I don't see a Monster Hunter thread, let's fix that by posting the best monster
Monster Hunter Thread
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But that's not Magala
>Not Stygian Zinogre
>Stygian Zinogre
>Liking Edgynogre over Cool Zinogre
What's the difference between Stun and Exhaust, which is better against a monster?
stun is something some weapons can do by hitting heads.
exhaust puts the mon into drool stage. but also makes it easier to topple and ez to interrupt attacks and denies access to mons ultras. plus it also counts as ko versus heads, which is great on weapons that don't ko\stun
unless you mean para....
So impact attacks always do exhaust damage anywhere, and do KO damage on the head? Does that mean a team of four hammers, even with none of them going for the head, will result in an easier fight?
shit, yeah sorry, my bad!
>tfw can't sub15 HR guild quests solo
I'm getting put off by how bad I am at this game no matter how hard I try.
Closest I got was a 17 minute Mizutsune
How do you guys do it?
Wrong again OP, that is not pic related.
After playing since the original monster hunter and struggling to make guild hammer work with a dreadking set, I almost quit the series. It's known as the easy game, but that's mostly because of adept.
It's much harder to play purist, but because of my own elitism, it was so demoralizing. I did beat it though.
why is steve lbg such shit in Gens?
does it even rapid fire any fucking thing in later upgrades?
git gud with GS
in out of the fry pan*
I play Guild SnS. I don't do striker, losing the backhop charge is too big a loss. And the only two arts I ever need are absolute readiness and shoryugeki.
I guess I just need to git gud. At least I'm not carting, yet...
Maybe some better cat partners could help better too. For now they just sort of do their thang while occasionally buffing/healing.
Give me all your best Zinogre (and his variations) pic. My folder lacks Zinogre
Are the Khezu DB any good?
It seems like the only half decent paralysis DB
delete this
>tfw no para GS
Not really. Maybe against electric weak monsters they're at least average. Status DB are fucked this time around, other than poison but no one uses poison regularly
>if it did exist it would have 20 para and 110 attack with blue sharp
aka how generations handles status weapons.
how do I unlock the silver and gold Rathalos quests?
Post more nekos
I don't think that's how you do it
What does that mean again?
I finished everything in village 6* and now it appeared tons of advanced: kill 5 monsters in a row stuff
I think it's time to start doing those hub accounting shit!
Yes you do, trust me
>It's a kelbi fucker doesn't use his coatings at all episode
This is the actual best monster
>astalos plate.jpg
Is it bad that it took me the longest time to realize the black thing is a set of balls? Thought it was just empty space.
>tfw no mhgenerations on vita
I so fucking want Monster Hunter Story to do this.
where is down syndrome blondie?
There is a lack of Arzuros art is disturbing
Hello there!
Currently doing all prowler quests from hr1 to 7 in hopes to unlock the 50lv cap on cats
What's is your current mhg goal, Sup Forums?
burnt as fuck
Going to fight redhelm azuros. He's going to be cake.
It's just an arzuros. How bad could it be?
right now I want to unlock all deviants, all remaining arts and build silver nargacuga set
Don't worry he's bearly even a challenge
RIP user
There's no need to be beary cautious, just jump at it and attack
hi user
>Got MHG at launch
>Only just got to HR3
I mean I really love a lot of the new stuff but I really am not that much of a fan of the arts and styles.
This series would be a lot better if there was less tedious item collecting. At least you only absolutely have to upgrade weapons but even then it can get grindy just to get upgrade to weapons you need to proceed (well, if you like a timely kill/capture not a drawn out fight)
I played Tri and 3U and really had to push myself hard through the early content because it was so fucking dull. They need to cut the crap and offer a separate tutorial for people who want/need it. Ideally I want nothing but kill/capture quests for large monsters and nothing else from the start. Then your basic items should all appear in the regular shop, no combining bullshit or stupid fisherman shit. Just sell me the complete bombs, traps and ALL bullets you fucks
I've spend so much more time gathering items instead of fighting large monsters. By the time I get to the next one in early game my reflexes are shot because I've been on auto pilot
>cleared all village quest
>cleared all hub hunt quests
>only thing left to do is level deviants
you know you can just play ignoring them, no need to be a pansy about iot
Do you mean little miss forge? She might not be among the best, but she clearly is adorable.
Anyone want to do the Birds of prey quest and get triple volley III?
Passcode is 7243
What does that mean again?
it means Palico
no, i mean the SEEEE YAAAAA!!!
Do you think Dasding the dude who translated MHX will do Stories?
Even just the menus and items/armors would be helpful
Ok this have been bugging me for a while but how good is the back hop charge attack really?
Because I feel that if it is just there to do heavier raw damage then it seems moot considering SnSs are not too heavy on the raw damage department. Does it multiplies elements like GS's charge or something?
>Cool weapons
>no elemental damage
I love you but i hate you Sergio
Why are people starting to call Steve something different now?
I named one of my Palicos after you, Vitanon.
I gave him shit moves and never use him, to reflect the Vita itself
Actual best monster
seregios does sound like sergio, which is pretty normal name in south america
Because Seregios is close to "Sergio"? I believe its a mexican name
Literally everyone called him Steve during 4U, though
Monster combo attacks when?
>finally get my favorite armor
>useless to ice damage
>next quest is the Mammoth
>3rd world shithole
>surprised to find locals playing monster hunter
>they are shit at it
I don't know why I am surprised
I'll help. Just gimme a sec
>OP confirmed to be underage
It's just a phase, user
I don't know damage calculations but it feels good especially when it crits. I think I remember reading it was like 40 MV which is good considering the other sns mvs are teens/20s. Not to mention it gives me a chance to get away from a monster mid combo or to smoothly continue said combo
>actually just a female diablos that's horny as fuck
wew lad
>having a favorite monster means you're underage
and I bet you'll get Stories
>as he posts the most gen 1 monster in 4
I want to thank you Sup Forums.
I've pumped over 100 hours in 2 weeks into my first Monster Hunter games, and I've played with some great people (even a French guy that was actually quite nice, who thought me how to ride monsters).
At a certain point I was HR 6 when I first discovered there were villages in this game.
I'm currently HR 48 and still haven't visited any village outside of the starter village, meaningless to say, I'm stuck with the starter food and feel like an utter noob.
How do I git gud?
>finish upgrading astalos db
>next fight is a kirin
Should I buy Generations or wait until the NX rerelease? Also there was some rumor about a next gen Monster Hunter game, anyone heard anything about it
I call him Sergios.
Pick a quest, find the monster, hit the monster until it dies. You are now good at MH.
can't tell if boy or girl, why do all white boys look like traps?
2 slots open for Birds of Prey
2 slots left get in here.
At this point you can easily breeze through the village quests
But you knew this already, and are just being dumb on purpose
Sergy for me
that cat knows the true pain
you're so kind, user
I've seen peoplr with HR above 50, i don't understand, are there quests with 50 stars?
I feel like I was born in Sup Forums when it comes to Monster Hunter.
If you ever wondered how someone would turn out in a game he has 0 knowledge of, by being molded by Sup Forums, this is the result.
I love you guys.
stop key rushing.
>stop key rushing.
when will this meme end?
you telling me to stop getting the good stuff?by making some boring egg fetching?
There's plenty of monsters that aren't keys user.
Is there a full image of that?
Basically once you get to G you'll stop getting HR specific quests, rather than that all quests (caravan and tavern) will give you a certain amount of points, collect enough points and you'll raise an HR.
Same image just with different coloring and one without the thong
who is the artist? I'm not even gay[ but I love monster hunter stuff. /spoiler]
>Silverwind farm hub
>HR 78 enters the hub
>Grimclaw set with defense over 600
>Ashen Bardredd
>carts twice
>not sure if carried all along or hacker
Google the image and it will show where it is
Duramboros, Uragaan and Deviljho are my bros.
Brute wyverns for life.
Because you're a faggot
I don't know who you are, but I know you've been here for years because I know you post the same cat picture and the same posting structure where it zooms in closer on the cat face, I love it
Whoever decided that silver los needed a super explosion fireball needs to be vivisected