What is your most played 100% pure singleplayer game?
What is your most played 100% pure singleplayer game?
Probably Xenoblade Chronicles
Hard to say.
Probably Kingdom Hearts II, II FM, or Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
New Vegas or SimCity 4
Is Cities:Skylines harder? Been meaning to play it but haven't yet.
M&B Warband.
Unless by pure singleplayer, you mean there isn't even an option for multiplayer, in which case Stardew valley
Probably Mount and Blade Warband, Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, Europa Universalis or X3 Terran Conflict.
Its way easier.
The Binding of Isaac
ME2 900 hours
>playing any of the Kingdom Hearts games unironically
Dwarf Fortress.
Either DMC or Dragon's Dogma, although DD has pawn sharing so it's more like 99% single player
Crash Bandicoot, the first game.
Played it often enough that I consider it easy.
There was a moment in my life where I did a 100% run every single day for weeks.
I never want that to happen to me again.
Ninja Gaiden 2
Resident evil 4
Body Harvest
No Man's Sky
I will not explore the entire universe in my life time so I imagine that'll take it.
Divinity: Original Sin and Civ 5
AC Brotherhood, and I'm not sure if I'm proud or loathe it
Dragon's Dogma
Dragon Age Origins
I played a lot of Roller Coaster Tycoon
Like an absurd amount, that and Zoo Tycoon
The Division
Ocarina of Time
fucking dynasty warriors 5
its basically just an elaborate stress ball
Hmm, that's a tricky one.
Maybe Xenoblade.
Was going to say poor you then I got the joke.
Ace combat 4 I used to play at non-stop when I was a kid
STALKER, Arcanum, and a mixture of the Serious Sam titles with some Painkiller Black and Shadow Warrior in the mix. I really miss bunnyhopping.
Oblivion when I was 12 years old.
Dark Souls, I barely bothered with mp. But a game with no mp at all the I played the most was probably Oblivion.
LittleBigPlanet. Not sure what game in the series I've played the most, but I've wasted so much time creating shit because I'm autistic as hell. I guess It has multiplayer but I barely ever play it.
I've been playing this on and off for 23 years now.
If we're going by a single save file, I've clocked about 800 hours into Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
600+ hours in New Vegas
A Tale of Two Wastelands solves the FO3 vs. New Vegas debate by merging them together
I put 700-800 hours into monster hunter 4 and never touched the online once
CIV, though some old games might come close since I can't really say for sure how much I've played most of them.
What's your Hunter Rank?