Nintendo contacts yet another fan-made game and is attempting to SHUT IT DOWN. Thanks Nintendo!

Nintendo contacts yet another fan-made game and is attempting to SHUT IT DOWN. Thanks Nintendo!

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They could've just named their game something that isn't fucking copyrighted

>implying nintendo wont C&D it

Thank god Nintendo. Good on you.

fuck video games!

If it wasnt called pokemon and didn't use pokemon graphicsui, he coulda got away with it

>if he just didnt try to remake a nintendo game he would be ok
no shit

>put Pokémon in the name
>put a patreon

Yeah, they asked for it, sorry.

Why didn't these artists use OC Donut Steel so that they don't have to deal with this shit and maybe even make a little profit from their game?

I've never believed the "It's okay when Nintendo does it" meme until these threads.

If it were literally any other company, we wouldn't hear the end of it.

Nothing but "Wow, X is shit! this wouldn't happen with Y! Xfags BTFO!!!"

you can remake nintendo games/make ripoffs. just dont use the name or art assests. steal all the mechanics

>im-fucking-plying AM2R had a patreon

It's A-OK when Nintendo does it.



why are people so fucking stupid.
Just dont put the official name on it.

>If it were literally any other company, we wouldn't hear the end of it.

And we're not now.

Frankly, I don't see why the anger. It's not like a C&D makes the damn thing disappear from the Internet forever. Nintendo and The Pokémon Company can't exactly erase the game from one-and-a-half million hard drives.

But is it good?


It's not an issue if Nintendo does it.

Why should I care?

>It's not like a C&D makes the damn thing disappear from the Internet forever

That's the thing, Nintendo's only doing this now.

Who's to say they won't be like Square Enix and remove something at 98% completion?

They removed other fan projects at pretty early stages, the fact they removed these two games after they were released was actually pretty surprising.

I know right? All those mons look like utter trash.


That's kind of the point here. These autists know how protective Nintendo is of its IPs but they still want to spend years on fan projects that can be destroyed overnight.

You can be a fan of a certain Nintendo game without making a literal copy of it as homage. See Axiom Verge, Undertale, Yume Nikki

Are these guys retarded? They are using Nintendo's IP, what were they expecting?

It's Nintendo so I have no problem with this.

What is with all these morning recently making fangames and expecting them to be ok?
Do they not understand how copyright works?

then not a single person would care enough to play it. it'd just be another retro indie game

nobody would even play it though
either he rides on another game
or he becomes an obscure rip-off that everyone resents

*morons fuck you phone

Would you want your IP to be raped like that?


>steal content
>steal brand name
>put own name on product

they deserve it

Nintendo also is legally obligated to take down for-profit fan content, else they lose their IPs.

That's actually a myth user.

quick to lick that boot, but is it really worth their PR image in exchange

Yes. Since people will buy whatever they shit out, and only a few people will remember this when sun and moon come out.

Honestly the OCDNS pokemon already make me not care about it. He should have called it Bokenon.

It wasn't for profit, though. It was a free download. Nintendo only gave a shit because it was popular

No, it's actually the law. You steal shit, you pay for it.

the key to fanmade is not to sell or make cash from it, but nintendo shuts you down anyway, don't pretend otherwise, its happened too many times before just cause this time they can because money, did you forget digimon was out before pokemon?

think about it.

They made money off the downloads. Every time someone downloaded, they got another dollar.

Having to aggressively protect your copyright to keep it is false, retard. It's a myth. I'm not talking about anything else.

Why don't they just buy more creativity?

I mean that toby faggot managed to "create" his own universe and make a successful game, it looks like shit and panders to the worst type of people, but he did it.

If you have the time and want to make something, why don't you spend it on your own ideas

It was also the law to segregate Japanese into internment camps.

Yeah, you can do it, but should you? Fucking stockholm syndrome nigger.

>Kill this
>Kill AM2R
>Kill Project M

nintendo hates nintendo fans desu

They made a patreon for the fucking game.

Also, why Nintendo and not Pokemon Company?

They are protecting their IP, they've literally done nothing wrong. Can't wait for Mother 4 to come out and get hit, too.

>defending corporations
>in 2016

Nintendo didn't kill Project M, the devs lied about that.

They deserve it. Game was worse than AIDS.

>Free fan game

>Protecting their IP from nonprofit fanworks


Nice droning there

>yume nikki
What Nintendo game is yume nikki trying to emulate? If you say earthbound I'll punch you in the fucking jaw through the internet m8

ITT: Kids who don't know what IP is

Yeah, that's how protecting your IP works.
Maybe one day you will learn about this when you're an adult.

What did they steal?

this is why I'm glad Nintendo dwindling to irrelevance from the game industry

I mean wouldn't it make more since to aquire projects and sell it IE Sanic Mania?

everyone would be all over a Melee Turbo HD Remix

>I have no idea what copyright law is

Pro tip, in Japan, you have to actively seek out and stop anybody copying or using your IP, otherwise you lose your right of ownership.

Tbh, I can't tell the difference between "legit" and these mons. A lot of pokemons look pants-on retarded bro

>digimon was out before pokemon
What? Pokemon Red/Green came out in '96. Digimon tamagotchi things came out in '97.

Finish your 11th grade law class first kid. It sets precedent. You don't protect your shit for years you lose the chance keep those IPs in court.

Nintendo usually doesn't care about people making fan games but when you straight up steal the name and other assets of course it's going to get shut down

Their "money". The money someone would spend on a shitty handheld game that comes out ad nauseum.

ITT: Kids who drank the capitalism koolaid

Still better than sand castle and ice cream cone.

we can write Tbh again?

It hurts their brand if they let buggy fangames proliferate. Don't be dumb.

Nintendo is even shitting on people who make YOUTUBE VIDEOS about their games. How is THAT "stealing"? Free exposure and they apply draconian law to it.

It worked for Stardew Valley. That game is Harvest Moon in everything but name, but because it's not called "Harvest Moon Plutonium: a fangame by autists", Nintendo can't touch it and it sells a billion copies while the actual latest Harvest Moon game collects dust.

Nah. I'll play a free fan game especially one I can run on my PC. But I'd never buy a game console just to play the one or two games that look interesting. Rather put the money towards my other hobbies or into an investment.

BAKA tbqh, famicom


>Fanworks hurt the brand

Damn, must be hard hunting down all those thousands of doujin authors. Not like they let them gather in huge events to sell mountains of books and other goods based on corporate-owned IPs or anything.

Try to be creative next time instead of illegally using another company's IP

Nope. It really doesn't.

And if it does, why don't Nintendo try to shut down the hordes of fan merchandise, games and comics in Japan itself, their primary market?

>Your mother and a team of scientists create a Pokemon underneath a nuclear power plant but it gains sentience so the scientists cause a nuclear meltdown to kill it. In a last quick minute decision your mother decides to try a save the monster, only to go insane as a result of the radiation. She's the main villain.
>Despite being in development for six years, there are noticable frame drops all over the map, especially the last gym.
>This is your Pokedex, and there are no plans to include the National Dex.

>It hurts their brand
Now this is some serious NIDF

Just because I understand it doesn't mean I like it.


It's not illegal. Comes under fair use. Only in the US you can get sued into oblivion and get bankrupted with legal fees.

>undertale is similar to earthbound
cause the dev used to do earthbound romhacks, its not some magic mystery.

I don't get people saying YN is like earthbound though, what game did you play?

Nothing's going to change. Look at this fucking thread full of corporate cock suckers.

So, where can I download it?

If it wasn't illegal, they wouldn't have to take it down

>comes under fair use
>literally calling it Pokémon


That's not how copyright works, period. You can't relinquish your copyrights involuntarily before they expire. This is just an urban myth.

yes it'll hurt their brand if a fangame that a minority of their fanbase is even aware about exists, and said minority is already aware that it's a fangame

it's not like some guy is going out to the streets and selling it to random 5 year olds and grandmas who may think it's a legit pokemon game

I guess romhacks are illegal too? Do you know what a "remix" is?

I thought nintendo did a thing where they gave fan projects their blessings?

baka desu senpai

I dont know why that was every censored in the first place.

I don't see the issue here, some people let fangames happen but some don't, and Nintendo is one of those who obviously doesn't let that shit happen.

So why do people continue to make fangames of Nintendo products? At the very least remove the name that its based on

You are right, if only everyone on Sup Forums posted "Fuck Nintendo, why do they do this? Stupid nutendocucks!" then things would change.

Because Nintendo fans are literally retards, duh.

What's so special about Uranium over the thousands of other full game pokemon hacks that have been made since the 2000s?

I think that was just the Itoi(The MOTHER/Earthbound creator)

It got attention.

yes, they are fucking illegal you retard.

by definition of every word used in its own name for god sake.

Look on /vp/

You're thinking of Sega, famicom


Why can't companies ask for a lump sum cash amount when games, YouTube videos, etc like this come out?

>Hey, this is our IP. Can we have $30 so that you don't just go crazy with our shit?

Why are copyright laws so restrictive when it comes to people using IPs?

I don't know what parallel universe I dropped into that this isn't a known fact, but it doesn't really matter since you point out they both rip tamigochis which definatly came first.

checkmate atheists.