Is NMS worth pirating?
Is NMS worth pirating?
Got it on friday (pirated GOG) and have blown 4-5 hours in it.
It gets repetitive, but the exploring and building in the first few hours are fun before the grind sets in.
If it's free, how is worth even a consideration?
Honest opinion? No. It's very repetitive right from the get-go. I got bored after about a half hour.
Slow movement and constantly having to shuffle your inventory for tedious busywork stuff.
I don't like survival games, though.
Meh, if you want to form your own opinion on it then yes. I pirated it to see if it really was shit. If you want a decent game experience, there are so many more out there to choose from.
Dude, the most valuable thing you have is your free time. For example, licking a table is free, why don't you consider doing it? Some games are not worth the time, considering there are other things you could do with your time, which would be more enjoyable. If you are a pirate, you literally have to compare the latest release to all the other games you could also get and play for free instead. Buyfags usually are compelled by their post-purchase rationalisation to play games they don't actually like and promote them online (fanboys/hypefags/preorderers).
Since NMS is shit what are some other games that let me fly around the universe and explore planets?
it's just fucking not
just please don't play this game
i'm just so mad
Not if you're a NEET, you fucking wagecuck.
Free time and mental problems are what I have the most of.
Dosent this thing run like dogshit on pc?
make one rhat says no guy buy
kill yourself. no seriously i mean actually kill yourself.
This paddy cunt only proved that he's a fucking amazing businessman. If anything there's even more financial success in his future.
new update is out
not according to this thread
>Is NMS worth pirating?+ 0 post omitted.
Pirating is free, so it's pretty hard to make a game not worth even that. I'd say yeah, the two gigs of bandwith are nothing and it can be somewhat entertaining for a couple of hours.
It wears off pretty quickly though. I started getting seriously annoyed around 4 hours mark (which given how slow the start is basically means before I even got to jump between systems), and I've figured out I just don't want to play it anymore after around 10-12 hours.
The game is insanely badly designed. It can make for some occasional cool moments, but inbetween those it's just an onslaught of TERRIBLE design. Everything in the game actually works against the exploration, which is the only thing interesting about the game.
Give it a bash - it's small and you'll have it downloaded and installed in an hour. See the novelty. Then throw it away and never think twice about it again...
how do you pirate on GOG?
Yeah I think so. I played the pirated GOG version for a few hours before deciding to buy it.
I'd definitely give it a go, there's a good chance you'll hate it and get all mad but you might be surprised.
You download and install. GoG has been the PC game pirate's best friend for ages now.
seriously consider suicide
That's what i did, i liked it and bought it, but i've been looking for a thread with actual discussion and it's fucking impossible.
I never bought into the hype so i'm ok with it. The lies are all real, though.
You should pirate it first and see if you like it, no exceptions.
This, and it's also like 3 gb in its entirety, asking for it is mega stupid
Pirate it, don't pirate it, play it or not, nobody cares.
it's boring
discuss what? it's complete garbage for preschoolers
you cant figure out where to get carbon or something?
Only if pirated
Although if you play for a long period there's a bug that slows performance suddenly when you enter the cockpit, and you have to restart the application
Also check the gfx drivers, it helped me and they just released
>I started getting seriously annoyed around 4 hours mark (which given how slow the start is basically means before I even got to jump between systems),
>not being able to fix your ship in 4 hours
nigga what is wrong with you?
Doubt that as plenty of people think of him as a massive liar on par with Todd Howard and Peter Molyneux
Do you not understand the difference between jumping between planets, and jumping between systems?
There were seven different planets in the system, I did not exactly see a reason to rush it to the warp cell.
Chris Roberts Magnum Opus is coming
And he will dethrone the Triumvirate of Lie Weavers
>Only if pirated
I guess no man bought the game then if even streamers and e-celeb youtubers are complaining about the shit performance.
It's very likely tbqrealh
Well DOOM on the first week of release also ran like shit and crashed a fuckton
The performance shit is real
why don't you just go to the no man's sky general
>user will never cum tribute you
I wish it was me who'd die for not replying.
>not nu male's lie