This isn't that bad so far. Did Sup Forums lie to me again?

This isn't that bad so far. Did Sup Forums lie to me again?

Other urls found in this thread:

No. It's great.

It's tied for the best fps ever. What kind of faggot hasn't played HL yet?

Most people enjoy it, it's an overall great game.
Except for Xen.

Fuck Xen.

It's twice as fun if you have a friend willing to play sven coop with you.

I gets crowded after 4 though

Who the fuck said Half Life isnt amazing?

I just really can't stand xen. And I guess on a rail too. Also that one after you have to escape from the crusher because the pacing takes a big hit.

Have fun with your cliffhanger ending

Who told you it was bad and how stupid were you to believe them? The game had ton of GOTY awards and received great scores.

Faggots who think HL2 is better probably told him it was better. That game was trash.

most of us were a bit disappointed with the sequel

Whoever told you Half-Life is a bad game lied to you, yes.

I didn't think Xen was that bad. The Gonarch was pretty fun too.

git gud

Your and idiot

When has Sup Forums ever said Half Life wasn't great?

Also, fuck you.

>I didn't think Xen was that bad. The Gonarch was pretty fun too.

I don't much care for Gonarch since it's just a massive ammo sink, but I do enjoy Xen overall. I like the way the whole place looks, and shooting flying aliens with the hivehand is fun when the homing works.

I might be in a minority but I also find platforming with the long jump module quite satisfying.

>When has Sup Forums ever said Half Life wasn't great?
When Sup Forums started hating Valve and started hating the Half-Life series as a result


Surface Tension alone is better than HL2

Hating VALVe is right, but Half Life is gold and Half Life 2 is good.

Only neo/v/ hates Half-Life.

Probably the best fps ever.




Xen is necessary, but rushed beyond belief.

You'd think that the vast majority of people who played HL2 also played the first one, so why would such a person shit on it?

most people like half life, it's blue shift and half life 2 that some people don't like

I would argue the majority of people that have played HL2 never even touched Half-Life at this point. They are just told by droolies that it's the better one and that there's no point in playing the first one. It's sad really.

You have to work on your reading comprehension. You have to forgot invidual posts and start to look underlying patterns and constructive arguments if you want to get anything out of this site.

Sup Forums likes half life you faggot

>Sup Forums is one person

HL2 wasn't bad, when it comes to gameplay interruption in favor of story it's about the same as the first Half Life.

My main issue with it is that at least half of the game is spent on a boat or car. Atmosphere is god-tier though.

Highway 17 is a great level anyway, I don't get the complaints.

There were several parts in HL2 where you could do nothing to speed up the progress while NPCs were talking, such as when you first get to Eli's lab (which is probably the worst one) and when the vortigaunt attaches the gun to your boat.

There's barely anything like that in the first game past the very beginning, and even then you can usually nudge the scientists toward locked doors while they're talking so you can get going more quickly once they're done.

When I first played HL2 I thought it was fantastic but those parts get really grating on repeat playthroughs.

i really wish they would make a hl3 with the darker atmosphere of the leak
it was fucking amazing