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>playing Overwatch

Suffer more, faggot.


His ass

patch notes aren't posted yet, but play the PTR.

Genji can no longer triple jump. You can't jump after wall climbing anymore.
Ult nerfed to 6 seconds.
Can no longer dash to cancel his melee. That combo is fucking dead now.

He's literally been nerfed into the ground. Hanzo is also ridiculous now

Seems to me he got normalized. The fucker was above and beyond any other carry in terms of pretty much everything, add in animation cancels and other gimmicks and here we are.


He was annoying

Y-you guys are joking right haha

I just learned how to play this fucker and was having a blast destroying everyone why must all good things come to an end

You kidding?

Fuck those shitters who couldn't aim


Because it was blatantly imbalanced. I'm glad he's getting nerf. Now that pro genji on the other team can't carry and the retard on my team might play someone else instead of being dead weight. Well worse then dead weight because at least an empty player slot doesn't help charge the enemy ults.

Hope you enjoy Hanzos on every single team now.

Not trolling. Just watch seagull's stream and he confirmed all these changes. Apparently you can still dash to cancel melee during his ult

All pointless though since Tracer is now the new mobility char

>If the hooked target isn't in Roadhog's line of sight when retracting the hook, they will be moved back to the position where they were originally hooked
Oh good just run Roadhog into F rank from D rank. He wasn't NOT picked enough.

Good. Fuck you weeaboo faggots.

>H-He spouts random japanese words, just like muh animaymays!

Meanwhile, tanks like Roadhog and Reinhardt are allowed to insta-kill and McCree still has a scrubby stun.

Genji doesn't have a stun and he has to shout his ult preemptively before he can even start swinging his sword.

I'm going to be sorely disappointed if they nerf Genji. Even more so if they leave the actual bullcrap untouched.

Oh, that's good. I'm all for it.

Tracer buff when?

>playing a game literally made for people who don't know how to play shooters

Overwatch has to be the biggest piece of casual shit ever made, and yet people unironically cry about balance changes.

Just from reading the patch notes, you can immediately tell blizzard caters the game to retards who cant fucking aim


I think most of those changes are unwarranted, though I just hated the ult length when playing support and I also hated his shitty hitbox when he double jumps.

Tracer is fine as is

>Fixing the good bug his hook had
>Not fixing the 50% chance of enemies being hooked to the side or behind you

he was a pick almost 50% of the time, obviously a problem. not those 100% picks like zarya or lucio

Until we get 60tick matchmaking and baddies can finally admit how bad they are, this is the type of balancing we'll see when it comes to latency.

>Genji can no longer triple jump. You can't jump after wall climbing anymore.
>Ult nerfed to 6 seconds.
These two sound incredibly fair actually

That's really weird way to fix him.

Should've been
>reduce deflect hitbox
>deflect no longer blocks melee damage
>dash doesn't refresh on kills

What's different with hanzo? Are all my quick play hanzo main hours going to pay off?

Is that a pro Genji?

>He's literally been nerfed into the ground
Are you stupid? He was abusing every mechanic he had. His ult is still powerful just not as long anymore. I don't think 1 second is enough should be 2 at least but we'll see.

>12s E and literally smallest health pool in the game
Just one of these needs to be changed and she'd be perfect

broken hitboxes are back and his projectile speed is buffed by 30 percent

Everything here :

Zen and Lucio got nerf too.

>watch a "Mei highlight video" of various pro plays
>it's literally shit I've been doing with her since I first started playing

I'm really, really glad I stopped playing. It's a boring game with a stale meta and nothing changes from game to game. The only character that was new and unique and unusual was Mei, and she was the only character worth playing.

If you think shit players doing badly with a character is a valid complaint, your opinion is worthless.
If a Genji was rolling an enemy team, he was just a straight up better player than them. Landing his shurikens to out dps people is harder than hitting him when he's jumping around.
The only reason why shitters hate Genji is because when he is a better player than his opponent, he'll roll over them.

Discord shouldve been nerfed to 25%.

>Reinhardt are allowed to insta-kill
his charge is incredibly hard to land against competent players

Is this what people were talking about when they said "Blizzard balancing", where they nerf whoever was picked often into the ground and someone just replaced them, repeat over and over?

Because I don't think I like it.

>Genji can no longer triple jump. You can't jump after wall climbing anymore
thats dumb and will make him much less fun to play
>Ult nerfed to 6 seconds.
thats good its way too strong
>Can no longer dash to cancel his melee. That combo is fucking dead now.
thats also fine, using gimmicky animation cancels to do more dmg is just lame

>broken hitboxes are back

Oh for fuck sake, just when I thought this game was heading in a good direction.

Unless he can't cleave you in Alaska from Cape Town the nerfs are worth shit.

Seriously just play the game. Genji right now is the Bastion of early release. Getting PotG nonstop just for having people on his screen while the ult is up.

I agree on deflect but the shift reset is crucial to the character. Its meant to be an assassin that takes out a support and gets away

>yfw genjifag tears
>yfw mei now freezes based on health (i.e, squishes freeze near instantly and tanks take longer)
>yfw ragequits after you freeze a genji, wave, then bop them

>Pyro with ice instead of fire

Pick one. She's garbage against anyone with even a shred of skill.

I just hope they don't nerf Mei next. She's the only reason I'm hanging on in ranked solo-queue, carrying scrubs in 50+.

Thank fucking christ, Genji was always a pain in the ass to go against >.

>Blocks melee damage
Huh? So it just negates it? I see hit markers every time I melee him with his deflect up but haven't taken note of his health.


This! Genji tears are the bestest! ^.^

deserved to get nerfed

>Developer Comments: Hanzo has the potential to deal a lot of damage, but he can feel really inconsistent, even at a medium distance. By increasing the projectile speed, we’re extending his reliable range, making it easier to land shots without having to perfectly predict enemy movement.

You're garbage

>revert to old broken hitboxes
>make Hanzo even more casual

That would make Genji absolute trash.

I have to agree, I also get annoyed when I play Bastion and use his ult and some faggot weeb comes in and deflects my shell right back towards me

Ult yes.
Triple jump, fuck no. Any balance team that thinks it's fair game to NERF movement options is a fucking joke. Movement options are what give fps's proper depth. Genji's jumping shenanigans could easily be solved by doing shit like allowing airstrafing, or giving pharah proper hover movement options. Make mei go faster if she runs over frozen ground etc.

Don't worry, they are going to fix/unfix his hitboxes every 2 patches to change the meta

Is this patch for the PC version, or the console version that no one cares about?

Can he still counter fire strike?

If you're ever caught off guard for a second, it's ridiculously punishing.

Also, Hammer Down is guaranteed free kills. There is no situational nature to it, it comes out instantly and you just press Q to stun them long enough to get free kills.

good. If he can hit me while I'm pharah 50ft in the air he's OP

they should have fixed the hitbox on deflect as well

>Simultaneously reverting the previous change to projectile sizes

The projectile nerf didn't even stop the shitters from instalocking him, this will only make things worse.


Get fucked Genji you cunt.

Nigga are you seriously bitching about Reinhardt?

>dva gremlin is now canon

Joke's on you, I'm just going to switch to playing Hanzo every game now that based Blizzard have buffed him.


Doesn't matter to be.

I play Zarya


>1000 overbucks
Worth it.

hahah fucking great
needs some more nerfs to be fair hope they'll go through with it


All of the tanks are for scrubs

They're far too rewarding for how easy they are to play.

Shit, I was playing Roadhog yesterday and he beats out all of the Defensive heroes. Why ever bother playing Hanzo, Mei, or Junkrat when you can just hook insta-kill somebody?

Reinhardt is absolutely OP and if there isn't a Genji persistently on his ass, there's absolutely nothing in the game that is going to stop him from just walking to the capture point with his bitch-ass shield up.

No, when you melee Genji while he's reflecting, the damage comes back to you.

>Bought this game on Saturday because fuck it, looks fun/have some friends who play it
>Main Hanzo and Genji because I'm a weeb who likes to be wall running ninjas while everyone else runs around with guns
>Get actually really good with Genji because HOLY FUCK I'M GREY FOX
>This happens

How could they do this to me so soon?

>playing roadhog

Lol how's rank 30?

You have sinned by playing the japs too much

You deserve it faggot.


That's wrong, I've never received melee damage back against a Genji.

The game is going down the shitter. Shit like Roadhog is allowed to exist and ults that happen instantaneous, but Genji who has no stuns and a wind-up to his ult get nerfed. It makes no sense.

Is this an indefinite taunt like the ones they have in TF2?

someones salty that he cant dodge slow as fuck projectiles.

>D.Va no longer communicates her ultimate status for Self-Destruct while charging her Call Mech ultimate

Fucking finally.

>Watchpoint: Gibraltar’s first checkpoint has been removed

GOOD. It made no fucking sense. It's so easy to get by anyway. Why give the attacking team an easy pass.

>Hanzo shoots arrows faster and they undid the projectile fix

just dodge the hook, dude xD

Its not even a big nerf. He is still exactly the same, the only difference is he can no longer fly across the map by abusing an edge glitch and he will have 2 seconds left on his dragonblade instead of 4 seconds after Ana boosts him and the entire enemy team is dead.

Its fucking nothing.

Does he still have ridiculous ult charge time?

>The mech has holders sized specifically for dewritos


You all know how much whining touching Genji will cause?

I think they'll end up with a DmC tier campaign on their hands from angry faggots who were enjoying easy wins once they played him for more than a couple hours

>drinks dew and eats doritos
Did they really made that canon? Kind of based.

>too rewarding for how easy they are to play

Just because something is not as difficult to play doesn't mean it should not be allowed to be effective.

Just because something is more difficult to play doesn't mean it should be allowed to completely break the game.

>If you're ever caught off guard for a second, it's ridiculously punishing.
And that reinhardt was watching you expecting you to be off guard before you even knew it because there's 3 second start up on the charge.

>roadhog can hook you across the map and reveal your teams position in the process
>roadhog can free the entire enemy team and deny a zone with a constructable wall
>Roadhog can lob projectiles in parabolic arcs and kill groups of players in 1 move

stop posting, stop playing.

>Genji can no longer triple jump. You can't jump after wall climbing anymore.
Honestly never should of been able too.

Because they need it. Defending Gibraltar is an easier win than Volskaya or Hanamura.

If you're honestly good, then you'll be able to remain badass after the nerf. Getting good at a character when they're riding high doesen't mean you're good, just means you're FOTM. If you can be good on a character when they're at a low point, then when (if) they get buffed, you'll be a monster.

Do ANY projectiles have fall off?

can i get a link to all these changes?

>seagull is so butthurt

These tears are delicious.

Can someone explain the nerf on the melee-slash combo of Genji? I don't use him so I don't understand. How do you do this?

Melee then LShift?

>mfw seeing delicious genji player tears