No Sup Forums village this world

>no Sup Forums village this world
what the fuck
we had a Sup Forumsillage every world

what is wrong with you faggots

>expecting modern Sup Forums to handle it

Man I'd love to get into this again but as said I couldn't expect most people to handle it now. I played a bit back but was alone in a world of Russians.

World was too small and most people were still put off by the payment system.

It's gone now and free to play again but they still haven't fixed the random violence issues that make it tough for anyone not in a big group.

Sup Forums was pretty excited for it before 2.0 came out.

And then 2.0 came out.

Did they ever go back? Or is it still the same 3D "pay to play even though the superior version used to be free" trash

Didn't they shit all over it with their payment scheme?

they fixed it mostly but now with the stat cap being removed I think they might have fucked up again

although honestly making that decision in the first place was a huge no-no
I don't know about Sup Forums but I know /jp/ managed to become a higher power last world despite the pay2play shit

>>no Sup Forums village this world
>not Sup Forumsillage
holy shit go fuck yourself

learn to read fucko


They really need to just tone down pvp all together and keep working on expanding the map, biomes, and biome specific materials. They kinda did it this world but biomes are still way too small and the map was miniscule. If they don't fix the pvp autist problem the game is never going to be enjoyable and it's forever going to sit at 100 players online.

What's wrong with the PvP?

>If they don't fix the pvp autist problem the game is never going to be enjoyable
nobody ever even PvPs anymore
even the developers themselves made a bunch of shit because nobody does the good deed of player vs player

I want to play this game, but I abandoned my shit a month ago, some guy even gifted me some iron. I think I should plant some pumpkins and forget about it again.

>If they don't fix the pvp autist problem the game is never going to be enjoyable and it's forever going to sit at 100 players online.
They've practically pandered to you this world, jesus christ to no end.
>just to scratch a bronze armor set you'd need 160 str or a decent weapon (lmao good luck stabbing someones armor broke)
>cant palibash anymore
>raiding takes days thanks to claim shields
>even if you manage to hurt or kill someone you can expect to get raped by nidbanes and die because if that hermit even got a hit on you your stats and HHP got crippled to no end
There is literally no drama in the moot section because of how punishing it is to attack someone these days.

Hell, if anyone raids you you can get a good giggle by launching fucking BOULDERS at em

what the fuck is gilding and how do I do it

It's just slotting. Slam shit into your gear to gain stats/skills.

I mean the chance of getting more than one slot
how the fuck do these calculations work
what in the FUCK

gilding is fucking nuts man
literally just FREE STATS
every clothing and gild item has a hard cap on %chance and the chance of you hitting that %chance is based on your stats/quality of things

It's half-baked bullshit like most of the mechanics. I think the way it works is gear & gilding items both have affinities for certain stats/skills, and %chance is based on those.

standard jRPG bullshit

the game allows infinite stat growth and near-infinite item quality growth. eventually you'll reach the point of """diminishing returns""" but 101 is still higher than 100 even if it's only seen on the 7th decimal place.

guess what happens in the first hour? someone makes an automated bot program to play the game for them every hour of the day.

then basically what happened with the "latest" version of the game is they went around and put a personal claim on every special resource node, permanently owning them. the only way to knock them down is to get special skills and minimum stats, which are simply not possible to achieve in casual play...
at least not at a rate that would surprass the now superior position of the 24hr bot users.

then you get your character permanently killed because full world pvp on anyone any time. you can get fucking killed without even learning any combat skills; yes, that's right, you start out completely defenseless and have to play the game long enough to learn the first basic combat move.

there's a reason why there's no Sup Forumsillage:
H&H is shit.

git gud

>infinite stat growth
>claims on special resources
>start out completely defenseless


> walk around for 5 hours scratching your balls trying to improve your stats

> read "CYKA BLYAT" in chat window

> instantly dead as 3 people appear out of nowhere and hit you for 400 damage with arrows

> implying this doesn't happen

>last pvp related death was 3 weeks ago
>newbie lost his 15000 lp character
>supermegadeathlord999 got hit once and his character was crippled
>proceeded to get fucked by 5 spooky nidbane ghosts
>newbie got his skull and got his body buried + icicle
>just from dying he fucked over someone who has been playing for months and pretty much got all of his LP

I'm not going to argue that it isn't a flawed system but you have to be a huge fucking babby to worry about dying this world in, especially considering it's 100 players in a 500x500 grid square

>Getting hit with arrows

Holy shit it's like you haven't played since legacy

>walk around for 5 hours doing literally fucking nothing
>read "CYKA BLYAT" in chat window
>move 1 inch to the left as someone tries to shoot you and completely misses
>right click the horse he is riding on and stun him for 10 seconds
>steal his horse and run away

I'd play Haven&Hearth but my toaster can't handle the new version. So for now I'm just getting back to Salem every now and then. My homestead apparently doesn't attract raiders as it remains untouched.

Also what on earth did the swede jews think bringing infinite stats back on H&H? Shouldn't they be addressing the lack of community activities by other means rather than encouraging rampant botting. And of course the forum shills defend it.

How old is the current world? I stopped playing like a month before the apocalypse of last world and started playing again like a week or so ago

About 6 months.

yeah I don't get why they skipped on the stat cap, I'd understand raising it a bit but 100% fucking making it infinite again?
pls no

4~5 months, stat cap got pulled just like 3 days ago so nobody is too far in.
although that's dependent on how far "too far" in for you is.

if you're afraid of getting dicked, don't
literally nothing has happened this world, moot is so fucking empty that it's actually disgusting

That's what happens when you take your game with good potential and then completely fuck it up.

I never really got too far in last time I played, just sort of got bored of the game and suddenly they fucked up the ore softness/quality and all my shit jumped like +30q min, but village was already dead.

First few days in this new world was like walking in a apocalyptic wasteland, just abandoned bases everywhere and the only players (2 of them) were AFK.

The only dude Ive talked to is some ruskie who left a runestone at my tiny camp with his hs and didnt rob my shit


haven and hearth gave me the best adrenaline rushes
in fact I got addicted to that shit so bad I started protecting every hermit in a supergrid when I rolled with /jp/

Nidbanes are useless in a little guy vs big guy scenario, exactly where they are needed.

The problem is that the larger groups pick on everyone and anyone and it means that all hermits and random boaters are targets at all times. This is one of the main reasons why the game dies out so quickly, no one wants to deal with that shit day in and day out. It's not fun getting attacked for no reason by some random russian, if you fight back whoops he has 12 friends to back him up.

Actual pvp between factions is good and needs to be more of the focus, high "levels" ganking hermits and smaller villages needs to be curtailed.

Isn't the problem pretty much that PvP is the only interesting activity in the game? They don't really have any incentive or gameplay mechanics to make people subservient to them. Just run around killing shit.

I quit after World 3 was deleted by the devs because their shitty fucking server code still couldn't figure out how to save the world without accidentally deleting itself every couple days.

It was right after Black Helicopter Base was finally taken down and somebody aggro'd the Russians into invading Constantinople with their 1600 strength pickaxe-wielding brick wall smashers.

Last I checked they were on World 5 within weeks.

What changed since then?

Did they finally finish implementing HUGS=WYRD?

Is this still pay-to-play or what? I had fond memories of playing HnH back then.

That's the other half of the equation, once you setup your walls and collect animals/crops you're pretty much done and the game becomes a mind numbing grind. Most people don't mind grinding but it's just not worth it when you could die for no other reason than stepping outside of your gate or die to a troll mining a tile.

They've hit on a number of really good ideas in this version of the game but they need to keep pushing. If they can sort out PVP and long term content the game would be insanely fun.

>Nidbanes are useless in a little guy vs big guy scenario, exactly where they are needed.
100% bullshit
nidbanes deal MORE damage than the murderer and scale on retarded amounts based on the murderers stats
not to mention they fucking surprise you, 100% >>IGNORE ARMORThe problem is that the larger groups pick on everyone and anyone and it means that all hermits and random boaters are targets at all times.
The last reported death was on august 8.
Maybe on the previous worlds, the spook of nidbanes and harsh punishments of killing people these days just flat out give too much risk for too little gain.
I'm not saying I miss those days, but I am calling out on bullshit.

Did they restart? I'm absolutely down to play some H&H if the pay to win shit is gone.

Multiple people can fight the nidbane and help their friend, it's an easily handled event by any large group.

If you're a little hermit along the river and some random guy with 1500 STR slaps your ass you can't do anything about it, Nidbanes should be a massive deterrent to the point where this wouldn't happen, they aren't.

>guess what happens in the first hour? someone makes an automated bot program to play the game for them every hour of the day.
I was going to do this during World 3. Forumites were bitching about AHK users and I was like "I could do better".

I never got around to reversing the Java client enough to make the bot because I basically burned myself out on H&H, ditched the village because I was the only regular player left and I was running EVERYTHING from farming to patrolling out q90 clay spot, and then just watched as the forums detailed the fall of Constantinople right before World 3 was deleted.

Aokigahara represent.

>Multiple people can fight the nidbane and help their friend, it's an easily handled event by any large group.
>fighting a nidbane outside of 1:1
do you throw gasoline into a flame to extinguish it?

The pay to play stuff is gone.

Unfortunately this world is quite old and the removal of the stat caps means anyone new is screwed in every way possible. Hopefully they do a full reset soon.

Nah you get 30% faster or something stat gain with money and it's back to infinite stats since last week. Go play Salem if you want to play.

Salem seems dead as shit.

Salem is fucking garbage dude holy shit what are you even talking about

>Multiple people can fight the nidbane and help their friend, it's an easily handled event by any large group.
>kill two people outside or walls creating a battering ram
>wake up
>7 nidbanes in my house
>call for village help
>die in less than 20 seconds because I couldn't get red defenses up and I couldn't outrun them
nidbanes are no fucking joke

Nidbanes don't attack until you take an action

My client automates a few things as soon as I log in

They ruined it.

>break my hearth to find a new place
>you dont have a teleport to wild button anymore
>instead you can teleport around by dropping a fucking chicken
thx jorb

I'm getting that impression from reading the thread.

Pretty sad to hear.

how would you fix botting?
hard mode: dont take away custom clients

Make the base client not shit so you can ban customs.

>Make the base client good
>Ban all addons and custom clients
>Ban all of Russia

I'm not touching this as long as it have the curio system.
Fuck that noise.

So we can all group up and take that good Russian dick together?
No thanks desu

>I enjoy chinese bots roaming across the world turning every single fucking tree into buckets

LP based on actions was fun but it was a garbage system from the ground up.

Yeah I know it was pretty flawed, but fuck I still preferred to gain LP while doing SOMETHING instead of just waiting on my character to finish up examining a dildo.

its a bit flawed but I kind of enjoy the newer system a tad bit more
only because I can fucking mine for hours upon hours without the game punishing me for not going around shooting some fucking boar/digging dirt for hours

Oh god, do they still have that retarded system where you have to craft shit and then spend several hours examining them to gain LP?


Pay to play shit game

Any thoughts on Albion Online?

>pay to play
first of all, pay to play is the best system since it keeps BRAZIL and poorfags/chink botters out
second of all
it isnt
get with the times

where were you when /jp/ was less casual than Sup Forums


since world 3? /jp/ villages have always survived way longer than Sup Forumss villages

even in world 7 when Sup Forums was going headstrong two retards rushed rage and then attacked some innocent hearthlings and allowed the whole city to get bumfucked

It's still in that shitty 3D, right?

What a bunch of dumbasses over there, I swear.

>oh, let's drastically change the game and charge for ti
>why did everyone leave, pls come back ;_;

yeah I don't like the 3D much either, being able to raise land is cool and all but the game doesn't look very good and runs pretty horridly as well.

Teach me how to H&H, Sup Forums.
I played it years ago, since before it went subscription bullshit, and since it's back to free 2 play route, I think I'll give it another go.
So, teach me.
Because I suck so bad I can't even kill an anthill.

Screw getting back into H&H then.

I never liked that system the moment they announced it. Unless they made significant changes to it, I don't see the point of going back to that.

>first of all, pay to play is the best system since it keeps BRAZIL and poorfags/chink botters out
Paywalls never keep the shitters and botters out.

WoW is a great fucking example.
And the American servers have been steadily filling up with BRs now that they can get their hands on it.

*American Overwatch servers

why bother with haven and hearth when tree of savior was released?
why would you play some shitty indiegame with outdated mechanics instead of something with good gameplay, experienced devs and cute characters?

I can't even tell if this is sarcasm or not

you just named a huge flop and one of the most boring grindfests ever made

ill let you decide which is which

>huge flop
>its either the wow clone or one of the highest grossing new MMOs in the west
gee I wonder

>ill let you decide which is which
Both are FFXIV
>WoW for weebs
>surely this will work

>complain about no village
>dont make one yourself
you little fuck

meanwhile in /jp/
two cuties traveled across both edges of the worlds to get together