Why do we keep letting the Japanese get away with this stuff?

Why do we keep letting the Japanese get away with this stuff?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because permavirgin weeaboos are more predictable than CoD kiddies.

Our dicks are Japan's biggest source of income.

So this is a japanese Female (Male)

Animefags will buy anything as long as it anime.

Whats wrong with it?

umm ... probably the gross oversexualization?

you don't like big tit animu bitches?
are you a homo?
are you offended ?
please check out
they share the same opinions.

implying this isn't just a bait thread

We not. We're starting to affect them with our outcry. Only a matter of time before they get their shit together like the west.

who is the pruple haired chick
i want her


Attactive, scantily-clad girls are verbotten in the West.

Because my Penis enjoys it

what did he mean by this?

Woman. Who is the purple haired woman.
That better?

hows it feel to be gay?

So more Balzblue lewd phone cards?

Because my dick controls my money, and my dick is pleased with oversexualised japanese animu girls

Just because youre a sexually repressed puritan doesnt mean the rest of the world is
I'm probably being baited anyway

>Why do we keep letting the Japanese get away with this stuff?
What are you going to do about it? How do you plan to stop an entire country from doing something when you probably can't stop yourself from overeating?

Feels fabulous, probably.

You can literally go to any US beach and there will be underage girls wearing bikinis and other lewd shit.

Yet nobody will ever be offended by that. Instead you retards get offended by drawings.

Complain on twitter like usual

She's Mai. She used to be a guy.

I find it hard to believe Mai wanted to be a guy again.

She clearly loves putting herself in vulnerable positions, the minx.


Ever heard that sex sells?


Fuck off then.

>We not. We're starting to affect them with our outcry. Only a matter of time before they get their shit together like the west.

hahaha, last I heard, they told you to fuck off.


I can't fucking find a better quality version of that picture, please help.

tumblrhams don't go to the beach

>Trying to justify worthless no substance "games" that hard

Post purchase rationalization at it again. You weebs are knee deep in delusion you don't even function on the same plane of existence as reality.

They don't play games either.

The point still remains.


I want to be__ Mai!

>fighting games
>no substance

damn famn dank meme

Because only a humongous faggot would dislike attractive sexual women. You aren't a humongous faggot, are you, OP?

Great, now my dick is even harder

>Mai gets revealed
>everyone completely forgets Es is going to be playable too

Fuck you guys. Es looks pretty fun to play as too, at least from what the Loketests show.

I agree op, two bombs wasn't enough

Right is a guy

don't they get washed up on them all the time

>Heeh, waissist an sexy mudge
What did she mean by this?

That's the attitude of a beta, let companies drain you of your (or your parents, knowing how useless weebs are) money, despite the fact that whatever "games" these abominations are, fail to provide interesting stories, mechanics, music, or anything else that constitutes a good game.

Firstly: What game/anime?

Secondly, we let them get away with it because it's hot. Hardly rocket science.

Tell me why the west does it's utter west to block content like this?

>forgetting shortstack blondes
I'd never do that.

Japan is too pure for this world. Damn.

Es a shit, Mai is better

I don't give a shit about what OP is on about.
Post more cute girls.


I would have liked Mai more if she fought with a sword and dagger in her original outfit, as opposed to that new slut outfit and spear.

At least Es is still pure and has no slutty panty shots like Tao, Platinum, and so on.

>UN suggestion actually tries to suppress freedom of expression
>Japan tells them to fuck off
Thank god. How it even made it that far is bizarre.


Mechanics and music are fine, well, there's some issue with the remixes.

I'll not defend the story.

>At least Es is still pure and has no slutty panty shots
oh don't worry mori will see to that

>some issue with the remixes

user, all the remixes are absolute dogshit. I just want the original songs back.

You weren't going to fuck the nerds that play these games anyway, why do you care if they jerk off or not?

>The so-called sexual violence in manga and video games is a made-up thing and as such does not threaten the rights of actual people
>There is nothing to be gained from regulating fictional sexual violence. However, while you’re trying to fix the rights of fictional characters, you’re leaving the human rights of real women in the real world left to rot
Fucking blown the fuck out holy shit.

Japan is the best.

>wanting to be her
Why, user?

Good fighting games have substance, yes.

This is just another baby tier button masher that sells purely because of weebshit permavirgin pandering.

At least in the Loketest, it's absolutely impossible to see up Es's dress. She has nothing but pure frilly fluff under it that blocks everything.

They probably didn't want her to have similar weapons to Hibiki, and a school uniform is already used by Celica.

Used to be being the important information here

>tfw you're either a weaboo shiteating "le x is cute!" faggot or a fat tumblrina on Sup Forums
>tfw just want turbovirgins to stop shitting up threads by wanting to fuck every single living and inanimate object they see

Let's not forget the utter utter shit that Japan releases now.

Because all women should strive to be like them. Beautiful, stunning, and ready to be bred

Does she still wear platform heels?

man, these days you can detect a biodrone just after a couple of words

>you can be a girl if you say you are!

Not him but she has a high aptitude for magic, she's also nobility.

There's probably something to be said about the knockout body, too.

>Childish Killer II
>Plastic Night II
>Howling Moon II
Most of the remixes are bad, but really not all of them at all. Also, all of the old songs are fully available as well, did you not play the game?

Yes, she wears that exact outfit. Even with the heels though she's an ultra midget (shorter than Platinum and thus the shortest playable character now).

Last I checked they were paid for DLC, but I might be mistaken. It's been quite some time since I last played.

I prefer the spear. In this day and age where every character and and their grannies are armed with swords or daggers. It is the practical and versatile spear that needs a bit more representation.

Literally my body type.

Sword of Doom II is also better I think.

But the originals were not available in CP except only as DLC. I somehow suspect CF will pull that shit again.

>Dramatic doomsday soundtrack changed into anime singing

You stop that right now.

Its the only thing that provides cute girls doing cute things,the only weeb game i possess is neptunia, and is pretty good at it, its probably beta as fuck but whatever, id gladly gave them my money if they keep doing more

Why I'll give you that it looks awful, the problem is more that you're supposed to also take them seriously.

They were DLC in CP, but in CPE they made it so that you can unlock them with in-game currency which you get plenty off by doing anything in the game. Netplay and Story Mode give you so much that all of the unlockables except the 5k artwork can be gotten really fast.

I don't know but they should not.
I'm a permavirgin and anything sexual triggers me.

Scarlet Onlooker playable during matches when?

Well as long as CF follows that (can be unlocked for free), I have nothing to complain about then. However, I can bet my ass there will be at least another 3 DLC characters that will be added for free in CF Extend.

I guarantee it will be like CP. Charge DLC for the songs you want, and then double dip into your wallet for the inevitable CFE

Unlike SJWs I put my money where my mouth is and will pay for games that cater to me.

So I'm sorry to say but these games will keep being made, so you'll have no choice but to get used to it.


triggers me to fap, pls help i cant stop

>umm ...
Why does shit like this trigger me so much?

that means she doesnt have a dick anymore right? for some reason my interest in this character and series has died

Needs to be replaced by the better Valentine

The only way I can ever accept Raquel becoming playable is if both Ragna and Rachel retire together after this installment in the franchise. Having a "next generation" sort of thing would be really neat, but only if Rachel gets to stay together with Ragna.

They do, and it's not a pretty sight.
Believe me

So why does she have a spear again?

She was magically transformed into a 100% girl. In both body and mind.

dont want another useless hibiki

Too many swords.

I don't actually remember. The spear is a Legacy Weapon though

>91 replies to a bait thread..

god I hope it's a bait thread

Of course it is

I was hoping it would turn into a waifu thread

I just wanted a BB thread :^)

It's a BB thread. These things just come along with it naturally.

Starting off with bait is a common tactic to get people on Sup Forums to actually talk about a game.

>Whyfoo faggotry
>Talking about a game

Oh right, there's no gameplay to talk about in the first place.