You in the wrong neighborhood, son

You in the wrong neighborhood, son.

Non-threatning looking female thugs are the best, I just want to push them down and revert them to a quiet, reserved girl with the power of DICK.

They are really cute

>implying they wouldn't try to slice your face as you attempt to rape them

ugh ugh Team Skull, something something ugh

That just makes it even hotter.

I'm amazed at the amount of waifus Pokemon can put out.

>female skull thug will never grind her ass onto your face

why live

This honestly seems like the dumbest and least threatening team in any Pokemon game.

Well when you go from militant group bent on world domination to common street gang you're going to think that.

They will probably just tie me and use my small dick as a dildo whenever they want

>Oh no, I'm definitively in the right one baby

>implying women can fight

Just knock one down and rape the other

or they slice your dick


>implying a hardened street thug and gang leader couldn't shank you with a hidden knife

Back the fuck off!!?

You wish. They'll laugh at your tiny dick as you watch them get fucked by real men.

>implying that would stop me

Sorry, but they'll never come close to these cuties.


>implying you won't be watching them as they use their meaty futa dicks to fuck you


To fap user.... to fap...


Saving this while I can

We need dating Team Skull Grunt.

>pokemon designs keep getting worse and worse
>pokegirl designs keep improving or stay good

I'm completely okay with this.


The sexiest team Pokemon has ever seen.

>those thighs
>tough thugs

Ya, sure.

>anime weeb can't handle the fact that women aren't fighters

Why indeed

Looks like some fairy oddparents shit


You seem confused what website you're on

>We need Dating Literally Just Some White Trash Hood Bitch
Honestly, I'd still read it.

>Team Flare's guise with most of its lower ranks is that they're supposed to be fashionable
>Blue and Green's hair clashes with their outfit
Orange and Purple are nice though.

The porn is going to be fucking incredible.

having normal gangbangers instead of supervillans is amazing

>implying it isn't already
Drawfags move quickly

>Team Skull gets introduced
>Milwaukee riots happen

Goodjob Nintendo on promoting ghetto culture.

Be still my beating boner

>tfw bullied

>tfw no gyaru thug bitch that bullies you and your penis


Can't wait for the Paizuri porn.

No I'm not.

>PLEASE COSPLAY US: The Characters

Not subtle at all.


I'm going to intentionally lose to her so she'll take my money.

I want to date a Team Skull (female) grunt


>All this western art

Good Western art is objectively better than good nip art.

anyone think the grunt looks like valentine?

dope artstyle imho

Oh please, Team Skull is going to get way more cosplay, because their outfits are so simple.


In what way? The mask is the closest comparison but even then the Grunts where a more bandit-esque mask.

>they'll never rape you while they berate you
Why live?

>Wanting submissive girls
>Not wanting tough thug girl to have her way with you

Pled tastes

Holy shit this place is full of cucks.

>can't appreciate art for art, have to make it a regional thing

Thighsex when?

>not wanting a tough girl in public and a submissive breeding sow in the sack

Hello luddite

>no futa grunt to fuck me

why live bros

I want plumeria to force me to lick her pussy

>wanting disgusting, guetto-ass hoes for a poke-waifu

>wanting a literal tomoko rip off who outside of the games is shown as a gross smelly NEET blowing dudes for 100 yen

>epic goth pokeymans grill
sup pan pizza

Don't you dare compare that to Butch Fartman.

I want plumeria to force me to lick her pussy after a long day of poke schemes.

I used to think Hex was really hot but I have tunnel vision for the pigtails chick in the OP now
I'm also black and ghetto

so fuck off

Gross, I bet she doesn't even shower.

>sup pan pizza

Look at the male skull guy in the pic and tell me it's not similar

sup mcnuggs

it's just Tomoko

>roaming in the grass
>random encounter
>see this
wat do

don't insult tomoko

Team Skull leader leaked

>not wanting Hex to sit on your face after a long and sweaty day
Literally homosexual.

Show her your pokeballs

Is there a gallery of all the edits yet

Full body shot.

Pokegirls is the reason any smart trainer brings pokemon with him that know Spore, Hypnosis, or Bind



I like both.

>sup pan pizza

Dumb white knight.

Dumb /r9k/ poster

>implying this isn't the best evil team since Team Rocket

Women have more power than you think, maybe not physical but verbal and mental abuse. Not only that but the power to manipulate. Not only towards you but to others as well. If you don't fight pack, you're a wuss in other people eyes, if you do, your charge with abuse. you can never win in this scenario. Just look up Female to Male abuse for even more stories.
Also you don't need physical prowess to shoot some one with a semi, so...


Dumb cuck beta.

They are just rape-sluts.

This artist draws the best girls

>You beat her little brothers and sisters in battle
>She battles you for payback
>You lose and get knocked to the floor
>She gives you this look
Well, Sup Forums?