ITT: The most unlikeable companions that you're supposed to care about
ITT: The most unlikeable companions that you're supposed to care about
>w-wah she distrusts aliens so she is an evil racist wah
I actually like Alenko.
>wahhh she a racis!
Anyone that doesn't love Ashley is literally a flaming faggot
She looks like a man tho
I'm not actually sure if you were supposed to care about Rosh but I think you were
The forced boss fight is actually easier if you never level Kimahri.
She's entirely useless as a companion. Anything she can do, Wrex and Garrus can do better.
Well at least he was better than Carth
Trish from infamous
>treats you like dogshit at every turn
>supposed to feel bad when she dies
the only thing good about ashley is killing her in the third game
Legit everyone in Dragon Age 2 aside from Varic.
very true
He was like Carth but without whining every minute. So, a good Carth
Right game, wrong character
Literally would have killed her myself if it wasn't required to recruit her
Ashley was fine, imo
Daniel isn't exactly a companion though. Miserable little fuck though, nigga needs to decide what he truly wants.
your stupid dog from Fable 2
fuck that nigger was perpetually in the way
This girl.
I had to stop playing the game because of her.
And well, also because I didn't really fancy it, so maybe I was looking for an excuse to stop.
Doesn't change the fact that she's the single most annoying female I've been subjected to in a video game.
>first ME she was raicist and shiet but it was bearable because she was right
Who gives a fuck get out of my face
it's so stupid. There's not even that many combinations you fucking dunce, unless of course you keep forgetting them because you are a moron
other than wrex, she's the only d̶e̶c̶e̶n̶t̶ character in the game
What did you hate about her?
I'm not a talimancer but I didn't hate her. She was just meh
Everyone else is tolerable at worst.
>kaidan goes full beta sperg when he finds out femshep and Liara are an item
I can't believe I killed kaidan for this when ashley is such a cunt later on
I kind of like Alphys, but goddamn the way you meet her and how she calls you every fucking second was hamfisted as fuck.
I fugged her :3 she's hot
That's not Liara.
Honestly both characters were bland and very unlikable, but Ashley takes the cake.
All she's good for
Ashley was bad, bit Miranda was the absolute worst for me
>We didn't try to commit genocide on the Geth! It's not like machines are people! We did nothing wrong
>Why are my people so mistreated when we violated galactic law? We shouldn't have to face consequences for our actions
>I still wanna kill all the Geth, just so you know
>Feel bad for me, even though I won't admit my troubles are all my ancestors' fault
Tali was just an exception to quarians, most quarians were cunts and deserved to die, but Tali was just misled.
Everyone here hates Alphys because she is a mirror into our souls. She is a bad person, and she represents most of us perfectly.
Anyone who isn't garius or wrex is shit
Why the fuck do you think I want human looking fuckers in my SPACE RPG?
Still mad I couldn't recruit one of those space Jews
>mfw genociding her entire race and seeing her commit sudoku
best moment in trilogy
everyone in this image
I didn't like Miranda either but fuck, she's the most useful squadmate
>SJWs whine about Ash being racist and religious
>If you run with her she becomes less racist based on your example, and eventually comes to defend her comrades regardless of their origin
>It's the "Geth are people too!" argument
lol nope
Fuck those calculators and their Pinoccio fantasies. Machines are meant to be controlled by their creator
I got kinda pissed at Tali when she got all soft with Legion after I murdered all of the Geth on Rannoch. Unloading 3 rounds into that fucking tin can felt great
I don't know if anyone put it yet but FUCKING ANDERS from Dragon Age 2. Holy shit, he was such a faggot throughout the entire game, and then when he betrays you it's the perfect example of an irredeemable piece of shit. I actually wanted to kill him or kick him out of my party long before the betrayal. I've never hated a companion more than Anders
Oh I'm not saying you can't do that with every character, Ash was just too obnoxious to even care.
People seem to forget that she gets pretty cool in ME3
I wanted to kill her myself. >:(
Just because she's a mirror doesn't make her a better character. The chapter makes her out to be more obnoxious than sympathetic.
Also, her intentions were good, but she fucked up considerably, so she's not a bad person.
That's because they imported a crater instead.
And hot.
Yosuke was actually a brilliant character. He's so unlikable and dickish that everyone else is likable by comparison. Even Teddie and Naoto. He keeps you from hating everyone else in the game because you direct all the hate at him.
>Wrex about to kill you because you fucked up royally
>Ashley comes in and saves your life at the last moment
>People blame her for it
>She is a bad person
She built a body for a friend in need.
She assisted more than anyone in trying to free the monster race from banishment.
She even fucking feeds those freaks in the lab out of guilt.
She may not be strong enough to stand up to Asgard, but that in itself hardly makes her a bad person.
Because Wrex is actually likeable and useful. First time I played I didnt get his armor and got him killed and restarted the whole game cause I didnt want him to die
She's honestly more interesting than Carth 2.0
Kaiden was so goddamn boring I couldn't bear it anymore. At least Ashley brought up some decent conversation. If it part of it was because she was distrusting of aliens
This but P3 instead. I didn't find them unlikable, just not endearing. The only emotion I felt at Shinji's death was joy that Akihiko's Persona evolved.
I kill Wrex on all my playthroughs now.
Somewhat regrettable but id rather save Mordin and sabotage the genophage than cure it in ME3
She came across as a cunt, t b h
>save Mordin
nigga Salarians die after 30 years. He's an old man and probs has 5 years to live anyway.
Universally hated.
Yeah I never understood why they went that direction, would've been a more dramatic moment if they actually showed her liking Cole
I'll take 5 years of running tests on seashells over an empire of space niggers
I forget why she was such a bitch too, all i remember is
>hey cole help me
>help her
>she makes a passive aggressive comment every time
That's what I don't get, Wrex literally says to everyone's face he's going to rebuild the Krogan empire and expand across the galaxy.
I get that Eve or whatever her real name is (Burkara?) will be a stabilising force but still, even the reasonable Krogan is an asshat.
>You cannot betray or kill your companions.
And you don't want to help him die in peace while he feels that he has redeemed himself?
You're tempting me to replay the trilogy with a Ashley spare Liara romance run. But I don't think I can stomach editing files to separate Spacebar and inflating war assets again.
I mostly tune out during the human storylines, regardless, except for Splint Chesthair.
Bullshit,she was really likable. Sorry you don't like the challenge of unraveling so-called tough women to reveal their womanly side user.
Can I fart into her cunt (fucking her) as a lezbian
I did like her romance but the whole WAHHHH THE FEMINIST POPE IS DEAD WAHHH along with that forgettable seeker plotline... meh
>Sorry you don't like the challenge of unraveling so-called tough women to reveal their womanly side user.
How underage can you get? You never played adventure games? They're full of good female protags.
Get the fuck out
>ITT: Every BioWare game
>third game
You mean the first game right?
In his defense, Wrex does say that he'll ask the Council's permission but still
No matter how good the intentions of Eve and Wrex are, they're delusional if they think they can keep the entire Krogan race from a population explosion. Krogan are gonna want to fuck and there's no stopping them.
He seemed awfully proud of his work in ME2. Figure he'll do fine by knowing that his work is saving the galaxy
By "Splint Chesthair", do you mean Vega? Cause I liked Vega despite him being Jersey Shore incarnate, lol
>Not realizing I'm talking about Dragon Age in specifically to the other anons post
Name a good female protag in Inquerristion? If not (You) get the fuck out kind sir.
What that REALLY says is that they're some of the only ones hellbent on making companions you'll remember.
All the companions in PoE, including Durance.
>good female
>Bioware game
you still need to get out
>accidently locked into the fucking alien romance because i thought i could pull both her and liara
The only thing wrong with the genophage is that it makes most babies stillborn. If it was just reduced conception rates, there wouldn't even be any sane reason to get rid of it.
Just because they're memorable doesn't make them good.
She's supposed to be mad at you because the explosion killed her sister, but you didn't do shit so it's pretty much bullshit
How I hated this bitch. That's why I went with the Elder path. Decided to reaload the save and barely finished her mission, she is insufferable and you are supposed to appease to her to get the good ending. Fuck that.
Exactly why we need Mordin alive to make more modifications to it
She's my waifu you son of a bitch!
That's like being pissed at a mailman because 9/11 killed her sister and the mailman delivered a letter there the day of
She was 10/10 in ME1, but turned to shit after that game. Literally unbearable in ME3.
That's why when I replayed the trilogy I killer her off on Vermire. She's better off as a memory, a hero who died in battle and rectified her family's millitary legacy.
this condescending passive-aggressive cunt
You're right Ulysses was basically the same way
>you bombed my home
>come see me at my base
>by the way i rigged this door to launch a nuke in the area when you open it
You can influence his way of thinking and he'll actually come around talking about his regret.
>good female
>Bioware game
Touche user,touche!
>Dying in battle is better than becoming the second human Spectre
What are you smoking? She was the only good companion in that game
Cant believe this hasnt been posted yet. Im pretty tolerable of bad companions but christ this one takes the cake. Looking like a greasy goblin really didnt help her case
Hence why I don't influence him to regret the genophage
She was a dirty slut,I liked her but her sister seems like a bigger slut. Why couldn't we ban g her WHY!?