How's that game coming along, Sup Forums?
How's that game coming along, Sup Forums?
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I'm not quite sure...
I kinda want to die.
With no financiel gain in the past years it leaves no room for other people.
so also >foreveralone.jpg.
I sometimes wish i didn't go the gamedev direction and just chose a normal life, without any big dreams.
Bad. I don't expect to build a game for years, but its something I will work towards. I may be able to do everything myself when I know what I'm working towards and have the time.
pretty good I think. Finally got to a point where I can start building levels with the mechanics I've made. Here's an extremely early level. just about everything is placeholder graphics so ignore it
Did you get to a point where you supported yourself solely with game dev? Because congrats if so, you've made it further than most. Sorry you're lonely, maybe find other game dev Skype friends to call while you work?
Post a demo here sometime, looks promising enough even with the placeholders :)
Dude that looks rock solid for a game in development, good luck with the project
Have you thought about pushing it into Steam when it's finished? I would reommend it or even buy it despite not being a platform lover
How do you even start? What are some c++ recommended guides for complete begineers?
Keep Working hard dude, and you will be able to live the dream.
Anthing to show?
>Did you get to a point where you supported yourself solely with game dev?
Not really, no.
Sorry you're lonely, maybe find other game dev Skype friends to call while you work?
I have pretty high standards, and wherever i got in gotact with people. May it be an online game or dev forums. People did not care for me or what i did.
All they did is always ask me for advice or how i did certain things, or in games, for mechanics and how to do stuff there, because they were to fucking lazy to spend 5 minutes with google.
Just recently: "i wanna build a computer what parts should i pick - aka pls assemble my pc for me"
That would just slow me down even more.
If i wanted someone i wanted someone who can take care of his own stuff, but still is a lovely person to be around. I also really think i need a sincere physical hug. The only hugs i got the last few years were like family greeting hugs.
I have big dreams, not necessarily just game wise, but in general. I wouldn't be able to reach with a normal 8/5 job.
My family dissect every word i say. So i got pretty closed with the time. Anything I'd post on facebook would result in a lengthy discussion.
Have just some saved money.
No where to go, but staying with my mother so i have a roof over my head.
Always under pressure to (quickly) produce something to show so i have a reason to be allowed to stay in this house.
Been into game dev since my early teen years for like ~15 years now.
And I think I'm breaking under it.
Sorry for the blogpost Sup Forums, but i really just needed to tell someone, even though that won't change things anyways.
Don't worry, I don't expect anything as a reply.
Sorry, but after those cry-posts i don't want my work to be associated with my personality / situation.
I hope this is understandable.
Oh my fucking god.
Every. Single. Fucking. Thread.
Just google C++. It's that easy. But since you're incapable of doing that I don't imagine you making a game.
I realized I can't code or model for shit
I have no clue what to do
/r/ing guides on sexy UIs
or any data-intensive games (like Football Manager) that you can recommend that have sexy UIs
>I have no clue what to do
make a game about viruses
Is it even worth bringing a concept to fruition about grills beating up grills?
I once did a similar thing, I don't have a finished ingame screen right now, just thid dev screen from like 3 years ago.
Just search for some reference material on the web or wherever and make something from that.
hey thanks a lot!
I plan to release on steam and hopefully get it on consoles. partner and I plan to do a kickstarter. Would you pay $15 for a copy with graphics of quality in pic related? its the first house we've made so far
I've already got a demo up but its really old and fully 2D and feels a lot different than current version
it's not about viruses though
i want to, but i cant create assets for shit.
I would probably buy it on release if it were $10 or wait for a sale if it were $15. Looking great, user, keep it up
I think I've seen your work over /vg/. I love it, seriously, and that froggie looks cool. Hope you can finish it someday, would definitely play it.
How do you guys deal with different resolutions?
I'm thinking about creating a global float variable:
float widthratio = user's horizontal resolution / 1920
then shrink/enlarge all images by this ratio? i.e. if the user has a 4K monitor, double the size of all images?
I guess I'd need to do the same to the font size too.
>Unity has all of the controls built in
I have 30 seconds of level made and I want to make a timer, then get the game to at least 15 minutes if you're leisurely about it.
that game looks so nice man
pretty good, finished the enemy patrol system and I got an idea for a level 2, I just take the current labyrinth pieces, add triangulate and subdivision surface modifiers to them in blender which makes them look like cave pieces(picture on the right), I'm not good at modelling so this is a good shortcut
That looks awesome for something to be extremely early level.
Well then make another post pretending to be another person. Or maybe you already did that.
Keep working on it btw, and good luck.
>Keep working on it btw, and good luck.
Will see what I'll de. And thanks!
Just about everything feels way too sloppy but progress is being made
Has anyone tried Clickteam Fusion and would you reccomend it if you have?
Just made a huge scene where the protag fucks, the girl gets kidnapped and then he reads a letter from his drunkard foster father.
It's going Pretty good.
I´m making a text based erotic RPG. Is it taking it too far when I have enabled the option to rape and slaughter an entire elf village (shota, loli and elders)? Of course, the prose is more written like comedy.
The spawning animation for the main character came out looking a lot more ominous than I imagined.
Damn son, I love that art style. Your game looks fun as fuck, dunno if I'd pay $15 for a copy though unless it was jam packed with things to do. I'd probably be happy to pay closer to $10 for it, but it's one of few indie games I'd be willing to buy
I know how you feel user, I'm not a game dev but my story is similar to yours. Following a dream but failing at it is a horrible feeling, especially when you've been grinding away for years and all your peers that chose 'normal' 8-5 jobs are doing much better than you.
A large part of it is luck, user. Maybe your breakthrough is just around the corner. I hope mine is too. I wish you luck with what you do.
Your game is looking pretty good user. Seems like you can accomplish a bit too much just by holding right and firing, but I'm guessing that's a test level anyway so it doesn't matter. Having to constantly be on your feet about changing directions and be smart about when to fire and when not to would make for a really good game.
It will have proc-gen dungeons, and a linear story like cave story
>proc-gen dungeons
Oh man sorry user you completely lost my interest, I thought it was a 2D platformer with bespoke level design
Thanks user, glad you're digging it. Yeah it's a gotta go fast type of test level. There will be more verticality and enemies/bullets coming from all sides once I add more enemies and start making actual levels.
What's a good program to create low poly models with? Also texturing, I guess. Would Blender be overkill?
Also, should you rig low poly stuff with a skeleton or is it better to animate it somehow else?
Some fuckers found an vulnerability in my game that lets them get into password-protected player-hosted servers and I've spent the day trying to figure out how they do it. I know my netcode was shit but didn't realize it's this broken.
The clients send the password to the server as a non-encrypted string, I wonder if there's the possibility that these people have found a way to sniff those packets?
Still trying to figure out a few coding things in Game Maker. Trying to make a Dash similar to the one Sparkster Rocket knight.
I've never done much programming so it's going slow.
Have some a tile variant I've been messing with on the side.
This is looking pretty solid, sort of reminds me of Yoshi's Island with the whole tongue thing... or Chameleon Twist.
it is. Think of a zelda game, where you have a linear map/story but when you go into a dungeon, its proc-gen
Wow, your game must be pretty popular for that sort of thing to be happening.
It's not.
I haven't felt the drive or inspiration to work on my projects for ages.
>The clients send the password to the server as a non-encrypted string
Why the fuck would you ever do that
That's almost guaranteed to be the vulnerability. Never send passwords unprotected anywhere and never trust the client
I think I'm going to try and make an inovative 2D shooter. What I am really shooting for is a is a third person Doom clone. Its bascially what if a DMC with guns only was a made in the early 1990's.
It usually has around 10-20 players on the public servers so it's not hugely popular, which is why I'm kind of surprised at how much effort these people are putting into breaking the game (it's not just this exploit, they've been griefing on all public servers for weeks now).
Just for clarification, those passwords set by the host when starting up the server (and then often posts it on Sup Forums or something), not user passwords that could be used to steal someones google account.
Since all the tutorials and code samples I've seen have used this type of approach I assumed it would be safe enough for a small game like this, but I guess I'll be implementing password encryption next...
These, Kirby and music threads are probably the best threads on this hellhole. It's nice.
Ohhhhh shit I follow your work on tumblr, didnt expect you to show up in Sup Forums. Keep up the good work!! really looking forward to playing your games
last time I posted here a couple anons said my camera movement was shit. I made vertical movement less jarring. Hopefully camera is a bit better now. what do you guys think? still using placeholder cave story bat sprites lel
Never send plaintext passwords user, always hash your passwords and then simply compare the hashes to confirm a match
Looks good but that screen shaking when enemies die looks like it would be annoying as fuck if you have any more than a handful of enemies on the screen at once
>falling for the hitstop/screenshake meme
its a good meme user
definitely reduce the screenshake on hit. make it barely noticeable.
could you make a webm without those features for comparisson? for me it looks like the game is stuttering.
removed all shake and hitpause. I really dont like it, I feel like the combat looses alot of its impact. I do agree that the hitpause / screenshake on my original version is a bit much, so i think ill develop towards a middle ground.
do you even have audio yet
proper SFX management is a must to make things feel good without doing the typical indieshit screenshake for your cavestory / momodora wannabe
Definitely put an option that lests the player remove all of that please, screenshake might have a initial wow factor but longterm your game will look better and more consistent without that, I don't think it fits with your visual style at all.
is audio really the only way to make things feel good? I feel like there has to be more that I can do, visually. Why is everyone here so against screenshake? it works in most games, but I probably overdid it.
This, the option to disable it would be great. Wish Momodora Reverie had that.
The game is going well enough that plans for putting it in an arcade machine are hopeful. It's Kickstarter is going slowly though; hope going to a convention this weekend will change that.
The hit effect looks too much like the one from momodora.
Game looks good though
if your game doesn't have hitstop for whatever reason then you made a bad game
go play some old 8 bit games and maybe you'll stop being a dumb little shit
or continue stumbling around wondering why people are saying what you're doing is bad and never knowing why
whatever, christ
I'm also having trouble getting Xbox360 controllers working on the linux port of it for the convention this weekend. Anyone ever have trouble with the joysticks going 90 degrees in the wrong direction?
how did you make the game slow down like that?
Hobblin' along
old 8bit games feel lifeless to me, and I dont want to emulate that. Im essentially taking all my inspiration from vlambeer/rdein. I just wanna make a small metroidvania with funner(?) combat that feels good.
Unity has a fun property called Time.timeScale. I just set it to 0.4 for 0.3 seconds when an enemy has been delt a killing blow.
Play some Metal slug, the combat is impresssive and fun without meme screenshake.
I have like no time to work on my hobby project now that I got hired by a game studio. It sucks.
I might just give up sleeping.
Animated this effect and worked on an enemy animation yesterday.
Meh, watched his talk, aside from screenshake he showed nothing that Metal slug dind't do better decades before.
That's so good, tho it seems that every mechanics are taken from another games.
What's the name?
The shake and hitstop issue aside, do the enemies take so long to die because you're showing off attacks or do you actually want them to be like that in the final game? Because I think that's the biggest issue in the webm. Tiny flying enemies have got no business being so tanky. Especially since they are slow enough to not pose any threat. It feels awful to have to keep jumping and whacking an enemy that looks like it should have died on the first hit.
Thought it was awawawawa for a moment there.
I'm working on RPGish game. Should I show to player stat requirements and consequences of all his choices, e.g. 60> asdf or keep them hidden? They give player direct feedback and complete control but on the other hand break immersion, encourage power playing and are harder to rig
How much does clickteam fusion cost?
Haven't actually jumped the gun yet. I have a full version of Gamemaker from that bundle, so I figured I may as well learn on that.
In reality, i just want to use the game to showcase my music, so a battle system thats a cross between paper mario with and DDR would be great. I've had friends tell me programming rhythm games is hard though, so it's probably not a great first project.
very nice job man
keep up the good work and maybe put some story to this :)
How to make idle-incremental web game more enjoyable/addicting to play Sup Forums?
Thinking of adding nice visuals which represent the upgrades you've purchased, a few animations etc
Someone actually uses that? I think I got it for 1$ from humblebundle at one point.
>not being the eternal dragon sitting on a pile of gold, controlling the politics of Shadowrun cities
I want to use it so I don't have to code
Game Maker, then. Or Construct 2.
Also, there are a couple of free ones. Construct 1 is free, I think Game Salad, too.
Overhead for item material and build quality is done.
Most things are placeholders for now.
slowly, but surely
added the ability to damage enemies with reflected projectiles - not very practical, but neat when it happens
>user is living the dream
It's only placeholders and I started it yesterday but so far so good i guess
The only way I'll ever get a game done and not tear my hair out is without having to code my own engine
Is Game Maker going to do for a linear action 2D action game? Rather than go the metroidvania style I want to put in varied stages with fun unique set pieces
Do people actually build games in Construct? I thought it was just a meme.
What's the difference between construct 1 and 2
i have so much acomplished
I'm worried I'm getting too ambitious for my first game. I want the protagonist to use a large two-handed hammer so each attack matters and has weight, and I was hoping to use it for things like navigating the environment. Slam the ground to launch yourself into the air. Mid air, slam the wall to send yourself in the opposite direction. Is this super hard to achieve?
It doesnt sound that complicated, but it depends on how in depth you want this system to be.
Hit floor to go into the air, wall to 'dash' in the air, reflect enemy projectiles and such with it. Maaaybe some environment destruction? I guess if it doesn't effect the level on the whole it's more a matter of putting work into spriting and such right?
What are you developing in (engine/code)? Mechanics look tight, maybe a bit slow but that could be GIF fps. Do you have a dev blog to follow?