How do you beat this piece of shit?
How do you beat this piece of shit?
press the (
just shit out bombs everywhere until he dies
if it's too hard right now, get more energy tanks and come back later you casual
>Already having problems with Arachnus
Oh boy, Torizo is going to tear you a new one.
get good
Stop playing this turd and play the original. I just played through it last night and it was fantastic.
I've never seen someone so bad before.
That's pretty weak b8 man.
So is anyone gonna actually tell me what I did wrong? Was I at least close to killing it? Is the electric things on the walls the indicator of when it will die?
Only used charge shots? That's hard since pellets still come out
And you are playing normal?, jesus, and I thought I was bad for having problems with Torizo on hard.
here's a hint since you're not getting it
you literally did the right thing in 2.webm, go back and look at it
just do that a few more times
Hard. Man it was confusing getting here so I really don't wanna leave. The map before was this huge ass area with pipes
Maybe I can upload my save and someone beat him for me?
If you are having such a bad time, play it on normal, it only gets harder from that point onward, way harder.
Was fusion your first metroid game btw?
This is my first metroid game
>So is anyone gonna actually tell me what I did wrong?
No, because you should be perfectly capable of figuring this shit out on your own with us handholding you.
By reading the log entry, rubbing your 2 brain cells together and getting ideas on how to proceed.
and you are playing it on hard right from the go?, that's brave, but you are in for a harsh time, since it's your first experience with a metroid game i'd advice to explore and find stuff on your own, that's the whole appeal of it, you are ALONE in an alien planet you see.
Don't be afraid to start a new game on normal either, which frankly, you should.
Finally beat him who sucks now fagbags?
You in about two more areas.
Does hitting him even damage him? Was the entire point of the fight just to lodge him on those electrical rods? Well thanks to the user who emphasized that part. All I got out of it was a crappy jump ball thing
Alright see you at the next boss area.
hence why you should read the log entry
it literally says "can only be harmed by electricity" or some shit like that as well as "can be propelled by a bomb" so yes, you're pissing away all your missiles for no goddamn reason
People can probably beat this without taking 1 hit.
How can anyone call themselves a gaymer if they don't play on the hardest difficulty of every game from the start
I want to be that no hits guy
Jesus Christ how old are you? I never played that metroid game and just by looking at your second Webm I have an idea of how to defeat that boss
>That super missile drop
What and how?
that's not a super missile
Arachnus and Torizo weren't very hard. Now that one dome boss with all the beams and shit, that was a pain in the ass.
>calling yourself a "gamer"
I'm 27. My assumption was those rods got him out of rage mode so he would take damage again. Took me a while to figure out he was getting faster as he rolls and that I didn't need multiple bombs to launch him far. Though I only figured it out when I was webming them and watching my play. Now that I know I can't lose again. Just tell me what the trick is to the other 2 bosses. I know they must have a gimmick too.
People like you are why zelda bosses have big glowing weakpoints with arrows pointing at them.
jesus christ anyone who hasnt played a single metroid game in 2016 is fucking underage and a huge fucking retard
kill yourself or die in a fire
When I played this back in like 2013 or whatever, Arachnus was my brick wall. It is tricky OP but you'll get it.
And don't worry, Torizo is only hard if you don't keep space jumping.
>Couldn't figure this boss out
>Forgot about the log entries so I never checked
>Eventually realized that the wall spikes were there for a reason and put two and two together
Even if you're an illiterate fuck it's still obvious as hell to pick up on.
>You can turn into a ball
>You can bounce on your bombs
>Boss turns into a ball
It's not fucking hard at all
I've played various Metriod games here and there but have never finished one until now. Since AM2R released I've been working my way though that and Zero Mission. Should I still kill myself?
Or just use a Power Bomb...
>having power bombs before you fight arachnus
I know technically its possible but holy fuck that's autism.