MGR has Raiden, a major character
>Survive uses player-made soldiers who have no impact in the series
It's milking MGSV to the max

it will be fine the game is in good hands then I trust kojima to pull off something great

You just had to ask nicely for source. Don't be shy.

the music for that was truly amazing

Dead Rising
Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising 3
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Call of Duty World at War
Call of Duty Black Ops
Call of Duty Black Ops II
Call of Duty Black Ops III
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
The Walking Dead
PvZ Garden Warfare
State of Decay
Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
The Last of Us

Fuck this cocky fucking hack, he deserves to be brutally punched in the face, then we'll see who's on a high horse then

>something great
When will you faggots learn?

>29 april 2013
Oh, I just checked his latest tweets out of habit, I did not even look at the data, sorry.

>Black Ops 3
Worst zombies in the series my man. IW's looks great though.

stick to making trailers you hasbeen

Don't pretend you like Raiden, user.

Days Gone had potential but the lack of ammo, etc removed all threat.

That might have been a stage demo, but still.

more tears please

Better than Black Ops II's gay as fuck Transit shit. To be fair I didn't play any of Black Ops II's Zombie DLC because I made the critical error of getting on PC instead of 360, it was dead as fuck within months so buying the maps wasn't worth it at all.

But Black Ops III has Der Riese so it doesn't matter how good BOII's DLC is because it won't be as good as The Giant.

>A MGS game without Hideo in charge, just Kojima
how can anyone be hyped for this?

I know this is bait, but

Zombies Ate my Neighbors
Left 4 Dead 2/Killing Floor
Stubbs the Zombie
Dead Rising
House of the Dead 2/Typing of the Dead

>Implying Kojima has made a bad game
Any negative criticism is simply due to limitations placed upon him by Konami.

>tfw she is BLACKED
fucking sucks, I want a qt cerebral palsy gf to make me food and give great sex

Though it wasn't technically Kojima it was basically a demo of a game that never got greenlit

>The fear is its an overwhelming enemy that never stops. Cant be reasoned with, bargained with. Doesnt feel remorse pain fear. While you rest, they come for you, while you sleep, they come for you. Its truly horrifying

Sounds just like shopping at walmart. Again, how is that scary?


I'm watching the video and he's legit gay. Definitely not her BF

that is not autism and it's not difficult to look up the proper names for those diseases. Even retards have internet on their phones and are capable of doing that.

RE1, RE2, RE3.


Or we could just read your post

>white chick within a few feet of a black guy
Someone has a few unexamined sexual complexes.

fucking classic