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What game is this?
I like the artstyle

The new Zelda.

Hope the game looks like this on NX.

Legend of Zelda BoTW

world of warcraft


user i know you are just being a grumpy cat, wanting to start a flame war to get some keks and shit, but its by definition a new zelda, even if the zelda franchise is not new

They won E3 with ONE game.

How do they do it? Black magic?

>How do they do it?
almost no gameplay throughout E3 this year - E3 has had a drastic decline in showing gameplay, even pretending they're showing gameplay is rare, so having a game showcased so heavily with live gameplay footage and booths for people to try it themselves was a big deal itself.

By sexualizing Link.

Your right, the last day of E3 had swarms of people running past everything else to go play the new Zelda

Best of the Worst?
Reggie visiting the studio when?


You don't say.....

I wonder how many Wii U's they had to use for the demo units. Like 300 right? That means there are 300 BotW Demo disks out there somewhere and not one has leaked yet.

Nintendo keeps a tight ship.

I bet they have had all the demo booth people meet some unfortunate "accident"

You're setting yourselves up for disappointment. That one game is the poorly crafted hinge with tons of hype -- once it's released it will break under the stress. Then you'll be left wondering what else is left to do on the Wii U. But you won E3, we'll never be able to take that away from (+you).

Not funny. What if that was your mom?

I would rather have a copy of the E3 demo, which according to Aonuma and Reggie encompasses 1% of the game, than any video game within a concentric span of 10 years before or after the timing of this post.

>You're setting yourselves up for disappointment.

Sorry user the hype is real, this will the Zelda game to rule them all. See you next March when Zelda launches with the NX

This meme is stale

Guess I'll have to cook my chicken tendies by my lonesome

Except for all the gameplay at the booths? Are you retarded or something?

name 5 other games that had gameplay booths

BotW webm thread?



Hype isn't additive. One game that people are excited about will draw more attention than five games that no-one cares about.

Zelda is one of the strongest brands in existence. News about a Zelda game that's been in development for five years will beat anything appart from Grand Theft Auto 6 or Skyrim 2.





From what you have seen so far what do you think you will do first?

>See that, climb it


He's talking about all the other games, not Zelda


lol, he left with his tail between his legs.



are there any textures/shaders whatever who will let an UE4 game could look like this? I just recently downloaded it and wanted to fool around with it a bit

Probably juggle story with fucking around in the environment and running around killing things in my underwear.

Copy the post process volume from the Stylized rendering demo into your game.

thanks user you mean this docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Resources/Showcases/Stylized/ ?

So I can achieve (if I am good of course) similiar look to BoW, especially the anime-ish look? Because this just looks like a ordinary cellshading game.

Sorry for asking dumb questions, I just downloaded it and know absolutely nothing.

They didn't. The new Zelda might actually be good but all the new cool things it does are only new and cool for Zelda. To put it reductively, it's just Witcher 3 for kids. And graphically it looks like hot shit. To be fair it's a wii u game, but it's coming out in 2017 for God's sake.

The only thing you're putting reductively is your intelligence if you honestly believe that.

I didn't play Witcher 3. How could you interact with the environment? Were there cool ways to use physics to traverse and find new things/defeat enemies? Were there puzzles to solve in the game? It seemed like a generic RPG with "good" writing, from what I saw/heard

I'm glad you refuted my points instead of devolving into ad hominem for no reason


fuckin perfect

>grass explodes before he even starts swinging fast enough

I want to explore as I make my way to the tallest mountain, climb it, then shield-surf down while taking out enemies with my bow, legolas style

There was no environment interactivity to the level of Breath of the Wild. That is the one thing the new Zelda does that I think is particularly interesting. The comparison to Witcher 3 was more a reference to the rpg elements they've added like weapon durability and crafting. Like I said, I don't think it'll be bad but it just feels like the Zelda that finally catches up to modern game design.

As opposed to Witcher, which wasn't up to modern game design standards? You called it Witcher 4: kids, and it's not at all

Who are you asking to apologize to you son? Me, for insulting you? Or you for doing it to yourself? You don't honestly believe that, so then why would you post it?

If you want an articulate argument with another human being, start by putting one on the table.

>disagrees with you with an argument
>respond passive agressively
>"W-Wheres your argument!?!?!"

>yfw Nintendo's censoring their game before it's even complete now