Warcraft thread

BLIZZARD, Warcraft 4 fucking when? I want to know how this ends!

If you want to continue the story of wc3ft then go play WoW

>Wanting neo-Blizzard to ruin Warcraft RTS as well

it's being remade in starcraft 2

Disregard wow

it ended in WotLK with nameless heroes killing Arthas only to finding out there must always be a Lich King or the Scourge destroys the world so some burned up guy took his place.



You know have randoms progress the plot and destroy bosses ruins the lore right? Now anyone has or will be a raid boss instead of having a continued role?

He actually died

WoW isn't canon.

I've never played WoW but from what I've heard wasn't Admiral Proudmoore completely right since the humans and orcs have had like several more wars since then?

They can't coexist man, he was right in trying to eradicate the orcs.

>He wants a new game from neo-blizzard
You must either be a blizzdrone or a complete newfag

>implying Blizzard still doesn't make good games, the colossal misstep of the D3 launch notwithstanding.

Why was the undead campaign so much better than the other?
Why was the orc's one so shit?

Hopefully never. They already raped warcraft in wow, no need to rape it as RTS then. Just give us WC3 + TFT HD, with zero non-graphical changes. They would still manage to fuck it up in some way probably, but at least it would bring bnet back.

guys I want to play wc3 campaign again but the thing is i have already played a long time ago and know all the story but with cheats. will it be fun if i play it again without cheats or the campaign is all about story ?

WC3 has a nice varried gameplay. It should still be interesting.

Neither is WC2. And a lot of WC3.

>wasn't Admiral Proudmoore completely right since the humans and orcs have had like several more wars since then?
Shit was retconed, orcs are noble savages that dindu nuffin and Daelin just a bigot.

Diversity 1 - Middle age heterosexual straight white man 0

Fucking why would you want this? It would be terrible.
>muh Esports focus
>wow has destroyed every last shred of the lore

Activlizz cant into community anymore either. They lost it when they lost DOTA.
The game would probably have a terrrible map editor, and shitty map hosting options for battlenet.
Probably terrible matchmaking too. Fuck look how bad they fucked up Starcraft 2. I would still be playing that shit if they didnt gimp the custom map making scene.
But nope. Cant risk someone actually making a fun map. Can't let players host their own games. Here use this shitty lobby system!
Would have a shitty matchmaking system too.
Fuck I grew up loving Blizzard so much it hurts to see fucking activision destroy them so utterly.

yeah it's one of the reasons i hope blizzard isn't making a hd remaster of brood war, it would be ridden with modern bnet and other bullshit. i hope it's just a compatibility patch.

especially when there's stuff like shieldbattery in development.

Brood War HD. MY DICK.

Orcs are the migrants of azaroth

Sc2 story was so bad dude

>to see fucking activision destroy them so utterly
Is Blizzard's own fault. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>If you want to continue the story, play a spin-off game that is nothing like the original and is just a dumbed-down Everquest clone.

I hate you, Blizzard.

The story was ass, but the gameplay of the campaigns was fun as fuck. I'v played through WoL, HotS, and LoV at least 3 times each.

It was both, I definitely feel like its partly Blizzard having their heads so far up their own asses they cant see white form black.

I agree game play was good but the story was so bad, just so bad I didn't get the expansions

>didn't get the expansions
As far as story goes it literally only gets worse, but the game-play for HotS and LotV are great. While I am a huge protoss fag, I did think LotV's standalone story was pretty neat. Made the Protoss' struggle to retake their home-world feel pretty epic if a bit cliche.

SC2's gameplay is great, but it brings so little to the table compared to WC3.

I'd probably be better off playing the original StarCraft.

It's called Dota 2.


It wasn't bad. It was just ok, which was an utter disappointmnent after the cliffhanger that lasted a decade with Brood War.

So what if it ends up terrible? I'd still have Warcraft 3 and it's still my go to multiplayer game.

That RTS team's got to find something to do with Starcraft over and disregarding the story, which is already lost cause, I'd love to get the SC2 treatment gameplay-wise.

nuBlizzard ain't perfect but it's shown itself capable of learning from mistakes. Though I can understand the knee-jerk reactions as it's sometimes too little too late.

This post is the proof you can't please those so called "rts player" that claim the genre is dead when actually, they just have idealized their exigence to the point no rts game could satisfy them.

Kerrigan becoming a literal space god was pretty fucking awful mang

compared to what happen with Warcraft III and the Frozen Throne?


Well, that's what they're doing with Illidan in WoW this expansion.

Yes. Don't get me wrong, WoW lore has jumped the shark at this point, but I think TBC and WotLK did a pretty decent job of wrapping up the storylines of WC3 and TFT.

What's even left of the story? Everyone is dead or corrupted or risen and corrupted

just like real life

There are options.

Disregard it like the movie did. Set the events in far future or past. Make it about Caverns of Time parallel universe. Or make it about the current WoW so that it tells about the events that happened during the MMO, but weren't covered in the game.

>but I think TBC and WotLK did a pretty decent job of wrapping up the storylines of WC3 and TFT


dumb frogposters should be gassed.

>wanting Warcraft 4 after Starcraft 2 happenend
Blizzard can't write to save their cocain supply

So its obvious they're not making Warcraft 4. Can anyone explain the story for WoW and its expansions? I stopped following the story after finishing Frozen Throne. What happened to Arthas?

Watch the in-game cinematics and patch trailers in order and you'll know. He died like the rest of them.

So you're suggesting they just cherry pick what they(read:you) like, disregard everything else.

Sounds good?

>what I like everyone else also likes.

Besides I have the feeling nu-blizzard might pull a Disney and kill off the old cast for some new ones no one cares about.

I'm afraid your the dumb one my newfriend :)

If you knew anything about Warcraft lore you would know how terrible TBC was from a lore perspective.

Then why don't you enlighten me instead of shitposting faggot.

What memes are you on user? I never even specified what they should concentrate the story on. I simply stated that there are ways to go about it with WoW having happened.

>the horrid abomination that sc2 was
>diablo 3 having "just a decent pulpy story"
seriously what the fuck happened
i mean do they even care?

I think the problem was they accidentally wrote 'epic' stories for their games in the past. Once they had that reputation they just wen't overboard with them thinking they had to top what came before instead of just letting shit come naturally.

>BLIZZARD, Warcraft 4 fucking when? I want to know how this ends!

Is amazing how some people cant see the reality of the industry and keep asking for things like "make a warcraft 4/baldurs gate 3/bloodlines 2".

Living in a dream world must be a bless.


>warcraft 4 for consoles announced!

Good game confirmed! Right user?

Now i want to replay this.
Thanks OP.

>shown itself capable of learning from mistakes

this is what blizdrones actually believe!

Blizzard is just a name now, just like Bioware.

>Implying D3 wasn't a good port to consoles
>Implying a WC4 wouldn't be made for PC first
Just because Overwatch is also on consoles doesn't mean the real game for PC is bad.

if you're drugged up the ass and completely full of yourself you tend to spew out a lot of complete shit

>made for PC first

please stop my stomach hurts!

>nuwoman administers race mixers.jpg

what happen to the sc2 port of wc3?

did the project just die out or what??

>Warcraft 4 fucking when?

nice meme

There were several. I think Armies of Azeroth is the good one. Don't know about the progress.

Lets make it here. I start with the races:

>black men
>black womyn
>gay orcs
>furry elfs
>trans undead
>otherkin nagas

Can I play as proton?

enjoy your 4 buttons, shiteater.